Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity


Your search for 'tei_historicalwork:"Suda"' returned 120 results. Modify search

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Claudius [2] Casilo

(1,830 words)

Author(s): Ucciardello, Giuseppe
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Giuseppe Ucciardello and first published on 09/02/2006. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Claudius [2] Casilo | Κλαύδιος ὁ Καςίλωνος Place of Origin: ? Date: ? ↓ To Source List Biography: A lexicographer of uncertain date, Claudius was identified by Nauck ( Krit. Bemerk., 1868) with the Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Κασίλωνος cited by the Suda1 (the complete name would then be Κλαύδιος Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Κασίλωνος), as a student of a similarly obsc…

Soteridas (Soteras)

(2,061 words)

Author(s): Ippolito, Antonella
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Antonella Ippolito and published on 07/11/2019. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Soteridas (Soteras) | Σωτηρίδας (Σωτήρας) Identity: Pauly-Wissowa Place of Origin: Epidaurus? Date: …

Ptolemaeus [8] Pindarion

(4,435 words)

Author(s): Boatti, Anna
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Anna Boatti and first published on 23/10/2002. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Ptolemaeus [8] Pindarion | Πτολεμαῖος ὁ Πινδαρίων Identity: BNP Place of Origin: Alexandria Date: 2nd c. BCE ↓ To Source List Biography: Ptolemy son of …


(10,056 words)

Author(s): Buzzi, Serena
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Serena Buzzi and published on 04/04/2019. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Oribasius | Ὀρειβάσιος/Ὀριβάσιος Place of Origin: Pergamum Date: 4th c. CE ↓ To Source List Biography: Oribasius (Ὀρειβάσιος/Ὀριβάσιος), a famous doctor1 and scholar who lived ca. 320-390 CE, has come to be considered the founder of Byzantine encyclopedism in the area of practical literature ( Gebrauchsliteratur: cf. Garzya 1981; Ieraci Bio 1982…


(6,390 words)

Author(s): Meliadò, Claudio
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by …


(1,392 words)

Author(s): Valente, Stefano
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Stefano Valente and published on 01/11/2018. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Clemens | Κλήμης Identity: Perseus | Pauly-Wissowa | BNJ Place of Origin: ? Date: 1st-2nd c. CE ↓ To Source List Biography: We have no biographical information about Clemens. His Latin name suggests to date him in the imperial period, probably between the 1st and 2nd c. CE. Only three citations of Clemens survive in some lexicographical works of the Byzantine Age (Photius1, the Suda2, and the Etymologica3). The citations, however, do not come from direct use of his works, but rather they are mediated by the expanded version of the important Byzantine lexicon named Synagoge’4. But since the works of Clemens could hardly have still circulated at Byzantium in the 8th/9th c. CE – date of composition of the Synagoge –, these citations should probably have been gathered from a still unidentified, intermediate (lexicographical?) source. It is not otherwise possible to establish whether this source – as has been proposed – was a lexicon of Boethus5 on Plato…


(11,372 words)

Author(s): Ippolito, Antonella
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Antonella Ippolito and first published on 20/05/2008. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Orus | Ὦρος Identity: BNP Place of Origin: Alexandria Date: 5th c. CE ↓ To Source List Biography: The Suda1 , which drew on Hesychius of Miletus’2 Onomasticon3, informs us that Orus, a native of Alexandria, taught at Constantinople; we do not know whether his teaching was connected with an imperial post (cf. K. Alpers, Das attizistische Lexikon…

Archibius [1]

(253 words)

Author(s): Ippolito, Antonella
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Antonella Ippolito and first published on 02/02/2005. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Archibius [1] | Ἀρχίβιος Place of Origin: ? Date: 2nd c. CE? ↓ To Source List Bi…

Alexander [7] Polyhistor

(34,482 words)

Author(s): Pagani, Lara
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Lara Pagani and first published on 06/12/2005. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: AlexandPagani, Lara (University of Genoa)

Sal(l)ustius [2]

(2,194 words)

Author(s): Ucciardello, Giuseppe
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Giuseppe Ucciardello and first published on 01/02/2005. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Sal(l)ustius [2] | Σαλούστιος Identity: BNP Place of Origin: ? Date: ? ↓ To Source List Biography: Sal(l)ustius was a sophist and grammarian, and according to the Suda1, he was also the author of commentaries on authors including Demosthenes2 and Herodotus3. It is difficult to maintain Cumont’s proposal to identify him with Sallustius of D…


(1,903 words)

Author(s): Ippolito, Antonella
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Antonella Ippolito and first published on 20/12/2005. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Genethlius | Γενέθλιος Identity: BNP Place of Origin: Petra Date: …

Philippus [1]

(7,423 words)

