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(1,064 words)
1. DefinitionIn the narrower sense,
homiletics (from Greek
homilía, “conversation, speech”) denotes a theory of preaching (Sermon) developed for the purpose of didactic communication and set down in writing or a theoretical guide to the practice of preaching; in the extended sense, however, it also includes all the other bodies of knowledge, tools, and practices that target the acquisition of homiletic competence. The socio-historical locus of homiletics in the early modern period was qualification t…
(4,076 words)
1. Overview
Preaching (from Latin
praedicatio, “proclamation”) denotes public proclamation in the setting of Christian worship. It can be divided into two genres: (1) the homily (Greek
homilía; Latin
tractatus, “speech,” “exposition”), that is, the interpretation of previously read Bible texts (“lections”) – a practice adopted by Christianity from Judaism – and (2) the sermon (Latin
sermo, “speech”), which develops a topic systematically and is based on the church year (Latin
sermo de tempore, “sermon on the season”), the feasts of the saints (
de sanctis, “on the sai…
(1,016 words)
1. Terminology Etymologically, alethophiles are “friends” or “lovers” (Greek
phíloi) of “truth” (Greek
ḗtheia). In the early modern period, authors repeatedly published under the pseudonym
Alethophilus in the context of various controversies in order to present their concerns onomastically. In the 18th century, the alethophiles were popularized by the Enlightenment philosopher Christian Wolff (1679-1754), who identified his readership in the titles of his major works: “ … shared with the lovers of truth.” Thus in this period the name
Alethophile came to stand generally…