
Your search for 'dc_creator:( Strohm, AND Christoph ) OR dc_contributor:( Strohm, AND Christoph )' returned 99 results. Modify search

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(156 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[English Version] Saurin, Elias (28.8.1639 Usseaux, Dauphiné – 8.4.1703 Utrecht…


(148 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[English Version] 1.Lucas d. Ä. , (1542 Erin bei Douai – 28.8.1602 Leiden), ref. Theologe, wurde nach dem Studium in Paris und Aufenthalten in London, Lille, Brüssel und Antwerpen 1585 Pfarrer der franz. Gemeinde in Leiden und 1587 auch Prof. der Theol. an der Universität ebd.…


(294 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[English Version] Quesnel, Pasquier (Paschasius; 14.7.1634 Paris – 2.12.1719 Amsterdam), trat nach dem Studium der Theol. 1657 bei den Oratorianern ein, wurde 1659 Priester und 1662 Leiter des Pariser Instituts des Ordens. Bereits sein frühes, in verschiedenen Varianten erschienenes und au…


(257 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[English Version] Salmasius, Claudius (Claude de Saumaise; 15.4.1588 Semur-en-Auxois, Bourgogne – 3.9.1653 Spa), Philologe und Jurist, studierte bei I. Casaubonus in Paris und bei Dionysius Gothofredus (1549–1622) in Heidelberg. Schon früh veröff. er komm. Editionen und Werke zur Gesch. der Alten Kirche, wies den Primatsanspruch des Papstes zurück und setzte sich krit. mit den Jesuiten auseinander. Da ihm wegen seines calvinistischen Bekenntnisses die vorgesehene Beamtenlaufbahn in Dijon unmöglich …


(88 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[English Version] Valesius, Heinrich (Henri de Valois; 10.9.1603 Paris – 7.5.1676 ebd.), Philologe, war nach dem Jurastudium in Bourges 1622–1624 als Parlamentsadvokat in Paris tätig, widmete sich aber seit 1630 philol. Arbeiten. 1634 erschien eine erste Edition griech. Kirchenväter, seit 1650 arbeitete er im Auftrag des franz. Episkopats an der Edition der griech. Kirchenhistoriker (Eusebius von Caesarea, 16…


(159 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[English Version] Scaliger, Joseph Justus (4./5.8.1540 Agen, Département Lot-et-Garonne – 21.1.1609 Leiden), studierte nach erstem Unterricht durch den Vater in Paris, wo er sich 1562 den Hugenotten anschloß. 1572–1574 lehrte er an der Akademie in Genf (: II.) und lebte dann als Privatgelehrter, bis er 1593 als Nachfolger J. Lipsius' auf den Lehrstuhl für alte Sprachen nach Leiden berufen wurde. In zahlreichen Editionen antiker Schriften erwies er sich als hervorragender Textkritiker. Als Begründer …


(110 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[English Version] , Ludovicus von (1633 Ammersfoort – 13.11.1690 Amsterdam), ref. Theologe, wurde nach Studium in Utrecht, Groningen und Genf 1658 Pfarrer der wallonischen Gemeinde in Groningen und 1662 in Middelburg, 1664 zugleich Pfarrer und Prof. für Kirchengesch. in Utrecht und 1670 in Amsterdam. W. wandte sich gegen den Spinozismus (B. de Spinoza), war aber als Anhänger des Cartesianismus selbst dauernden Vorwürfen mangelnder Rechtgläubigkeit von seiten der Voetianer (G. Voetius) ausgesetzt. Christoph Strohm Bibliography Werke u.a.: De scripturarum interprete c…


(296 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[English Version] 1.Matthias , (27.10.1618 Süchteln/Niederrhein – 9.10.1686 Herborn), wurde nach dem Besuch des Gymnasiums in Wesel (ab 1632) und des Studiums der Philos. und Theol. in Harderwijk, Deventer und Utrecht 1646 Pfarrer und Rektor in Kleve. Durch die Vermittlung G. Voetius' erhielt er 1654 einen Ruf als Prof. der Theol. in Utrecht, wurde dort aber 1662 wegen einer polemischen Schrift gegen S. Maresius im Streit um die ref. Kapitelgüter abgesetzt. Von 1669 bis zu seinem Tod war N. Prof. …


(385 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[German Version] is now the administrative center of the Tarn et Garonne département; it became Protestant as early as 1561 on the conversion of Bishop Jean de Lettes. In 1570 the Edict of Saint-Germain-en-Laye gave it the status of a place of safety for Protestants (Huguenots: I, 1), and by the beginning of the 17th century it was, with La Rochelle, one of the most important centers of French Protestantism. A school was founded there in 1579, and then, following a resolution of the 1598 National Synod of M…

