Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
Your search for 'tei_propername:"Droits de l homme"' returned 15 results. Modify search
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Duties of States Regarding the Civil Rights of Aliens (Volume 161)
(48,026 words)
B. Lillich, Richard
Keywords: Aliens | Human rights |
Mots clefs: Etrangers | Droits de l homme | ABSTRACT Richard Illich, Professor at the University of Virginia School of Law, points out in the introduction to his course that the treatment of aliens has undergone significant changes over the centuries, both in theory and in practice. The author examines the current situation (at the time of writing his course) of aliens with regard to international law by showing the main challenges. He presents the recent codif…
Problèmes relatifs à la protection de la personne humaine par le droit international dans les conflits armés ne présentant pas un caractère international (Volume 137)
(38,307 words)
Wilhelm, René-Jean
Keywords: Non-international armed conflicts | Human rights | International humanitarian law |
Mots clefs: Conflits armés non internationaux | Droits de l homme | Droit humanitaire international | ABSTRACT Rene-Jean Wilhelm considers three kinds of factors when dealing with the protection of the human person in non-international armed conflicts: the numerous internal conflicts that have occurred since 1949 and the application that has been made of article 3 of the Geneva Conventions in these situations, the …
L’évolution de la réglementation de la guerre à la lumière de la sauvegarde des droits de l’homme (Volume 137)
(36,576 words)
Migliazza, Alessandro
Keywords: Human rights | Laws of war | Use of force | International relations | International humanitarian law |
Mots clefs: Droits de l homme | Droit de la guerre | Force | Relations internationales | ABSTRACT Alessandro Migliazza states that from the beginning of civilization, men faithful to the spirit of humanity have multiplied their efforts to prevent war and to regulate armed conflict. The efforts have laid the foundations of people’s rights:
jus ad bellum and
jus in bello are the first and perhaps the most important chapters in the science of int…
Human Rights and Domestic Jurisdiction (Article 2, § 7, of the Charter) (Volume 124)
(28,032 words)
Ermacora, Felix
Keywords: United Nations | Charter | Human rights | Jurisdiction |
Mots clefs: Nations Unies | Charte | Droits de l homme | Juridiction | ABSTRACT The course of Felix Ermacora is based on a problem of crucial significance related to the relations between national law and international law, and more particularly, to the law of international organizations. The author, in the first instance, focuses on domestic jurisdiction in general. He then studies the general aspects of human rights in connection with dome…
Human Rights and Non-intervention in the Helsinki Final Act (Volume 157)
(55,941 words)
Arangio-Ruiz, Gaetano
Keywords: European security | Human rights | Intervention | Acte final d'Helsinki |
Mots clefs: Sécurité européenne | Droits de l homme | Intervention et non-intervention | Acte final de la Conférence sur la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (Helsinki, 1 août 1975) | ABSTRACT Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz, Professor at the University of Rome, focuses on a dispute that has arisen since the conclusion of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, on the impact of the non-intervention principle on international rules f…
The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights A Legal Analysis (Volume 194)
(102,700 words)
G. Bello, Emmanuel
Keywords: Africa | Human rights | African Charter on Human and People's Rights (Banjul, 27 June 1981) |
Mots clefs: Afrique | Droits de l homme | Charte africaine des droits de l homme et des peuples | ABSTRACT Emmanuel G. Bello, Legal Advisor at the Ministry of Justice in Harare, devotes his course to legal analysis of the African Charter on Human Rights and Peoples’ Rights, which was concluded in 1981. Emmanuel Bello notes that the charter reflects the will of OAU members in their effort to distinguish themselves fr…
Le principe de l’égalité juridique dans les rapports internationaux (Volume 42)
(52,075 words)
Brown SCOTT, James
Keywords: Human rights | International relations |
Mots clefs: Droits de l'homme | Relations internationales | ABSTRACT Although James Brown Scott’s course deals with a specific subject of legal equality in international relations, it is in fact actually presented in two forms. The first form of the course is an overview of the concept of legal equality, and the second form is the application of the principle to three concrete situations, which concern exclusively America. The author successively…
The International Protection of Human Rights (Volume 70)
(37,365 words)
Lauterpacht, M.A., LL.D., H.
