Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity
Your search for 'tei_historiansdate:"ante 2nd/3rd c. CE?"' returned 1 result. Modify search
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(1,152 words)
Entry Version: This is the
English version of this article translated by Patrick Hogan. The original Italian version was written by Alessia Ferreccio and first published on 04/12/2016. Here is the Italian version of this entry. Grammarian: Name: Pyrrhander | Πύρρανδρος Place of Origin: ? Date:
ante 2nd/3rd c. CE? ↓ To Source List Biography: Pyrrhander is known solely from the citation of Ath. 14, 634d, which allows us only to establish a very vague
terminus ante quem at the beginning of the 2nd/3rd c. CE at the latest. The fact that Athenaeus1 mentions him in a list of authors of works…