
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Eck, Werner (Cologne)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Eck, Werner (Cologne)" )' returned 591 results. Modify search

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(57 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] [II 0] C. Celsus Presiding procurator in Raetia until AD 139 when he was replaced by Sempronius Liberalis [1]; his name should probably also be added to RMD II 94 = AE 1984,706. Eck, Werner (Cologne) Bibliography 1 K. Dietz, Ein neues Militärdiplom aus Alteglofsheim, Lkr. Regensburg, in: Beiträge zur Arch. in der Oberpfalz 3, 1999, 225-256.


(48 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] C. T. Maximus. Eques. Tribune of the equites singulares in Rome, attested 142-145 AD. Recorded from 156 until 158 as praefectus [16] vigilum; in 158 he became praefectus praetorio succeeding Gavius [II 6] Maximus until his death in 160. Eck, Werner (Cologne) Bibliography R. Sablayrolles, Libertinus miles, 1996, 487 f.


(58 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] Wife of the Lingonian Iulius Sabinus, whom, following his participation in the Gallic uprising against Rome in AD 69/70, she kept hidden in a cave for nine years, during which time she bore him two sons. Following their discovery, Vespasian had her and Sabinus executed in AD 79. PIR2 E 81. Eck, Werner (Cologne)


(158 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] L. Mussius Aemilianus, rival emperor AD 261/2. He was of equestrian rank and his career is known partly from CIL XIV 170 = ILS 1433. After the quattuor militiae he became praefectus vehiculorum in the three Gallic provinces, procurator in Alexandria [1] and procurator of the two ports in Ostia (documented in AD 247). From 257-259 he held office in Egypt in place of the prefect of the province; at the same time correctores were operating there. From 259, M. was himself then praefectus Aegypti until 261. Since 257 he had been taking brutal action against Dionysius …


(270 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] [1] (P.?) R. Crispinus Praetorian prefect, AD 47-51 Roman equestrian, of whose activities prior to AD 47 nothing is known. At that date, emperor Claudius [III 1] made him Praetorian prefect, possibly prompted by Messalina [2]. As a reward for his commitment to Claudius, he was granted the rank of a praetor and 1.5 million HS by the Senate. When R. was dismissed as Praetorian prefect in 51 at the urging of Agrippina, he additionally received the insignia of a consul. Married to Poppaea [2]…

Corrector (Italiae)

(225 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] At the beginning of the 3rd cent. AD there is evidence for the senator C. Octavius Appius  Suetrius Sabinus as corrector Italiae ( CI) while iuridiciiuridicus ) still held office simultaneously: CIL X 5178 and 5398 = ILS 1159 (under Caracalla); possibly T. Pomponius [II 5] Bassus was also CI: CIL VI 3836 = 31747 = 41237 (probably in 268/9). [3. 221 ff.]. So they had not replaced the iuridici as occurred from the late 3rd cent. These correctores were special authorized representatives, as the description in CIL X 5398 = ILS 1159 for Octavius Appius Sue…


(244 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] T. Clodius E. Marcellus. Descendant of a socially unimportant family from Capua (where the province of Cyprus later had a monument erected in his honour, ILS 992); homo novus. He probably entered the Senate under Claudius, and became praetor in AD 48. After commanding a legion, he was posted to Lycia as praetorian governor ( c. 53-56); he was charged with extortion by the province, but acquitted. Under Nero, he became proconsul of Cyprus (SEG 18, 587 [1]), and cos. suff. in 62 [2]. He excelled as an orator, and under Nero publicly accused several senators, a…


(343 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
(also Pollienus). [German version] [1] Tib. P. Armenius Peregrinus Consul ord. AD 244 Cos. ord. in AD 244. He may have been both praetorian proconsul of Lycia-Pamphylia as well as proconsul of Asia after the consulate. The genealogical relationships are not completely clear; probably the adopted son of P. [2]. PIR2 P 536. Eck, Werner (Cologne) [German version] [2] P. Auspex Consul suff., XV sacris faciundis AD 204 Cos. suff. Consular legate of Dalmatia, judge commissioned by the emperor, praefectus alimentorum viae Appiae et Flaminiae ter, proconsul of Africa. It is uncertain wh…


(66 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] Senatorial consular governor of the province of Syria Palaestina under the Emperor Probus [1] (cf. [1. no. 13]); the nomen gentile Clod(ius) supposedly read by [2. 192 ff.] = AE 1998, 1440 cannot be confirmed on the stone. Eck, Werner (Cologne) Bibliography 1 C. M. Lehmann, K. G. Holum, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Caesarea Maritima, 2000 2 F. Chausson, Trois Clodii sénatoriaux, in: Cahiers du Centre Gustave-Glotz 9, 1998, 177-213.

