Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Harich-Schwarzbauer, Henriette (Graz)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Harich-Schwarzbauer, Henriette (Graz)" )' returned 3 results. Modify search
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Women philosophers
(1,154 words)
[German version] A. Problems of definition In view of the usually familial links between women philosophers (WP) and known thinkers, in classical sources what is usually reported is their relationships to the latter (as lovers, concubines, wives and daughters). It is only in the rarest of cases possible to form a balanced judgment of the life and achievements of WP. Feminist theory goes as far as to designate as WP all women whose philosophical ambitions are in any way documented [6.XIII-XV]. Harich-Schwarzbauer, Henriette (Graz) [German version] B. Historical overview Literary sour…
Brill’s New Pauly
(327 words)
[German version] The Christian Faltonia Betitia (
contra, [1]) P. (d. before 380), b. into Roman senator's partly pagan family, wrote a poem, since lost, on the usurpation of Magnentius (351-353). In her
Cento Vergilianus de laudibus Christi ('Virgilian Cento on the Benefactions of Christ'; cf.
Cento ) she presents episodes from the OT and NT (Genesis to Christ's death) in the manner of Virgil. Hieronymus [8] (Jer. Ep. 53,7) criticized P.'s poem, concluding that P.'s dogmatic errors and poetic deficiencies stemmed one from the other. The
Decretum Gelasianum (Decretum Gelasianum 287…
Brill’s New Pauly
Alexander Romance
(2,227 words)
[German version] [I] Greek see Ps.-Callisthenes Harich-Schwarzbauer, Henriette (Graz) [II] Latin [German version] A. Concept The Latin concept of the Alexander Romance (AR) includes both Latin versions of Pseudo- Callisthenes as well as writings with similar content that were distributed along with them, which contained mostly descriptions of foreign lands or (based on Cynicism) criticisms of western civilization articulated predominantly by Christian interpreters. Within the history of literature (Alexander…
Brill’s New Pauly