Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
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Souveraineté territoriale et globalisation des marchés : le domaine d’application des lois contre les restrictions de la concurrence (Volume 264)
(64,438 words)
Basedow, Jürgen
Keywords: Cartels and monopolies | Competition | Restrictive business practices |
Mots clefs: Cartels et monopoles | Concurrence | Pratiques commerciales restrictives | ABSTRACT Jürgen Basedow, Professor at the Free University of Berlin, examines in this course the limitations of competition as established by private law: horizontal agreements or trusts, vertical restrictions on competition (agreements between companies of various economic levels on resale prices, on exclusive sales, on export prohibition…
Les champs d’application territoriale des lois sur la concurrence (Volume 128)
(33,938 words)
Goldman, Berthold
Keywords: Competition | Extraterritorial jurisdiction |
Mots clefs: Concurrence | Extraterritorialité des lois | ABSTRACT Bertold Goldman notes in the introduction to his course that the determination of the territorial fields of application of competition laws is, from the outset, a particular difficulty which arises from the fact that it can have a triple nature. Such legislation includes, or may include, provisions of criminal law, administrative law and private law, and substantive rules an…