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16.2.3 Other Texts
(4,073 words)
Part of 16 Lamentations - 16.2 Ancient Hebrew TextsThe manuscript 4QLam (4Q111; preserves remains of a Lamentations text distinct from mt-Lam (16.2.2). It was first published by Cross in 19831 and finally edited by the same author in *
djdxi in 2000.2 Kotzé, in his text-critical study of 2013, has discussed and evaluated anew the textual variants of 4QLam in great detail.3The fragments of 4QLam contain extensive text from Lam 1:1–18. Verses 6–8 and 11–17 are almost completely legible and exhibit a textual tradition that differs significantly from the proto-Masoretic text4 i…
Textual History of the Bible
16.2.2 Masoretic Texts and Ancient Texts Close to mt
(3,231 words)
Part of 16 Lamentations - 16.2 Ancient Hebrew Textsmt-Lam is the only available complete Hebrew text of Lamentations. The poetic lines, which are in general very regular throughout the five poems,1 as well as the rigorous literary form of the alphabetic acrostics in Lamentations 1–4 contributed to the accurate transmission of the text. Thus mt-Lam is generally assumed to be “fairly well preserved.” History of ResearchApart from the discussion of text-critical details in commentaries3 and a series of eclectic notes published in articles by Ehrlich,4 Robinson,5 and Driver,6…
Textual History of the Bible