Author(s): Ippolito, Antonella
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Antonella Ippolito and first published on 26/04/2007. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Philippus [1] | Φίλιππος Identity: BNP | FGrHist IV Place of Origin: Opus Date: 4th c. BCE ↓ To Source List Biography: Very little is known about the life of Philip of Opus (for an attempt to reconstruct it cf. Oldfather, Lokrika, p. 462). The essential information has been preserved by Diogenes Laertius1 (3, 37. 3, 46) and by the Suda lexicon2 (φ 418…


(2,894 words)

Author(s): Matijašić, Ivan
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Ivan Matijašić and published on 04/04/2019. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Iason | Ἰάσων Identity: Pauly-Wissowa | BNP | BNJ Place of Origin: Argos Date: 1st-2nd c. CE ↓ To Source List Biography: Biographical information about Iason of Argos is scarce, confused, and contradictory. The starting point is necessarily the lemma of the Suda1 dedicated to him ( Sud.ι 53): there he is called a historian2 contemporaneous with, but yo…

Sosibius [2] Lacon

(3,681 words)

Author(s): Pagani, Lara
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Lara Pagani and first published on 22/10/2002. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Sosibius [2] Lacon | Σωσίβιος ὁ Λάκων Identity: Perseus | BNP | BNJ Place of Origin: Laconia Date: 3rd/2nd c. BCE ↓ To Source List Biography: The date of Sosibius can be determined only approximately because his Χρόνων ἀναγραφή certainly presupposes knowledge of Timaeus of Tauromenium’s1 Ὀλυμπιονῖκαι (Timaeus died in 264 BCE, but the composit…

Philostratus [2]

(1,294 words)

Author(s): Ucciardello, Giuseppe
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Giuseppe Ucciardello and first published on 31/03/2006. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Philostratus [2] | Φιλόστρατος Place of Origin: Tyre ↓ To Source List Biography: Philostratus of Tyre is cited by Photius1 ( Bibl. cod. 150, 99a-b) as the author of a lexicon on the orators, which is mentioned along with similar works by Julianus2 and Valerius Diodorus3. Cohn ( Griech. Lexikogr., 1913, p. 590) has proposed to identify h…


(26,724 words)

Author(s): Ippolito, Antonella
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Antonella Ippolito and first published on 03/05/2007. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Minucianus | Μινουκιανός Identity: Pauly-Wissowa | BNP Place of Origin: Athens Date: 2nd c. CE ↓ To Source List Biography: The exact identity of the rhetoric1 teacher and writer Minucianus, who is known from the commentaries on the works of Hermogenes2, is very difficult to ascertain. A date generally accepted in the past – that …


(1,130 words)

Author(s): Montana, Fausto
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Fausto Montana and published on 01/11/2018. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Antipater | Ἀντίπατρος Identity: Pauly-Wissowa Place of Origin: ? Date: ? ↓ To Source List Biography: The name of Antipater, without other details, is mentioned in the scholion to Aristoph. Av. 1403b Holwerda, in which the word κυκλιοδιδάσκαλον (Las. T 10a Brussich; dithyr. T 51 Ieranò) is explained: according to the scholion, Antipater and Euphronius1…

Ptolemaeus [6] VIII Euergetes II

(4,629 words)

Author(s): Savio, Martina
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Martina Savio and published on 01/11/2018. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Ptolemaeus [6] VIII Euergetes II | Πτολεμαῖος ὁ Εὐεργήτης Identity: Perseus | BNP | BNJ Place of Origin: Alexandria Date: post 182 – 116 BCE ↓ To Source List Biography: Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II was the son of Ptolemy V Epiphanes1 and Cleopatra I2, and he was the younger brother of Ptolemy VI Philometor3. The terminus post quem for his birth has been fixed…

Asclepiades [2]

(13,547 words)

Author(s): Pagani, Lara
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Lara Pagani and first published on 20/02/2006 - 15/01/2009. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Asclepiades [2] | Ἀσκληπιάδης Identity: Perseus | BNP | BNJ Place of Origin: Myrlea (Bithynia) Date: 2nd-1st c. BCE ↓ To Source List Biography: Asclepiades was a native of Myrlea (later Apamea) in Bithynia and lived between the 2nd and 1st c. BCE. He journeyed to Rome in the age of Pompey the Great1, to Alexandria in Egypt, and to Spain, …


(1,822 words)

Author(s): Pagani, Lara
Entry Version: This is the English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Lara Pagani and first published on 20/02/2006. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Hellanicus | Ἑλλάνικος Identity: BNP Place of Origin: ? Date: 3rd-2nd c. BCE ↓ To Source List Biography: The grammarian Hellanicus is mentioned in the Suda1 (π 3035 = T 1 Montanari) as a pupil of Agathocles of Cyzicus2, who was in turn a student of Zenodotus3; and as the teacher of Ptolemy Epithetes4 (who was an opponent of Aristarchus of Samothrace5). He s…
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