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(1,599 words)
[German Version]
I. City Zürich stands at the outflow of the Limmat from Lake Zürich, so it was suitable as a transshipment center for sea traffic, and also as a customs station. The name (Turicum) and the first phase of settlement were probably Celtic. In 15 bce a Roman military post was set up on the Lindenhof (the left or western bank), where by the 4th century there was a Roman castle and later a Carolingian palace. The oldest parish church was probably St. Peter’s, for which there is archaeological evidence from the 8th century. From t…
Religion Past and Present
(4,422 words)
1. OT 1.1.
Historiography and Historical Thinking To a greater extent than is sometimes realized, ancient Israel (§1) shared in the very diverse “mythical” historical thinking of the surrounding world. It read present events in the light of past events, beginning in a distant primal period, which would both explain and if necessary validate them. It thus narrated, established, and handed down the stories of the past, not least of all in the cult. The course of history was determined by human conduct in…
(4,367 words)
[German Version] I. History of Religion – II. Church History – III. Fundamental Theology – IV. Orthodox Law – V. Eastern Poetry – VI. Islam – VII. Buddhism – VIII. Taoism
I. History of Religion The canon can be defined as a complex process of selection of documents regarded as authoritative; from the totality of the extant written tradition, documents are set apart according to certain criteria as holy or inspired (Inspiration/Theopneustia). Although the concept of the canon as a normative collection…
Religion Past and Present