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(7,484 words)
[German Version]
I. Terminology and Problem ¶ The meaning of the word
truth – Greek ἀλήϑεια/
alḗtheia, ἀληϑής/
alēthḗs; Hebrew אֱמֶת/
ʾĕmet; Latin
veritas, verus – depends on the context where it appears. The meaning of the word
truth in a particular context is not the same thing as the definition of the term
truth; it is also not the same thing as the “function or role that can be or is ascribed to the expression or term . . . in the various contexts and discourses of daily life, the sciences, and philosophy (and theology)” (Puntel, 927). For Christian theology, the biblical use of the term
truth is…
Religion Past and Present
(4,531 words)
[German Version] I. Old Testament and Judaism – II. New Testament and Early Christianity – III. Church History – IV. Sociology – V. Systematic Theology and Social Ethics – VI. Law – VII. Practical Theology
I. Old Testament and Judaism In the Hebrew Bible, the dissolution of a marriage is the husband's unilateral act. It was originally executed through a divorce formula, pronounced orally (Hos 2:4), but Deut 24:1, 3 knows of the practice of prepa…
Religion Past and Present