Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Brakensiek, Stephan" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Brakensiek, Stephan" )' returned 1 result. Modify search
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(1,492 words)
1. ConceptA dilettante (from the Italian
dilettare, “to delight”) was a non-professional exponent of an art. Its use in Italian dates from the late 17th century and in English from the early 18th. Together with the related terms “connoisseur” (French
connaisseur) and “amateur” (French
amateur), it has since the 18th century covered a complex field of non-professional performance and reception of art, against the background of a professionalization process driven by institutions in the arts and a consequent shift of social accent [6. 235]. There were two main conditions for …