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(8,968 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies
1. Phenomenology Western, Christian connotations of the concept of the soul, imposed on the religio-historical evidence by outside studies, must be generally excluded if the soul is understood as the principle of manifestations of life that are perceptible (or culturally considered to be perceptible), although they are rarely categorized under a common umbrella term. It is therefore reasonable to speak of a multiplicity of souls – for example four among the Ob-Ugrians (Hasenfratz,
Einführung, 38–41), five among the Proto-Germanic peoples (
Religion Past and Present
(442 words)
[German Version] According to the group of Trojan sagas, Iphigenia is the daughter of the Mycenaean king Agamemnon and of Clytemnestra. When the winds for the departure for Troy failed in Aulis, Agamemnon, at the behest of the seer Calchas, was to sacrifice Iphigenia to Artemis (
Procli Cypriorum Enarratio ll. 68f. [
EpGF 32]; Aesch.
Ag. 198–249; Eurip.,
Iphigenia in Aulis – Homer does not mention the sacrifice, cf.
Il. 9.144f.). The sources mention several motives for Artemis's ill-will (e.g. Sophoc.
El. 566–569). Iphigenia was enticed to Aulis on the pretense of espousal to…
Religion Past and Present
(395 words)
[German Version] the daughter of King Priam of Troy and Hecuba. Homer and Ibycus extol her beauty. Wishing to marry her, Othryoneus fought on the side of Troy but was slain (Hom.
Il. 13.363–393). Like her twin brother Helenus, she was endowed with oracular powers, which she received from Apollo, whose prophet and priestess she became – a relationship with erotic connotations (albeit often mentioned in the negative). Anticleides (140; FGH 2, B1, frag. 17), however, records that brother and sister were endow…
Religion Past and Present