
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Schupp, Volker (Freiburg i. Br. RWG)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Schupp, Volker (Freiburg i. Br. RWG)" )' returned 3 results. Modify search

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Carolingian Renaissance

(6,900 words)

Author(s): Strothmann, Jürgen (Bochum RWG) | Jakobi-Mirwald, Christine (Weiler RWG) | Schupp, Volker (Freiburg i. Br. RWG)
Strothmann, Jürgen (Bochum RWG) [German version] I. Political (CT) Strothmann, Jürgen (Bochum RWG) [German version] A. Concept (CT) The enormous renewal of Latin writing according to classical models, the extensive copying of classical writings beginning around 780 and extending well into the 9th cent., and not least the intellectual and literary efforts of numerous scholars arising apparently out of nowhere at the court of Charlemagne meant that the term renaissance, chosen by analogy with the ‘Italian Renaissan…

Ottonian Renaissance

(2,946 words)

Author(s): Ott, Claudia (Berlin) | Ott, Joachim | Schupp, Volker (Freiburg i. Br. RWG)
Ott, Claudia (Berlin) I. Art (CT) [German version] A. Term (CT) It has repeatedly and correctly been pointed out by scholars that the designation Ottonian Renaissance (OR) is impermissible because it is misleading [11. 3 f.]. During the Ottonian period, culture experienced 'a revival in every possible sense, with the exception of that of a planned effort at reviving Antiquity' (9. 53; Ger. p. 65), however. The term nonetheless remained in use when 'Renaissance' began to be understood in its literal meanin…

Karolingische Renaissance

(5,754 words)

Author(s): Strothmann, Jürgen (Bochum) RWG | Jakobi-Mirwald, Christine (Weiler) RWG | Schupp, Volker (Freiburg i. Br.) RWG
Strothmann, Jürgen (Bochum) RWG [English version] I. Politisch (RWG) Strothmann, Jürgen (Bochum) RWG [English version] A. Begriff (RWG) Die unübersehbare Erneuerung der Latinität nach ant. Vorbildern und die um 780 einsetzende und weit in das 9. Jh. reichende immense Vervielfältigung ant. Schriften und nicht zuletzt die scheinbar aus dem Nichts am Hof Karls d. Gr. einsetzenden wiss. und dichterischen Bemühungen zahlreicher Gelehrter ließen die in Anlehnung an die “It. Ren.” gewählte Bezeichnung Ren. angemessen er…