Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Petzoldt, Martin" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Petzoldt, Martin" )' returned 11 results. Modify search
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Becker, Cornelius
(191 words)
[German Version] (Oct 24, 1561, Leipzig – May 25, 1604, Leipzig) studied in Leipzig, in 1588 collega tertius at the Thomas school; in the same year he was archdeacon at Rochlitz, in 1592 at St. Nicholas in Leipzig. In 1594, Becker was minister in Leipzig. His licentiate in 1597 and his doctorate in 1599 led to a professorship of theology. In 1601, he was suspe…
Religion Past and Present
Ammon, Christoph Friedrich von
(190 words)
[German Version] (Jan 16, 1786, Bayreuth – May 21, 1850, Dresden). Ammon became professor of philosophy at Erlangen in 1789, and professor of theology in 1790. He moved to Göttingen in 1794 and returned to Erlangen in 1804 (where he also held ecclesiastical office). He served as chief court preacher in Dresden from 1813 to 1849. Apart from his general characte…
Religion Past and Present
Liturgical Cantata
(409 words)
[German Version] The effort to use religious cantatas in worship starts from the importance of music in worship that gained significance especially through Luther's reform of worship (Worship: I, 6.b): ¶ worship as a sacrifice of praise and a sin-offering. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the development in the Protestant territories and cities of Germany led to a rich musical environment that promoted especially the
musica figuralis for the proprium. In fact, worship services were conducted as liturgical cantatas, without being understood as …
Religion Past and Present
(501 words)
[German Version]
1. Julius (May 10, 1857, Lengerich, Westphalia – Jun 7, 1930, Münster), together with F. Spitta, a leader of the “Older Liturgical Movement.” After studying theology at Bonn, Halle, and Göttingen, he succeeded Spitta as assistant preacher in Bonn. He received his license to teach in 1884 and was appointed pastor in Seelscheid. In 1891 he was appointed professor in the seminary at Friedberg and in 1893 professor of practical theology at Straßburg (Strasbourg). In 1914 he became the f…
Religion Past and Present
Calvisius, Seth
(223 words)
[German Version] (Feb 21, 1556, Gorsleben, Thüringen – Nov 24, 1615, Leipzig) attended school in Frankenhausen (1569) and Magdeburg (1572), where he may have been a student of Gallus Dressler. He attended the Universities of Helmstedt (1579) and Leipzig (1580). In 1581, he became cantor at the University Church in Leipzig; in 1582, cantor and Hebrew teacher in the Princes' School in Pforta; in 1594, Thomas cantor in Leipzig. The significance of this office is due…
Religion Past and Present
Alberti, Valentin
(89 words)
[German Version] (Dec 15, 1635, Lähn, Silesia– Sep 15, 1697, Leipzig), professor of theology at Leipzig, took a mediating position in the controversy concerning A.H. Francke in 1689. His stance led to a revival of devotion without institutional changes in the church. He defended the biblical foundations of natural law against representatives of the Enlightenment such as H. Grotius, S. Pufendorf, and C. Thomasius. Martin Petzoldt Bibliography M. Petzoldt, “Konfessionalisierung als Identitätssuche,” in: H. Baier, ed.,
Konfessionalisierung vom 16.–19. Jahrhundert: Kirche u…
Religion Past and Present
(1,082 words)
[German Version] The term cantata now refers especially to the polyphonic church music with multiple movements as specified by J.S. Bach and whose text is based on ¶ the proprium of the Sundays and festival days of the church year. In contrast to the sonata (a “sounding” instrumental piece), the cantata is a choral piece that developed in the 17th century largely in Italy as secular music. Textually, non-strophic, so-called madrigal poetry is used for arias and recitatives. In Germany, ca…
Religion Past and Present
(1,560 words)
[German Version]
1. Johann Michael (Aug 9, 1648, Arnstadt – May 17, 1694, Gehren). Son of the Arnstadt organist Heinrich Bach, brother of the grandfather and father-in-law of 2. Through his marriage with one of the five daughters of the Arnstadt town clerk Johann Wedemann, he founded a family clan of musicians and councilmen in the towns of Thurìngia, which was not without …
Religion Past and Present
Music, ecclesiastical
(7,037 words)
1. IntroductionThe term ecclesiastical or church music encompasses all music that is heard within Christian churches. This purely functional sense implies no musical genres or stylistic properties. The abundance of manifestations of music in the Catholic (see below, 5.2.), Protestant (see below, 5.3.), and Orthodox churches (see below, 5.4.) precludes an absolute definition valid across the whole of history. Using the term “spiritual music” makes matters no easier, for spiritual music need not be…
Musik, kirchliche
(6,120 words)
1. Allgemein Unter K. M. oder Kirchenmusik (= Km.) versteht man alles, was innerhalb christl. Kirchen an M. erklingt. Dieses rein funktionale Verständnis beschreibt keine musikal. Gattungen oder stilistischen Kennzeichen. Die Vielzahl musikal. Erscheinungsformen der kath. (s. u. 5.2.), evang. (s. u. 5.3.) und orth. Kirchen (s. u. 5.4.) steht einer absoluten und zeitlosen Beschreibung entgegen. Dies löst auch der Begriff »geistliche M.« nicht auf, weil diese nicht zwingend liturgischer Art sein muss. Der Begriff »religiöse M.« trägt seit der Überhöhung…
Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit Online
(377 words)
[English Version]
Julius , Wilhelm Hermann (10.5.1857 Lengerich, Westfalen – 7.6.1930 Münster), zus. mit F. Spitta Führer der »älteren liturgischen Bewegung«. Theologiestudium in Bonn, Halle, Göttingen, 1881 als Nachfolger Spittas Hilfsprediger in Bonn, 1884 Licentiat, 1885 Pfarrer in Seelscheid, 1891 Prof. am Predigerseminar in Friedberg, 1893 Prof. für Praktische Theol. in Straßburg, 1914 Gründungsdekan der Ev.-theol. Fakultät in Münster, 1926 emeritiert. In hist. Arbeiten, zahllosen Vorträgen…