Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Matthias, Markus" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Matthias, Markus" )' returned 6 results. Modify search
Did you mean: dc_creator:( "matthias, markus" ) OR dc_contributor:( "matthias, markus" )Sort Results by Relevance | Newest titles first | Oldest titles first
(1,408 words)
1. Concept Conversion (Lat.
conversio; “turn-around” ) or the symbol of new birth or rebirth, which represents the same experience, is a universal religious phenomenon. People view conversion as an act by which they enter into a fundamental and comprehensive change in their religious or quasi-religious (e.g. ideological or artistic) orientation.Markus Matthias2. TypesConversion may mean:(1) a change of direction towards new religious or moral values, or a return to familiar ones which have been abandoned in the course of one's life, as demanded fr…
God, concepts of
(1,505 words)
1. Christianity
1.1. Concept, representation, and symbolBecause the word
God must be understood as a symbol (Paul Tillich) [10], not as a (referential) sign, this symbol finds expression in concepts and images of God: whether in the form of individual or collective ascription of attributes or actions (see 1.2. below) or in the form of normative (ecclesiastical or academic) reflections on the idea of God between the Bible and metaphysics (see 1.3. below). Apart from language, these images of God find expression…
(727 words)
1. ConceptQuietism (from the Latin
quies, “repose,” “stillness,” “inaction”) was originally the polemical name given in Italy to a theological and spiritual religious tendency within Roman Catholicism in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, the most spectacular feature of which was the wordless “prayer of quiet” (Italian
orazione di quiete). Deriving from this, any religious or philosophical attitude of ethical or political passivity has tended to incur the accusation of quietism.The original quietism was a form of mystical piety (Mysticism) that rejected …
(1,186 words)
1. Definition
Psalter (from Greek
psaltḗrion, “stringed instument”) is the caption some codices give the Book of Psalms (Greek
psalmoí, “songs accompanied by a stringed instrument,” e.g. Luke 20:42), the collection of 150 (or 151) poems (hymns, prayers) of the OT (Hebrew
sefer tehillim, “Book of Praises”), already thought in the pre-Christian period to have been written by King David. In the Hebrew Bible, it belongs to the third divison of the canon (Writings). In the Greek Bible (Septuagint), it begins the second division of the ca…
Prayer book
(2,128 words)
1. GeneralA prayer book (German
Gebetbuch, earlier
Betbuch) is a collection of prayers in book form, manuscript or printed. Like the hymnal, with which it is frequently combined, it belongs to the genre of edificatory literature.Prayer books had been created by the early Middle Ages. While hand-written prayer books (
siddur) were demonstrably in use in Judaism for congregational synagogue prayer and private prayer as early as the 9th century, Christian prayer books go back to the 8th century – for the clergy and other members of religiou…
(2,604 words)
1. DefinitionA hymnal is a printed collection of liturgical songs (Hymn [church anthem]), with or without notation of the melody and/or setting. The term dates back to the 16th century and came into widespread use in the 18th century. The hymnal shared the full range of publication possibilities with the new technology of printing. This affected both its external (production, facilities, distribution, circulation, dissemination, serial publication) and internal (selections, commentaries, functional design) design, as well as its actual usage.Markus Matthias2. Protestant