Vespasia Polla

(57 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] Daughter of Vespasius Pollio from Nursia. Married to Flavius [II 39] Sabinus, the father of her three children, including T. Flavius [II 40] Sabinus and the later emperor Vespasian (Vespasianus, with stemma). Since her brother had been a senator, she also moved her sons to this career (Suet. Vesp. 1,3; 2,2). Eck, Werner (Cologne)


(44 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] B. Galla, wife of procurator Q. Licinius Silvanus Granianus, flaminica in Hispania Tarraconensis (AE 1929, 232 = RIT 321); mother of a consular by the same name who served in the year 106 (see PIR2 L 247). Eck, Werner (Cologne)


(172 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] [1] (Domitius?) A. Freedman of Nero Freedman of Nero (or Agrippina?) and his tutor, who did not stand in Agrippina's favour (Tac. Ann. 14,3,3; Cass. Dio 62,13,2). As praefect of the fleet of Misenum, he tried in 59 at Nero's command to murder Agrippina during a staged shipwreck; after his efforts failed, he had her killed by the soldiers in his fleet (Tac. Ann. 14,7,5; 8,2-5; Cass. Dio 62,13,2-5). At Nero's prompting, he admitted committing adultery with Octavia; therefore he was formal…


(35 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] A freed slave of Octavianus; after the Battle of Actium, sent on secret orders to Cleopatra [II 12], but sent back again by M. Antonius [I 9] (Cass. Dio 51,8,6; 51,9,5 f.). Eck, Werner (Cologne)


(76 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] L.B. Optatus Ligarianus, senator. A long career led him via the prefecture of the aerarium Saturni to the suffect consulate (probably AD 135, AE 1983, 517). Finally he was legate of Cappadocia from c. 137-140 [1. 182ff.] and Syria, where he died (CIL X 6006 = ILS 1066; cf. AE 1983, 157 = [2. 121]). Eck, Werner (Cologne) Bibliography 1 W. Eck, Jahres- und Provinzialfasten, in: Chiron 13, 1983 2 H. Solin, Analecta Epigraphica, in: Arctos 18, 1984.


(171 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] [1] Licinius M., C. see Licinius [I 30] Eck, Werner (Cologne) [German version] [2] Licinius M. Calvus, C. see Licinius [I 31] Eck, Werner (Cologne) [German version] [3] Correspondent of the younger Pliny, end of the 1st cent. AD Correspondent of the younger Plinius (Plin. Ep. 6,24). Probably identical to P. Calpurnius [II 11]. Eck, Werner (Cologne) [German version] [4] [- - -]cius Macer Cos. suff. in AD 100 Cos. suff. in AD 100 [1. 45, 94]; identification with other senators who bear the name M. during this period is not possible: M., curator viae Appiae in 95; M., Imperial…


(117 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] [1] Roman eques, late 1st cent. BC. - early 1st cent. AD Wealthy Roman equestrian who, upon his death in AD 7, made Tiberius his partial heir instead of M. Servilius, cos. AD 3 (Tac. Ann. 2,48,1). PIR2 P 95. Eck, Werner (Cologne) [German version] [2] C. Pantuleius Graptiacus Governor of Thrace, AD 172 He may have stemmed from Fundi, if he is indeed named in CIL X 6265. Praetorian governor of the province of Thrace in AD 172. If his name is really to be supplemented in AE 1969/1970, 579, he was also suffect consul and consular legate of Moesia inferior under Commodus. PIR2 P 96. Eck, We…


(78 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] [1] C. Gallus Confidant of Agrippina the Younger, killed under Nero Agrippina [3] the Younger's confidant, killed in AD 59 in the shipwreck organized by Nero in the Gulf of Baiae (Tac. Ann. 14,5,1). Eck, Werner (Cologne) [German version] [2] L.C.Proculus Cos. suff. and procos. of unknown dating Suffectio consul and proconsul of an unknown province (PIR2 C 1573); according to [1. 27ff.], perhaps proconsul on Cyprus. Eck, Werner (Cologne) Bibliography 1 M. Le Glay, CCEC 1986, no. 6.


(351 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] Son of Emperor Claudius and Valeria Messalina, born 12 February 41, 20 days after Claudius' assumption of office. His name was first Ti. Claudius Caesar Germanicus, changed to Ti. Claudius Caesar Britannicus after his father's triumph in Britain in 43 (Suet. Claud. 27,1). He was brought up, together with Titus, the later emperor, by the freedman Sosibius (Suet. Tit. 2). He took part in the Game of Troy at the Secular Games of 47. C. Silius, his mother's lover, is said to have want…

Urbanae cohortes

(287 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] Augustus established three cohorts on military lines for the purpose of 'policing' Rome (Police). They bore the numbers X-XII, which demonstrates their close association with the nine cohorts of the Praetorians. They were also accommodated in the same camp ( castra praetoria), while being under the command not of the praefectus praetorio , but the praefectus urbi . This could occasion differing political loyalties (cf. Suet. Claud. 10,3 after the death of Caligula). The UC had the maintenance of peace in the city as t…


(320 words)

Author(s): Eck, Werner (Cologne)
[German version] [1] C.H. Priscus Praetor in 70 AD Came from Cluviae. His father had been   primipilus . Entry to the Senate before AD 49. Quaestor Achaiae at the latest in 49/50; his companion was P.  Celerius of Histonium (IEph 7, 1, 3043/4 = [1. 67ff.]). Legionary legate in Syria as quaestorian in 51. During this period he married Fannia, the daughter of  Clodius [II 15] Thrasea Paetus. People's tribune in 56; then no other office under Nero, a consequence of the link with his father-in-law and the Stoic-influenced ci…
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