Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Petri, Grischka" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Petri, Grischka" )' returned 3 results. Modify search
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(1,545 words)
1. Concept and problemA work is considered plagiarism if it derives wholly or in part from the work of another author while deliberately concealing its source, permitting the definition of a “pretence of intellectual originality” [2. 1152]. Plagiarism is thus distinct from cryptomnesia (the unintended reproduction of something the author has forgotten having read) and the forms of parody and montage, in which disclosure of the source(s) is intended and crucial to reception. Whereas artistic forgery entails passing off one’s own w…
Weather observation
(2,051 words)
1. Weather and lifeThe weather – atmospheric conditions at a given moment and place, consisting of sunshine, rain, hail, storms, clouds, and so on – was already methodically observed in classical antiquity and the Middle Ages as a natural phenomenon of considerable importance to everyday life (e.g. agriculture, seafaring, health, architecture), and there is early evidence of the use of simple instruments (for measuring rain and wind) and systematic reporting (e.g. by William Merle c. 1350).…
Late modern period
(4,556 words)
1. Modernity and the late modern periodThe transition from the early to the late modern period, in the sense defined in the introductory chapter to this encyclopedia, came as a result of the range of profound changes - political, economic, technological, social, and cultural - that took place in the first half of the 19th century, culminating in the “year of revolutions” of 1848/49. Those changes came to define “modernity” in a new sense that endures to this day. To claim validity as a term for an epo…