
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Hecker, Karl" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Hecker, Karl" )' returned 2 results. Modify search

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Soden, Wolfram von

(797 words)

Author(s): Hecker, Karl
German Assyriologist. Born Berlin 19. 6. 1908, died Münster 6. 10. 1996. School in Berlin and Marburg; studied Assyriology and¶ Semitic languages at Marburg, Munich and Leipzig. Doctorate 1931 Leipzig. 1933 habil. Göttingen. From 1934 lecturer, from 1936 prof. ext. at Göttingen. 1940 prof. ord. in Berlin, but did not take up his teaching post because of war service (ending as a Lieutenant and interpreter). 1945 teaching at Göttingen; 1954 prof. ord. in Assyriology at Vienna. 1961 prof. ord. at Münster in ancient Semitic philology and Near Eastern antiquities. 1957 (corresponding) member of the DAI. 1957 member of the

Soden, Wolfram von

(713 words)

Author(s): Hecker, Karl
Dt. Assyriologe. Geb. am 19. 6. 1908 in Berlin, gest. am 6. 10. 1996 in Münster. Schulbesuch in Be…