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(3,059 words)
1. Bible and Theology 1.1.
OT 1.1.1. In the OT Yahweh is consistently the source of life (e.g., Ps. 36:9; Jer. 2:13; 17:13; Job 33:4). He is the one who gives life to all creatures (see Gen. 1:1–2:4a or 2:4b–25) and also the one who takes it away (Ps. 104:29). Thus all life stands related to God as Lord of life and death. He himself is “the living God” (e.g., Deut. 5:26; Josh. 3:10; also Ps. 18:46 etc.). In oaths in Israel we find the formula “as the Lord lives” (Judg. 8:19; Ruth 3:13, etc.). Life is the supreme good that nothing can surpass or relativize. As Ecclesiastes says, “Whoe…