
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Tyson, John R." ) OR dc_contributor:( "Tyson, John R." )' returned 1 result. Modify search

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(990 words)

Author(s): Ward, W. Reginald | Tyson, John R.
[German Version] 1. John (Jun 17, 1703, Epworth, Lincolnshire – Mar 2, 1791, London), the founder of Methodism (Methodists). Wesley attended Charterhouse School and Christ Church in Oxford; he received his B.A. in 1724, was ordained dean and priest in 1725 and was elected Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, in 1726. Originally Dissenters, Wesley’s parents now held strong high-church, ¶ even Jacobite views (James I); his own early impressions were strengthened by his Oxford education. Parental influence also marked his personality. His mother’s dominance contributed to the notorious inability of her children to manage their relations with the opposite sex. John’s marriage with the widow, Mary Vazeille, in 1751, succumbed to the demands of his mission.…