Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law


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La protection internationale des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé (Volume 120)

(34,445 words)

Author(s): E. Nahlik, Stanisław
E. Nahlik, Stanisław Keywords: Monuments of architecture, art or history | Cultural heritage | Protection | Laws of war | Mots clefs: Monuments d’architecture, d art ou historiques | Droit de la guerre | ABSTRACT The rules concerning the international protection of cultural wealth in case of armed conflict have been codified in the form of Hague Convention in 1954. This convention until now (1967) constitutes the peak of a long historical process which Stanislaw Nahlik intends to study. In order to explain the policy of internati…

Responsibility of States for Unlawful Acts of Their Armed Forces (Volume 88)

(57,093 words)

Author(s): V. Freeman, Alwyn
V. Freeman, Alwyn Keywords: Armed forces | State responsibility | Cultural heritage | Occupation | International humanitarian law | Mots clefs: Forces armées | Responsabilité des Etats | ABSTRACT Alwyn V. Freeman begins his course on the responsibility of the States for the unlawful acts committed by their armed forces by a description and analysis of the general principles of responsibility. He then examines the issue of responsibility for military activities. He then focuses on the acts of individuals soldiers in time of …

International Co-operation in Cultural Affairs (Volume 198)

(21,780 words)

Author(s): Galenskaya, Liudmila
Galenskaya, Liudmila Keywords: Cultural heritage | Cultural co-operation | Culture | International relations | Mots clefs: Coopération culturelle | Culture | Relations internationales | ABSTRACT In this study of international cultural cooperation, Liudmila Galenskaya, Professor at the University of Leningrad, uses the British Council’s definition of culture: The culture includes the arts, education, the sciences and all social and intellectual exchanges. Based on this definition, the author begins her course by presenti…

Restitution of Works of Art pursuant to Private and Public International Law (Volume 288)

(94,791 words)

Author(s): W. Kowalski, Wojciech
W. Kowalski, Wojciech Keywords: Monuments of architecture, art or history | Restitution | Private international law | Public international law | Cultural heritage | Private international law | Cultural heritage | Mots clefs: Monuments d’architecture, d art ou historiques | Restitution | Droit international privé | Droit international public | ABSTRACT Professor Wojcieh W. Kowalski devotes his course to an analysis of the reasons justifying the distinction between cultural property and other types of property, and to the description of the princi…

Circulation des biens culturels, détermination de la loi applicable et méthodes de règlement des litiges (Volume 375)

(167,612 words)

Author(s): Frigo, Manlio
Frigo, Manlio Keywords: Cultural property | Cultural heritage | Choice of law | Restitution | Dispute resolution | Trials | Mots clefs: ABSTRACT This course is dedicated to the standards governing the circulation of cultural goods. It begins by defining the system of the legal protection of cultural goods. This protection is differentiated according to the situation in which the property is located, as well as the form it takes : from cultural property to movable property to intangible cultural heritage. Private inter…

Problems of Private International Law for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage (Volume 217)

(38,343 words)

Author(s): V. Prott, Lyndel
V. Prott, Lyndel Keywords: Monuments of architecture, art or history | Cultural heritage | Private international law | Mots clefs: Monuments d’architecture, d art ou historiques | ABSTRACT There is a need for unity in private international law and a need for rules that can be of general application and justified by a reason. Such a need is particularly felt with regard to problems of cultural heritage protection. The complexity and diversity of the rules allow illegal trade participants in the cultural heritage to take adv…