Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
Your search for 'tei_propername:"International co-operation"' returned 8 results. Modify search
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International Co-operation in Energy Affairs (Volume 372)
(39,857 words)
Dolzer, Rudolf
Keywords: Energy | Energy policy | International organizations | Sovereignty | Natural resources | International co-operation | Energy Charter Treaty (Lisbon, 17 December 1994) |
Mots clefs: ABSTRACT The point of this course is to understand how the existing energy markets function, and who are the actors. States have seen their role evolving in the markets as, since 1945, sovereignty over national resources has become essential for them. The current markets have specific rules reflecting the importance of States, and some instruments exist in this field. The course focuses on the Energy Charter Treaty. A diversity of organizations related to energy emerged. Some organization benDolzer, Rudolf
La double imposition et la coopération fiscale internationale (Volume 20)
(52,470 words)
R. A. Seligman, Edwin
Keywords: Double taxation | International …
Quelques aspects juridiques de la coopération intergouvernementale en matière d’échanges et de paiements internationaux (Volume 124)
(48,630 words)
La coopération internationale en matière d’agriculture (Volume 56)
(37,939 words)
Vitta, Cino
Keywords: Agriculture | International co-operation |
Mots clefs: Agriculture | Coopération internationale | ABSTRACT Cino Vitta explains in the introduction to his course that agriculture does not seem to fit within the framework of public international law for a variety of reasons. However, the author points out, it is easy to combat each of these reasons and to demonstrate that international cooperation for States is useful, and even necessary, for agriculture in certain cases. The author successively studies the agriculture and international law, the bodies of t…
Codification des principes du droit international des relations amicales et de la coopération entre les Etats (Volume 137)
(24,838 words)
Šahović, Milan
Keywords: International co-operation | Public international law | …