
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Hill, R.L." ) OR dc_contributor:( "Hill, R.L." )' returned 2 results. Modify search

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(10,069 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B. | Hill, R. L. | Samaran, Ch. | Adam, A. | Lambton, A. K. S. | Et al.
, municipalité, terme utilisé en turc ( belediye), et d’autres langues islamiques, pour désigner les institutions municipales modernes de type européen, par opposition aux anciennes formes musulmanes d’organisation urbaine (voir Madīna). Le terme, comme beaucoup de néologismes de l’Islam moderne et comme les innovations qu’ils expriment, apparut d’abord en Turquie; les institutions et les services de type occidental furent introduits dans ce pays dans le cadre du programme général de réforme des Tanẓīmāt [ q.v.]. I. — Turquie. Les premiers pas vers une administration muni…


(9,924 words)

Author(s): Lewis, B. | Hill, R.L. | Samaran, Ch. | Adam, A. | Lambton, A.K.S. | Et al.
, municipality, the term used in Turkish ( belediye ), Arabic, and other Islamic languages, to denote modern municipal institutions of European type, as against earlier Islamic forms of urban organisation [see madīna ]. The term, like so many modern Islamic neologisms and the innovations they express, first appeared in Turkey, where Western-style municipal institutions and services were introduced as part of the general reform programme of the Tanẓīmāt [ q.v.]. (1) turkey. The first approaches towards modern municipal administration seems to have been made by Sultan …