Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Yates, Timothy E." ) OR dc_contributor:( "Yates, Timothy E." )' returned 3 results. Modify search
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International Missionary Council (IMC)
(302 words)
[German Version] The World Missionary Conference at Edinburgh (Edinburgh Conference) developed a “Continuation Committee” with J.R. Mott as chairman and J.H. Oldham as secretary. In 1921 this became the IMC under their leadership. It held its first meeting at Lake Mohonk, New York, and aimed to increase cooperation among missionary societies. A.L. Warnshuis and W. Paton became representatives of the IMC in its New York and London offices. The IMC mounted a major international conference in Jerusal…
Religion Past and Present
Anglican Church
(3,845 words)
[German Version] I. History and Ecclesiology – II. Missions of the Anglican Church
I. History and Ecclesiology The word Anglican describes not a single church but a family of churches around the world, all of which trace their roots to the Church of England. There are 38 national churches that are considered Anglican with a total membership of around 70 million, but only six have the word in their official name (Australia, Canada, Korea, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and South America).
1. History. The historical development of the Church of England has formed a …
Religion Past and Present
(7,296 words)
[German Version] I. History of the Discipline – II. Methodology – III. Missiology and Other Disciplines – IV. Missiological Hermeneutics – V. Topics of Missiology – VI. Research and Study
I. History of the Discipline From the outset, Christians have reflected on the practical and theological questions posed by the Christian mission, as illustrated, for example, by the Pauline Epistles, the book of Acts, and, c. 600, the well-known missionary instructions of Gregory the Great. At certain critical times in the history of Chri…
Religion Past and Present