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(551 words)
[German Version] is located almost at the middle of the west coast of the Indian subcontinent (15°48′–14°53′ N, 74°20–73°40′ E). This strategic location led Alfonso de Albuquerque, the builder of the Portuguese empire in the East, to conquer it in 1510 from its erstwhile ruler, the sultan of Bijapur. In the centuries before the Portuguese conquest, Goa had belonged to the neighboring administrative regions under changing rulers. Goa acquired its present borders only at the end of the 18th century.…
Religion Past and Present
Diamper, Synod of
(453 words)
[German Version] (1599). In 1599, in Diamper (Udayamperur), Kerala (South India), a synod took place, which led to the more or less compulsory inclusion of the Indian St. Thomas Christians (Malabar Christians) in the Portuguese colonial church. Archbishop Aleixo de Menezes of Goa drafted the decrees of the synod to the last detail and had them translated into Malayalam. The synod commenced on Jun 20, 1599 with a few Jesuits, 153 “cattanars” (native priests), ¶ and 660 lay representatives of the St. Thomas Christians. Although it had been underst…
Religion Past and Present
Mission, History of
(2,979 words)
[German Version] I. The Evolution of the Gospel in Human Cultures – II. Cultural and Social History of Missions – III. History of Mission, History of the Church, and History of the Reception of Christ
I. The Evolution of the Gospel in Human Cultures Theology first examined the decentralization or pluralization of Christianity in the context of missiology: the forms and criteria of what can be called Christian are shaped by history and culture. This holds true even for the notion (however conceived) of a unity or evolution of Christiani…
Religion Past and Present
Castro, Matheus de
(296 words)
[German Version] (Matteo di; c. 1594, Divar – 1677, Rome), the first Indian bishop of the Catholic Church, born to the Mahale brahmin family of Divar, across from the city of Goa. The admission of Indians to the clerical ranks was at that time very rare as a result of colonial politics. Matteo de Castro's wish to join the Franciscans was not given any attention. In the company of some Carmelites he came to Rome in 1625. The secretary of the newly established Propaganda…
Religion Past and Present