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Church Discipline
(3,815 words)
[German Version] I. History – II. Church Law – III. Dogmatics – IV. Ethics – V. Missiology
I. History
1. Antiquity and Middle Ages Because the faithful are supposed to “lead a life worthy of God” (1 Thess 2:12), the question of the ordering of the earthly Christian life and of the admonition of sinners has remained an object of active reflection since the founding of the first churches. Whereas admonition and invitation to repentance are initially the responsibility of the congregations (Matt 18:5–18), banishment and the carrying out of
excommunicatio minor and
maior (Excommunicati…
Religion Past and Present
Church Order
(3,561 words)
[German Version] I. Church History – II. Church Law – III. Dogmatics – IV. Ethics
I. Church History
1. Early Church The first written formulations of church law were assembled in church orders, drawing on Old Testament and New Testament legislation. This occurred at a time when the law was generally transmitted orally, sometimes even only in secret (Bas.
Spir. 27 [SC 17
bis, 478–491;
Ad Joann. 179–185]). Nothing is known of the original scope of this transitional literary genre. Only ten church orders are known, of which a few have only recently be…
Religion Past and Present