
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Bruce, Gregory Maxwell" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Bruce, Gregory Maxwell" )' returned 1 Open Access result. Modify search

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(7,048 words)

Author(s): Bruce, Gregory Maxwell
REHATSEK, EDWARD (b. Ilok, 3 July 1819; d. Bombay, 11 December 1891), Hungarian-born Orientalist and translator of a number of Persian and Arabic works.i. Life Edward Rehatsek, the son of a forest inspector, was born in Ilok (now in Croatia). As a child, he was sent to study Magyar in Pécs (Hungary), where he also studied Slavic and German and privately learned French and design. He eventually attended the university in Budapest (now the Budapest University of Technology), where he trained as an engineer and a surveyor…
Date: 2021-06-17