Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Jarlert, Anders" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Jarlert, Anders" )' returned 5 results. Modify search
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(2,740 words)
[German Version]
I. General Sweden is a constitutional monarchy in northern Europe, bordered on the west by Norway, the North Sea, and Denmark and on the south and east by the Baltic and Finland. It has an area of 449,964 km2, with a population of 8.94 million, including 1.05 million immigrants. Its population centers are in the southwest, south, and east. The capital is Stockholm. Its language is Swedish, but linguistic minorities include 100,000 Finnish speakers. There is a small Sami-speaking minority in Lapland.
II. Non-Christian Religions The ancient Swedish religion was a Ge…
Religion Past and Present
(518 words)
[German Version]
1. Olaus (Jan 6, 1493, Örebro – Apr 19, 1552, Stockholm), elder brother of Laurentius and first Protestant archbishop in Sweden. After studying at Uppsala and Leipzig, he received his M.A. from Wittenberg in 1518. He became a deacon in 1520 and was appointed chancellor by Mattias Gregersson, bishop of Strängnäs, who was executed during the Stockholm Bloodbath. In 1524 Petri was appointed city clerk and preacher in Stockholm; from 1531 to 1533 he served as chancellor to King Gustav. He was ordained in 1539. On Jan 2, 1540, ¶ he and Laurentius Andreae were condemned to d…
Religion Past and Present
Laurentius Andreae
(326 words)
[German Version] (Lars Andersson; c. 1470 – Apr 14, 1552, Strängnäs, Sweden). After studies at Rostock, Andreae received his M.A. from Leipzig in 1498. In 1501/1502 he was appointed secretary to the bishop of Strängnäs and papal nuncio in Rome; c. 1518–1538 he served as archdeacon in both Strängnäs and Uppsala. In 1523 he was made secretary to King Gustav and a member of the Council of the Realm. He was dismissed in 1531 and condemned to death in Örebro, along with O. Petri, on the charge of
lèse majesté; he ¶ was pardoned after paying a fine. The king's letter of Nov 2, 1523 proposing…
Religion Past and Present
(428 words)
[English Version]
Olaus (6.1.1493 Örebro – 19.4.1552 Stockholm), älterer Bruder von 2., dem ersten ev. Erzbf. Schwedens. P. studierte in Uppsala und Leipzig, 1518 M.A. in Wittenberg, 1520 Diakon, Kanzler des Bf. Mattias von Strängnäs, der beim Blutbad in Stockholm hingerichtet wurde, 1524 Stadtsekretär und Prediger in Stockholm, 1531–1533 Kanzler König Gustavs, 1539 ordiniert, am 2.1.1540 zus. mit Laurentius Andreae wegen Majestätsverbrechen zum Tode verurteilt, gegen Strafgelder begnadigt, 1543…
(2,361 words)
[English Version]
I. Allgemein Sch. ist eine konstitutionelle Monarchie in Nordeuropa, westlich von Norwegen, der Nordsee und Dänemark, südlich und östlich von der Ostsee und Finnland umgeben. Die Besiedelungsschwerpunkte des 449 964 km 2 großen Landes mit einer Einwohnerzahl von 8,94 Mio. (1,05 Mio. Migranten) liegen im Südwesten, Süden und Osten. Hauptstadt ist Stockholm. Nordschweden ist, bes. im Westen, sehr spärlich besiedelt. Die Sprache ist Schwedisch. Unter den sprachlichen Minoritäten sind 100 000 Finnischsprachige…