Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Schulz-Flügel, Eva" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Schulz-Flügel, Eva" )' returned 8 results. Modify search
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Victor of Capua (Saint)
(174 words)
[German Version] appointed bishop of Capua in 541 (died 554), he is noteworthy for his edition of the New Testament, finished in 547, contained in
Codex Bonifatianus 1 in the state library in Fulda (on its contents and origin see Fischer). For the Gospels, it is fairly safe to say that Victor himself revised an Old Latin version of Tatian’s Diatessaron to conform to the Vulgate text. He relied on other prototypes for the other parts of the NT, including the Letter to the Laodiceans. The manuscript was in the possession o…
Religion Past and Present
Gregory of Elvira (Saint)
(194 words)
[German Version] (c. 320–393, bishop of Elvira, near Granada, Spain) was known as a strict anti-Arian (Arius) and had connections with Lucifer of Cagliari. Eusebius of Vercelli sent a letter to him. Nothing is known of his life (cf. Jer.
Vir.ill. 105). Gregory's works are almost all transmitted under other names. Apart from
De fide, they are allegorical interpretations of OT texts, except for
Tractate 12 on Acts 1–2. Gregory utilized Tertullian, Novatian, Hilary of Poitiers, Hippolytus and Origen as cited by Victorinus of Pettau. The ancient version employed by …
Religion Past and Present
Eusebius of Vercelli
(181 words)
[German Version] (born c. 283 in Sardinia – died 371) was a lector in Rome and, from 344, bishop of Vercelli. Together with Lucifer of Cagliari, and following a request by Pope Liberius, he militated against Arianism (Arius/Arianism) and opposed the condemnation of Athanasius in the Synod of Milan (355). Constantius II banished him for this (Palestine, Cappadocia, Thebais…
Religion Past and Present
Historia monachorum
(190 words)
[German Version] Under this title two texts were handed down together: the
Historia Lausiaca of Palladius of Helenopolis and the anonymous
Historia monachorum (in Latin, usually
Vita sanctorum patrum). The
Historia monachorum arose in the heyday of Egyptian monasticism (c. 394). The probably fictitious travel journal describes the visit of monks from the Mount of Olives monastery in Jerusalem with Egyptian desert fathers. The
Historia monachorum describes their various lifestyles, without a discernible preference for one particular ascetic direction. The Gree…
Religion Past and Present
Bible Translations
(16,696 words)
[German Version] I. Translations into Ancient Languages – II. Christian Translations into European Languages since the Middle Ages– III. Translations into Non-European Languages in Modern Times
I. Translations into Ancient Languages
1. Translations of the Old Testament into Greek
a. The first written translation of the Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint (LXX), owes its name to the circumstance that the
Letter of Aristeas refers to 72 elders who had come to Alexandria from Jerusalem in order to translate the Torah of the Jews into…
Religion Past and Present
Rufinus, Tyrannius
(449 words)
[German Version] (Rufinus of Aquileia; 345 Concordia – 411/412 Messina), Latin writer and translator of theology. Like Jerome he received his education in Rome (359–368); also like Jerome, he was enthusiastic about the asceticism then flourishing in the West. After his baptism in Aquilieia in 370, he traveled to the East (Alexandria, Egypt, and Palestine) to study Eastern theology and visit the monks of Egypt; in 380 he founded a monastery on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. During the first Orig…
Religion Past and Present
(412 words)
[English Version]
von Aquileia (345 Concordia – 411/12 Messina), lat. theol. Schriftsteller und Übersetzer. Wie Hieronymus erlangte er seine Bildung in Rom (359–368), wie dieser begeisterte er sich für die im Westen aufblühende Askese und ging nach seiner Taufe 370 in Aquileia in den Osten (Alexandrien, Ägypten, Palästina), um östliche Theol. zu studieren und die Mönche Ägyptens zu besuchen; 380 gründete er ein Kloster auf dem Ölberg in Jerusalem. Bei den ersten origenistischen Streitigkeiten trat …
(150 words)
[English Version] Victor, Bf.
von Capua 541 (gest.554), erlangte Bedeutung durch seine 547 abgeschlossene Ausg. des NT, erhalten im Codex Bonifatianus 1, Landesbibliothek Fulda (zu Inhalt und Entstehung vgl. Fischer). Für die Evv. hat mit ziemlicher Sicherheit V. selbst eine Vetus Latina-Version von Tatians Diatessaron in Vulgatatext umgeformt. Die anderen Teile des NT, darunter den Laodicenerbrief, entnahm V. anderen Vorlagen. Die Hs. war im Besitz des Bonifatius. Die Evangelienharmonie wurde häufig…