Keywords: Human rights |
Mots clefs: Droits de l homme | ABSTRACT H. Lauterpacht begins his course on The International Protection of Human Rights with a presentation of fundamental rights as conceived by the United Nations Charter. The author focuses on the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, including its formation, its functioning, and its role. He then examines the issue of the international declaration of human rights, including the problems related to its application and its content. H. Lauterpacht commence son cours sur la protection…
Le problème de l’accès des particuliers a des juridictions internationales (Volume 51)
(39,287 words)
Séfériadès, Stelio
Keywords: Individuals | Human rights | International courts | Access to justice |
Mots clefs: Individus | Droits de l homme | Tribunaux internationaux | Accès aux tribunaux | ABSTRACT Stelio Seferiades, in the introduction to his course, quotes the resolution taken by the Institute of International Law at New York in 1929 that “It is the duty of every State to recognize the right of every individual to life, freedom, and property, and to grant to all, in its territory, full and complete protection of the rig…
Les procédures publiques spéciales de la Commission des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies (Volume 228)
(31,170 words)
Antonio Pastor Ridruejo, José
Keywords: United Nations | Human rights |
Mots clefs: Nations Unies | Droits de l homme | ABSTRACT In this course, José Antonio Pastor Ridruejo examines the interplay of politics and law in the special public procedures initiated by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, through a comprehensive approach of harmoniously integrating the data provided in addition to the legal sciences through political science and the data of international relations. The author thus examines the ins…
La protection internationale des droits de l’Homme (Volume 38)
(37,122 words)
N. Mandelstam, André
Keywords: Human rights | International protection |
Mots clefs: Droits de l homme | Protection internationale | ABSTRACT In the course on the International Protection of Human Rights, Andre Mandelstam distinguishes the positive human right from the intuitive human right. The author devotes the first part of the study to positive human rights and focuses on the framework of minority treaties, the movement for the generalization of the international protection of minorities, and the problem of the…
Droits de l’homme et relations internationales (Volume 97)
(45,692 words)
Hamburger, Ernest
Keywords: Human rights | International relations |
Mots clefs: Droits de l homme | Relations internationales | ABSTRACT The course of Ernest Hamburger aims to clarify the relationship between the historical development of two phenomena: international relations and human rights. The goal of Ernest Hamburger's study is to draw attention to a field of research that has not been sufficiently explored so far, to open up perspectives and to make suggestions to scholars. The author begins his course by f…
La Révolution de 1848 et le droit international (Volume 72)
(36,188 words)
Bastid, Paul
Keywords: France | Revolutions | 1848 | International law | Human rights |
Mots clefs: France | Révolutions | 1848 | Droit international | Droits de l homme | ABSTRACT According to Paul Bastid, although not as important as the date of 1789, the date of 1848 can only be compared to it for the importance of its repercussions in the field of relations between States. In a first chapter, the author analyzes the elements of problems in the international order due to the 1848 Revolution. He then examines its action in t…
La pratique récente des Nations Unies dans le domaine de la protection des droits de l’homme (Volume 145)
(38,529 words)
Schreiber, Marc
Keywords: United Nations | Human rights | International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (New York, 16 December 1966) | Racial discrimination |
Mots clefs: Nations Unies | Droits de l homme | Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques (New York, 16 décembre 1966) | Discrimination raciale | ABSTRACT The subject of Marc Schreiber's course is that of the second breakthrough in the barriers that traditional law of nations have established to protect the States, the topical subjects in international law, against a…
La sauvegarde internationale des droits de l’homme (Volume 59)
(29,930 words)
Dumas, Jacques
Keywords: Human rights |
Mots clefs: Droits de l homme | ABSTRACT International public law, like the international private law and, moreover, like all the branches of domestic law, if we consider the branches of law from the point of view of their essential goal, notes Jacques Dumas, is based on the principle, inspiration, and ultimate disposition of human protection, human safety, and human rights. The author thus successively considers the human rights and the ideal sphere of law, freedom of …