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(11,934 words)
[German Version] I. General – II. History and Society – III. Religion and Culture
I. General
1. Name/Designations In Egyptian-Coptic, Egypt is “the black (i.e. land)” (Egyptian *Kū́mut, Coptic Kēme, etc.) after the dark soil, in Semitic languages, generally,
Miṣr-, etc., in Hebrew also מָצוֹר /
Māṣôr (“border,” i.e. “borderland”?), in Greek after a sanctuary of the god Ptah as a designation for the old capital city Memphis,
Aígyptos, i.e.
Aígupto-s (in contemporary Egyptian perhaps *Hekoptáḥ).
2. Geography The central area of the country is the river oasis of the lowe…
Religion Past and Present