Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
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La médiation pontificale dans l’affaire du canal Beagle (Volume 242)
(80,942 words)
R. Moncayo, Guillermo
Keywords: Argentina | Chile | Borders | Delimitation | Holy See | Beagle Channel | Alternative dispute resolution |
Mots clefs: Argentine | Chili | Frontières | Délimitation | Saint-Siège | Canal de Beagle | Médiation | ABSTRACT Guillermo Moncayo, Professor at the University of Buenos Aires, reminds us of a series of events towards the end of 1978 that led to such a serious situation that a war between Argentinia and Chile seemed inevitable. The intervention of the Holy See succeeded however in preventing the conf…
Les problèmes territoriaux dans la jurisprudence de la Cour internationale de Justice (Volume 107)
(44,127 words)
Bastid, Suzanne
Keywords: International Court of Justice | Territory | Borders | Delimitation |
Mots clefs: Cour internationale de Justice | Territoire | Frontières | Délimitation | ABSTRACT The aim of Suzanne Bastid’s course is to study the judgments and opinions of the International Court of Justice concerning territorial problems with the exception of the problems related to the International Law of the Sea. The author successively examines the cases in which the scope of the territorial sovereignty of the State was def…
The Problems of the Frontiers of Outer Space and Air Space (Volume 174)
(14,944 words)
Goedhuis, D.
Keywords: Space | Borders | Delimitation |
Mots clefs: Espace cosmique | Frontières | Délimitation | ABSTRACT In this course, Daniel Goedhuis, Professor at the University of Leiden, presents the main problems related to space and air law. After an introduction to the divergent interpretations of the legal regimes governing sky and space that came into force in the 1970s, and to various conventions in these fields, the author focuses on the delimitation of sky and space. Dans ce cours, Daniel Goedhuis, professeur à l'Université de Leyde, présente les principaux…