Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Otto, Martin" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Otto, Martin" )' returned 8 results. Modify search
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Vested rights
(1,026 words)
1. ConceptVested rights (Latin
iura quaesita, German
wohlerworbene Rechte, French
droits aqcuis) in the European jurisdictions influenced by Roman law were legal positions awarded to individuals (Person) or groups by legal act. They were distinct from other rights by virtue not of their content, but solely the manner of their acquisition (Law) [10. 42]. Underlying them was the idea that legal titles, except where founded in the state of nature (“natural rights”), required a specific act of bestowal in order to be “vested” (i.e. irrevocably …
Legal remedy
(2,629 words)
1. Definition A legal remedy (Latin
remedium iuris,
remedium contra sententias; French
voie de recours; German
Rechtsmittel) enables a party in a trial before a court of law to dispute a judgment; if a legal remedy is utilized, a higher instance reviews and decides the case anew. In broader usage until around the year 1850, a legal remedy covered all means of protecting or enforcing one’s rights, including lawsuits, appeals, complaints, petitions, and acts of restoration to a previous state. As a rule, but not necessarily, a legal remedy is utilized in a court of law.Martin Otto2. T…
Road laws
(1,169 words)
1. Concept Road laws are the statutes governing the construction, use, dedication, and naming of public and private roads (see Road construction). Since the separation of legal spheres became established, road laws have been considered part of public law, but their effect also extends into private law [13. 331]. Road laws in this sense do not include the right of way in civil law, a right
in rem attached to land permitting public access to make a way across it (a type of easement, also known as a servitude).Martin Otto2. StraßenzwangIn the medieval Empire, a
Straßenzwang (road enforc…
Jury, trial by
(1,315 words)
1. Definition and historical context Trial by jury and assizes (French
jury, cour d'assises; German
Assisen) - are courts of law composed of professional judges and jurors (Lay judge); in contrast to German
Schöffengerichte, a distinction is made between the judges’ and jurors’ bench. The concept of trial by jury recalls the oath sworn by medieval lay judges. In the German political terminology of the
Vormärz period, the term (
Schwurgerichte) stood for courts at which citizens themselves administered justice.Such trials by jury…
Rhine, Confederation of the
(1,899 words)
“Confederation of the Rhine” (German
Rheinbund; French
Confédération du Rhin) is the name given to two early modern federations of German states created under French influence (States, confederation of).1. First confederation, 1658A first Rhenish confederation (the “Rhenish League” or “Rhenish Alliance”; German
Rheinischer Bund,
Rheinische Allianz; French
Ligue du Rhin) was formed on August 14, 1658 at Frankfurt am Main as a response to the election of the Habsburg Leopold I as Holy Roman Emperor (Holy Roman Empire [of the German Nation]).…
(2,671 words)
1. Philosophy
1.1. In generalIn general terms, judgment is the capacity and act of determination and decision. Transmitted from antiquity and scholasticism, the term (Latin
iudicium; cf. French
jugement, German
Urteil) had a place in all arts and sciences of the early modern period, as well as in law (see below, section 2), politics, and the various crafts and trades of everyday life. In particular, it was constantly disputed whether reason, understanding, or external and internal senses should claim the greatest authority …
(10,484 words)
1. Definition In the Middle Ages, law (Latin
ius, French
droit, German
Recht - the German term, like English “right,” is a substantivization of the adjective
reht meaning “right,” “straight,” “correct,” attested since the 8th century) - originally indicating a statute like Latin
lex and French
loi - was a divine disposition [53. 249 f.]. With few exceptions (Municipal law), written legal collections were not viewed as normative. It was rather on account of the influence of the medieval law school at Bologna and the so-called learned …
(5,070 words)
1. General considerations Censorship (Lat.
censura; “examination,” “judgment”) is now understood as the “authoritative monitoring of human utterances” [18. 3] and serves for communication monitoring, generally for the stabilization of a state or church system. This monitoring is realized by means of various different practical measures: by preventive censorship, which requires the submission for examination of manuscripts by relevant institutions before printing begins, or subsequent or repressive censorship, whi…