Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Ebenbauer, Peter" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Ebenbauer, Peter" )' returned 8 results. Modify search
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(8,787 words)
[German Version] I. Phenomenology – II. History – III. Dogmatics – IV. Practical Theology – V. Ethics – VI. Orthodox Church – VII. Judaism – VIII. Art History – IX. Asia, Africa, Latin America
I. Phenomenology The term
liturgy has been used for Christian worship since the end of the 16th century; by the end of the 18th century, it had gained general acceptance. In secular usage, Gk λειτουργία/
leitourgía means work done in public service (from λαός/
laós, “people” [Laity] and ἔργον/
érgon, “work”); the LXX used it for the temple cult. It appears only 15 times in the N…
Religion Past and Present
Vehe, Michael
(119 words)
[German Version] (late 15th cent., Biberach, near Heilbronn – April 1539, Halle), OP. After receiving his Dr.theol. in 1513, he served as prior of the Dominican house in Heidelberg from 1515, and from 1532 as provost of the Neues Stift in Halle. In 1539 he was appointed suffragan bishop of Halberstadt. Vehe’s most important work,
Assertio sacrorum quorundam axiomatum (1535), treated all the current topics of debate between Catholics and the Reformers. He also published the first German Catholic hymnal (I, 2),
Ein New Gesangbüchlin Geystlicher Lieder (1537, 21567). Peter Ebenbauer Bibl…
Religion Past and Present
Tabernacle, Christian
(522 words)
[German Version]
I. History of the Term A tabernacle (Lat.
tabernaculum, “tent, hut”) is a receptacle containing the eucharistic bread and the vessel(s) holding it in Christian sacral buildings. The Vulgate uses the Latin word for the Old Testament tent of meeting and to represent the eschatological dwelling of God among mortals (Rev 21:3). In the Latin church, it became a technical term for the receptacle holding the reserved sacrament. In the Early Church, consecrated bread (Consecration) from the eucha…
Religion Past and Present
(3,339 words)
[German Version]
I. Religious Studies Semiotics, a discipline inaugurated primarily by C.S. Peirce and Ferdinand de Saussure (see II and IV below), is the systematic analysis of signs (Gk σημεῖον/
sēmeíon) and the way the human mind perceives and understands them. A sign in the sense of semiotics can be any present physical or mental entity that is in a position to stand for an entity not present. A sign is constituted by the conjunction of two elements, the signifier and the signified. In religious studies, semiotics examin…
Religion Past and Present
Lipphardt, Walther
(170 words)
[German Version] (Oct 14, 1906, Wiescherhöfen, Westphalia – Jan 16, 1981, Frankfurt am Main), was one of the most important hymnologists in the 20th century. He studied German language and literature, history, musicology, philosophy, and philology in Heidelberg and Freiburg im Breisgau and received his doctorate in 1931 with a dissertation on “Die altdeutschen Marienklagen” [The Old German Marian ¶ laments] from the philosophical faculty at Heidelberg. He taught until 1969 and received an honorary doctorate in theology from the University of Graz (Austri…
Religion Past and Present
(98 words)
[English Version] Vehe,
Michael (Ende 15.Jh. Biberach, Kreis Heilbronn – April 1539 Halle), OP. 1513 Dr. theol., ab 1515 Prior des Dominikanerkonvents in Heidelberg, seit 1532 Propst am Neuen Stift in Halle, 1539 Weihbf. von Halberstadt. V.s Hauptwerk »Assertio sacrorum quorundam axiomatum« (1535) handelt alle aktuellen Kontroversthemen zw. Katholiken und Reformatoren ab. V. ließ das erste dt. kath. Gesangbuch (: I.,2.) drucken: »Ein New Gesangbüchlin Geystlicher Lieder«, 1537 (21567). Peter Ebenbauer Bibliography Ein New Gesangbüchlin Geistl. Lieder. Faksimile d…
(2,997 words)
[English Version]
I. Religionswissenschaftlich S. bez. die hist. v.a. auf Ch.S. Peirce und Ferdinand de Saussures (s.u. II. und IV.) zurückgehende syst. Analyse der Zeichen (griech. σημει˜οn̆/sēmeíon) sowie deren Wahrnehmen und Verstehen durch den menschlichen Geist. Zeichen im semiotischen Sinne kann jede anwesende physische oder psychische Entität sein, die in der Lage ist, für eine abwesende zu stehen. Das Zeichen wird konstituiert durch die Verknüpfung zweier Elemente, des Signifikanten bzw. Bezeichnenden mit dem Si…
(467 words)
[English Version]
I. Begriff und Herkunft T., lat. tabernaculum, »Zelt/Hütte«, Gehäuse zur Aufbewahrung des eucharistischen Brotes und seiner Gefäße in christl. Sakralräumen. T. dient in der Vulgata zur Bez. des atl. Bundeszeltes (Stiftshütte) sowie des Bildes vom endzeitlichen Wohnen Gottes unter den Menschen (Apk 21,3) und wurde in der lat. Kirche zum terminus technicus für das Sakramentshäuschen. In der Alten Kirche wurde konsekriertes Brot (Konsekration) aus der Eucharistiefeier in eigens dafür h…