
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Schneider, Johann" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Schneider, Johann" )' returned 41 results. Modify search

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(165 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[English Version] . Das im Westen der Ukraine gelegene Užgorod (tschechisch Užhorod, ungar. Ungvár) zählte vom MA bis 1918 polit. zum Königreich Ungarn, ab 1919 zur Tschechoslowakei, ab 1940 zu Ungarn, ab 1945 zur Sowjetunion und seit 1991 zur selbständigen Ukraine. Im Konflikt zw. kath. Unionsdruck der Habsburger und dem Konversionsdruck ref. Landesfürsten von Siebenbürgen besiegelten am 23.4.1646 in der Schloßkapelle von U. 63 Priester der orth. Diözese Mukačevo (ukrainisch Mukačivo, ungar.…


(1,444 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[English Version] I. Allgemein 1.Staat. Die Staatsbez. R. (România) leitet sich vom (Dako-)Rumänischen her, das aufgrund seines lat. Ursprungs zur romanischen Sprachfamilie, der Romania, gehört. Der moderne Staat R. mit der Hauptstadt Bukarest (Bucureşti) entstand nach 1859 nördlich der Donau durch die sukzessive Vereinigung und Sezession von sechs relativ selbständigen Provinzen, die mehrheitlich von Rumänen und von anderen Ethnien bewohnt waren. Die seit 1862 vereinigten Fürstentümer der Moldau u…


(346 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[English Version] . Die im Süden von Rumänien gelegene Region wird durch den Fluß Alt (Olt) in die Große W. (Muntenien) und die Kleine W. (Oltenien) gegliedert. Als Ausläufer der eurasiatischen Steppenzone wurde die W. bis in die frühe Neuzeit von verschiedenen Steppenvölkern besiedelt. Im Kontext der donaubulgarischen Reiche (Bulgarien) werden in hist. Quellen auch orth. Vlachen/Walachen (Rumänen) in der W. angeführt, die kanonisch zu Ochrid bzw. zu Tărnovo gehörten. Im 12.Jh. beherrschten pagane…


(143 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[English Version] . In den orth. Kirchen ist der V. (z.T. auch Hilfsbf. genannt) dem Bischof (: II.,2.) einer Eparchie zugeordnet und vollkommen von ihm abhängig. Er erfüllt einzelne, spezifische episkopale Dienste im exklusiven Auftrag und mit der Vollmacht des Ortsbischofs. Seine Weihe entspricht der liturgisch-kanonischen Praxis der orth. Bischofsweihe (: II.) und widerspricht andererseits grundlegend sowohl in kirchenrechtlicher als auch dogmatischer Perspektive dem Wesen und Verständnis des B…


(163 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[English Version] Pec´, Stadt am Fluß Bistrica in der serbischen Provinz Kosovo, die urkundlich Anfang des 13.Jh. erwähnt wird, als der Erzbischof von Zˇicˇa seinen Sitz nach P. verlegte. Zar Stefan Dusˇan (1331–1355) erhob Erzbf. Janic´ije I. 1346 zum »Patriarchen der Serben und Griechen« und schaffte damit das von Konstantinopel nicht anerkannte erste serbische Patriarchat P.; die sog. »Patriarsˇija« in P., mit den Kirchen der hl. Apostel (um 1230), der Gottesmutter (vor 1337) und des hl. Demetr…


(162 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[English Version] Şaguna, Andrei (Taufname Anastasiu; 1.1.1809 Miskolc – 28.06.1873 Sibiu/Hermannstadt), stammte aus einer aromunischen Kaufmannsfamilie, studierte Jura und Philos. in Pest und besuchte das serbisch-orth. Seminar in Vršac. Seit 1833 Mönch, wurde er 1837 zum Priester, 1848 in Karlowitz zum Bf. der orth. Rumänen in Siebenbürgen geweiht. 1864 wurde er der erste Erzbf. der autonomen rumänisch-orth. Metropolie in Ungarn. Er schuf eine eigenständige Publizistik und erreichte durch die Grü…


(165 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[German Version] Greek ἔξαρχος, leader, was originally a military rank (officer) in the Roman Empire. In the time of Justinian I, the exarch commanded a major, exposed army unit. From the 6th century onward, exarchs in the western Byzantine Empire were the military-administrative governors of a region called an exarchate (Ravenna…


(120 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[German Version] from the Greek ἀρχιμανδρίτης, literally, leader of a flock, is translated from the Syriac Riš-dayra. Originally (4th cent.) a designation for the abbot of a Syrian monastery, the Greek term Archimandrite spread throughout the entire Christian East. From the 6th century, the Archimandrite was the leader of an important monastery, and from the 11th…

Saguna, Andrei

(185 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[German Version] (baptized Anastasiu; Jan 1, 1809, Miskolc – Jun 28, 1873, Sibiu/Herrmanstadt). Saguna, born to an Aromanian merchant family, studied law and philosophy in Pest and attended the Serbian Orthodox seminary in Vršac. A monk since 1833, he was ordained priest in 1837 and consecrated bishop of the Orthodox Romanians in Transylvania in 1848 in Sremski Karlovci. In 1864 he became the first archbishop of the autonomous Romanian Orthodox metropolitanate in Hungary. He created an independent…


