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Exodus, Book of
(931 words)
The Book of Exodus, the second in the Bible, tells of the God who promises (chaps. 3–4; 6), saves (14–15; cf. 16–17), and commands (20ff.). It also depicts the person of Moses, bringing together and interpreting such varied events as the exodus (1–15), the desert wanderings (16–18), and the revelation at Sinai (19–31).
1. The Book The family of the patriarch Jacob/Israel becomes a nation in Egypt (chap. 1), but it is forced to labor in the building of the supply cities Pithom and Rameses (v. 11, the only direct historical reference in the book, which points probably to the 13th …
(6,709 words)
Overview Theological anthropology is systematic reflection on human nature and destiny ( Human and Civil Rights) in the light of the biblical witness. As a classic theological discipline (Dogmatics), anthropology holds an important place. It does not simply challenge the various anthropological sciences, nor does it necessarily transcend or endorse them. Insofar as these sciences say true things about humanity, theological anthropology regards their findings neither as competition nor as threat b…
Divine Attributes
(4,975 words)
[German Version] I. Religious Studies – II. Philosophy of Religion – III. Bible – IV. Judaism – V. Christianity – VI. Islam
I. Religious Studies In the context of rational Christian metaphysics, the knowability of God is assumed and God-talk is substantiated in such a way that certain attributes, such as holiness (Sacred and profane: V), eternity, …
Religion Past and Present