Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law


Your search for 'tei_propername:"Développement économique"' returned 7 results. Modify search

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Le droit international à la recherche de ses valeurs: paix, développement, démocratisation (Volume 286)

(8,188 words)

Author(s): Boutros-Ghali, Boutros
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros Keywords: United Nations | Economic development | Peacekeeping | Mots clefs: Nations Unies | Développement économique | Maintien de la paix | ABSTRACT Boutros Boutros-Ghali explains in the introduction of his opening lecture that international law is subject to internal conflicts in three areas: conflict between urgency and duration, between unilateralism and multilateralism, and between positive order and prospective order. Mr. Boutros-Ghali concludes his lecture by explaining that sometimes will…

L’influence de l’inégalité de développement des États sur le droit international (Volume 139)

(13,876 words)

Author(s): Ladreit de Lacharrière, Guy
Ladreit de Lacharrière, Guy Keywords: Economic development | International law | Mots clefs: Développement économique | Droit international | ABSTRACT In this course, Guy Ladreit de Lacharriere does not speak of the influence of the inequality of power between the States, but the influence of the inequality of development between them. When analyzing the influence that this inequality may have on international law, according to the author, it would be quite inappropriate not to analyze the action of the two groups …

Organisations internationales et mondialisation Conférence prononcée à l’Académie de droit international de La Haye le 2 juillet 2002 (Volume 294)

(8,314 words)

Author(s): Camdessus, Michel
Camdessus, Michel Keywords: Globalization | Economic development | Economic co-operation | Mots clefs: Mondialisation | Développement économique | Coopération économique | ABSTRACT In his lecture of July 2, 2002, Michel Camdessus, former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, examines the reasons why global governance vis-a-vis globalization is such a burning issue, lists the too timid solutions that have been adopted for the moment, and identifies the principles and methods of a more pertinent approach. Organisations internationales et Mondialisation Mi…

Environment, Development, Resources (Volume 318)

(66,910 words)

Author(s): Bothe, Michael
Bothe, Michael Keywords: Natural resources | Economic development | Environmental protection | Social justice | Sustainable development | Mots clefs: Ressources naturelles | Développement économique | Protection de la nature et de l'environnement | Justice distributive | Développement durable | ABSTRACT The environment, development, and natural resources constitute the main challenge for the international order of our time, and also for the international law. Michael Bothe, Professor at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfur…

Souveraineté des États et coopération pour le développement (Volume 141)

(27,422 words)

Author(s): Flory, Maurice
Flory, Maurice Keywords: Sovereignty | Economic development | International co-operation | Mots clefs: Souveraineté | Développement économique | Coopération internationale | ABSTRACT Development cooperation, which is a new aspect of international relations, lies within a framework of general principles governing international society and, in particular, the general principles of sovereignty. The problems posed by this form of cooperation to the sovereignty of States constitute the object of Maurice Flory`s course. Af…

The Relation of Law, Politics and Action in the United Nations (Volume 109)

(29,211 words)

Author(s): Schachter, Oscar
Schachter, Oscar Keywords: United Nations | Decision-making | Peacekeeping | International police | Economic development | Mots clefs: Nations Unies | Prise de décisions | Maintien de la paix | Police internationale | Développement économique | ABSTRACT The main objective that Oscar Schachter assigns to his course is to show how the law acts within the political system developed within the United Nations since 1945. The author begins with the presentation of place of law in the process of decision in the political organs of the Uni…

L’État insulaire (Volume 285)

(49,115 words)

Author(s): Lucchini, Laurent
Lucchini, Laurent Keywords: Small states | Islands | Law of the sea | Economic development | Mots clefs: Petits Etats | Iles | Droit de la mer | Développement économique | ABSTRACT International law is not very prolix on the Island State. Island States vary depending upon the number of islands that constitute the Island State, size (area), population, and geographical location. Thus, there is no physical unity between the Island States. In this course, Laurent Lucchini shows the opposition between the quasi-absence of legal un…