(124 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[German Version] from the Greek ἀρχιδιάκονος, is the leader of the deacons in an episcopal see. The archdeacon is attested in East and West from the 4th and 5th centuries on. He is appointed by the bishop and serves as his assistant in the liturgy, in the administration of the diocese, in questions of church discipline, and in care for the poor. The archdeacon re…


(1,669 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[German Version] I. General 1. State. The name of the state of Romania (România) is derived from (Daco-)Romanian, which because of its Latin origin belongs to the Romance branch of languages. The modern state of Romania, with its capital Bucharest (Bucureşti), arose after 1859 to the north of the Danube through successive unification and secession of six relatively independent provinces inhabited by a majority of Romanians and by other ethnic groups. The principalities of Moldova and Wallachia, united…

Peasants, Liberation of

(954 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[German Version] I. General Peasant liberation is a collective term for a variety of measures taken between 1777 and 1817 to break up the traditional lifelong bonds of seigniory and serfdom; they gave the peasants personal freedom, eliminating socage and domestic service, abolishing the hereditary subserviency that tied the peasant to the land and transforming a portion of the estate cultivated under feudal tenancy into the private property of the peasants. At the same ¶ time, these measures freed the lord of the estate from his obligation to protect the formerly subservient peasants. I…

Akathistos Hymn

(200 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[German Version] , Gk ʾΑκάθιστος ῞Υμνος, “not sitting,” i.e. a song of praise and thanksgiving to the mother of God, sung standing, that lauds the mystery of the incarnation of God. The original Akathistos Hymn contained a proemium and 24 alphabetical strophes that ended alternately with the refrain χαῖρε, νύμφη ἀνὐμφευτε ( chaire, nýmphē anýmpheute) or ʾΑλληλούϊα ( Allēlouia). The Akathistos Hymn was apparently composed anonymously in the 5th/6th or 7th century in the Christian East as a kontakio…

Cross, Exaltation of the

(359 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[German Version] (also Triumph of the Cross). The liturgical observance of the Exaltation of the Cross, still celebrated in the Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church on Sep 14, goes back to the veneration of the relics (II, 3) of the cross after the “finding ¶ of the true cross” ( inventio verae crucis) at Calvary in the 4th century. The Itinerarium of the pilgrim Egeria (c. 384) describes an annual feast on Sep 14 in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Anastasis), commemorating the finding and exaltation of the cross at Golgotha. In the l…


(136 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[German Version] (Gk ὑποδιάκοvος). In the liturgical hierarchy (II, 2) of the Orthodox Church, the subdeacon stands in fourth place: in first place stands the bishop (III, 2); then follow priest/presbyter (Priesthood: III, 2), deacon (VII), subdeacon ( Ipodiakon), reader, psalm singer, baptized laypersons, and, finally, catechumens. The subdeacon assists the bishop serving at the altar in a particular manner. He receives the Eucharist (Communion: III, 3), as do baptized laypersons, before the iconostasis (wall of images). In the worship service today, the subdeacon wears the stoi…


(387 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[German Version] Walachia, region in southern Romania divided by the Olt into Greater Walachia (Muntenia) and Lesser Walachia (Oltenia). An extension of the Eurasian Steppe, until well into the modern era Walachia was settled by various steppe peoples. In the context of the Danube Bulgarian Empire (Bulgaria), historical sources also mention Orthodox Vlachs/Walachians (Romanians) in Walachia, canonically under Ochrid or Târnovo. In the 12th century, pagan Cumans ruled Walachia; they were evangelize…


(133 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[German Version] A hierodeacon (Gk ἱεροδιάκονος) is an Orthodox monk (Monasticism: III) who officiates as deacon (VII) during the liturgy of the hours (IV) and the regular liturgy (VI). The number of deacons consecrated as hierodeacons or as hieromonks is limited, because only as many receive ordination (II) as are absolutely necessary for the conduct of the religious service in the monastery church. Like the priest-monks, the deacon-monks hold no elevated rank in the monastery, except during worship…


(277 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[German Version] “Ektenia” is derived from Gk ἐκτενής/ ektenḗs, lit. “outstretched, unceasing, fervent” (cf. ¶ Acts 12:5). In Orthodox worship, it designates the intercessions that are sung in antiphonous alternation, in the form of a litany. The deacon (Diaconate: VII) stands in the nave of the church with his (right) hand outstretched, and recites the petitions, whereupon the worshipers or the chorus respond with Kyrie eleison or “Grant [this], O Lord.” The Orthodox liturgy, the hourly prayers as well as other…


(192 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[German Version] Užgorod (Czech Užhorod, Hung. Ungvár), in western Ukraine, belonged politically to the kingdom of Hungary from the Middle Ages to 1918; it went to Czechoslovakia in 1919 but was returned to Hungary in 1940. It was in the Soviet Union after 1945 and has been in independent Ukraine since 1991. In the conflict between Habsburg pressure for Catholic union and the pressure of the Reformed local rulers of Transylvania for conversion, on Apr 23, 1646, 63 priests of the Orthodox diocese o…

Greek Catholic Church

(202 words)

Author(s): Schneider, Johann
[German Version] Greek Catholic Church, a term used for what were formerly referred to as Uniate Christians and churches in eastern and southern Europe that were regarded as being part of the Roman Catholic Church as a result of unions with Rome. “Greek” implies the Orthodox liturgy (VI), which the Uniate churches celebrate in a modified form, while “Catholic” refers to the Roman Catholic confessional church. In the Habsburg monarchy, Greek Catholic was the official designation of the churches uni…
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