Saurin, Elias

(166 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[German Version] (Aug 28, 1639, Usseaux, Dauphiné – Apr 8, 1703, Utrecht), was appointed pastor in Venterol (Drôme) and Embrun in 1661 but was forced to flee to Holland from French Switzerland on account of his Reformed faith. There he was appointed pastor of the ¶ Walloon congregation in Delft and in 1670 pastor in Utrecht. He participated in the investigation into J. de Labadie; having a certain sympathy with Socinianism (Socinians), he emphasized freedom of conscience in opposition to P. Jurieu, Influenced by the mystical theology of F. …


(335 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[German Version] 1. Matthias (Oct 27, 1618, Süchteln on the Lower Rhine – Oct 9, 1686, Herborn). After attending secondary school in Wesel from 1632, Nethenus studied philosophy and theology in Harderwijk, Deventer, and Utrecht. In 1646 he became pastor and headmaster in Kleve. Through the good offices of G. Voetius he was called in 1654 to be professor of theology in Utrecht, but in 1662 he was removed from office because of a polemical writing against S. Maresius in the controversy over the proper…

Wittich, Christoph

(256 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[German Version] (Oct 7, 1625, Brieg – May 19, 1687, Leiden), Reformed theologian. Initially he studied law and later theology in Bremen, Groningen, and Leiden, where he was introduced to the philosophy of R. Descartes. In 1650 he was appointed professor of philosophy at Herborn and in 1652 pastor in Duisburg; in 1655 he became professor of theology at Nijmwegen and in 1671 at Leiden, where he adopted the covenant theology of J. Cocceius. His attempt to reconcile Reformed theology with Cartesianism brought him repeatedly into conflict with the ecclesiastical authorities. His Theologia …

La Peyrère, Isaac de

(186 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[German Version] (probably 1596, Bordeaux – Jan 30, 1676, near Paris). Having studied jurisprudence and absorbed the ideas of Calvinism and late French Humanism, La Peyrère was suspected of atheism within the Reformed Church as early as 1626. In 1656, he attempted to evade the acute threat from the Spanish-Flemish Inquisition by converting to Catholicism and joining the order of the Oratorians. His messianic theory divides the history of salvation into three periods: the election of the Jews as th…

Vorst, Conrad

(163 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[German Version] (Jul 19, 1569, Cologne – Sep 29, 1622, Tönning), Arminian theologian. Vorst studied with J. Piscator in Herborn in 1593 and in 1593 and 1594 in Heidelberg, Basel, and Geneva. In 1596 he was appointed professor of theology at the Gymnasium Illustre in Steinfurt. He accepted a call to Leiden in 1611. Suspected early on of Socinianism (Socinians), in 1619 he was condemned by the Synod of Dort and expelled from the Netherlands. Along with other Remonstrants (Remonstration), he finally…

Daneau, Lambert

(154 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[German Version] (c. 1530, Beaugency-sur-Loire – 1595, Castres). After law school in Orléans and Bourges, Daneau turned to Protestantism under the influence of Calvin in 1560. In 1562, he became pastor in Gien-sur-Loire, and in 1572 pastor and professor of theology in Geneva. He moved to Leiden in 1581, and on to Ghent in 1582; from 1583 he worked in Orthez an…

Pajon, Claude

(164 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[German Version] (1626, Romorantin, Département Loir-et-Cher – Sep 27, 1685, Carré, near Orléans). After studying theology at Saumur, Pajon was appointed pastor in Marchenoir in 1650; in 1666 he became professor of theology at Saumur. A pupil of M. Amyraut and J. Cameron, he supported their views concerning the doctrine of predestination and grace; he sought to escape condemnation by taking a pastorate in Orléans in 1668. Pajon made use of early Enlightenment tools to elucidate Reformed doctrine, …

Dohnanyi, Hans von

(196 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[German Version] (Jan 1, 1902, Vienna – Apr 9/17, 1945, Sachsenhausen). The jurist Hans v. Dohnanyi's almost uninterrupted career at the Reich Ministry of Justice began in 1929. From 1934 to 1938, he served as head of its Bureau of Ministry. In this position of trust, he was able to furnish the Confessing Church with important information about the church policies of the National Socialists …

Haemstede, Adriaen Cornelisz van

(161 words)

Author(s): Strohm, Christoph
[German Version] (c. 1525, Zierikzee/Zeeland [?] – c. 1562, Emden) studied law in Leuven, was ordained priest in 1552, and assumed leadership of the Reformed congregation in Antwerp in dangerous circumstances in 1556. Having sojourned in Aachen and Emden, Haemstede pastored the expatriate Dutch congregation in London from 1559. Here, he was excommunicated by archbishop Grindal in 1560 because of his tolerant attitude toward the Anabaptists. Finally expelled from England in 1562, he again worked in…
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