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Veneration of images
(1,122 words)
1. FormsIn the Christian cultural milieu,
veneration of images means the ritual or ceremonial adoration of visual representations of God, Mary, and the saints. The Christian veneration of images emerged with the appearance of personal icons (Reglious iconography) in the 4th century; in the years that followed, it found expression in various forms. From its beginnings, we can safely assume that it could involve bowing, genuflection, or proskynesis (prostration) as expressions of veneration. Touching and …
(2,308 words)
1. DefinitionA commissioner is someone who issues a verbal or written assignment or contract for the delivery of material or intellectual property or the performance of services. In the fields of art, literature, and music, the relationships between commissioners and contractors in the early modern period were exceedingly diverse, and can only to a limited extent be compared with the conditions prevalent in general commerce. Development proceeded eclectically throughout the early modern period, f…