Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
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L’Organisation des États américains et le droit international (Volume 355)
(79,578 words)
Arrighi, Jean-Michel
Keywords: Organization of American States | Public international law | International law | Institutional law | Institutions and organs | Legal co-operation | Democracy | History |
Mots clefs: Organisation des Etats américains | Droit international public | Droit international | Droit institutionnel | Institutions et organes | Coopération juridique | Démocratie | Histoire | ABSTRACT The Organization of American States (OAS), created in 1948, is just a link in a long chain of inter-American institutions that emerged from the first Am…
Règles générales du droit de la paix. L’idée de l’organisation internationale, dans ses grandes phases (Volume 66)
(105,195 words)
Van Kan, J.
Keywords: Peace | International law | History |
Mots clefs: Paix | Droit international | Histoire | ABSTRACT In this course, J. van Kan does not propose to follow the development of the idea of international peace through the centuries, but to make a choice in the subject and to deal with some major detached but closely coherent chapters. The author writes that the organization of peace has proceeded through four paths: moral conviction, universalism, the supranational idea, and the international idea. T…
Historical and Comparative Introduction to Conflict of Laws (Volume 118)
(76,168 words)
De Nova, Rodolfo
Keywords: Private international law | History |
Mots clefs: Droit international privé | Histoire | ABSTRACT Rodolfo de Nova's course is divided into two parts: a historical part and a comparative part. In the historical part, the author focuses on the "statutists" and presents the Italian, French, and Dutch schools in the nineteenth century. The second part of the course is devoted to the presentation of general problems and general theories. He examines the reference to the rules of foreign confl…
L’expansion de la société internationale aux XIXe et XXe siècles (Volume 116)
(31,739 words)
Truyol y Serra, Antonio
Keywords: History | International law |
Mots clefs: Histoire | Droit international | ABSTRACT To designate the objective of the course, Antonio Truyol Y Serra refers to a concept borrowed from biology: mutation, which he applies here to the international society. The mutation involves the transition from a plurality of international, specific, or regional societies to a single international society on a global scale. After a presentation of the "European System of States", the author exami…
L’amitié internationale. Les phases critiques de son ancienne histoire (Volume 78)
(20,634 words)
Paradisi, Bruno
Keywords: Public international law | International relations | History |
Mots clefs: Droit international public | Relations internationales | Histoire | ABSTRACT Bruno Paradisi in 1951 points out that the term "international friendship" has almost completely lost its legal content and significance. Although the States continue to conclude friendship treaties, it should be recognized that their significance for modern legal organization is rather limited. They serve only to emphasize, at the time of a so…
Les antécédents de la Société des Nations (Volume 60)
(35,861 words)
Dupuis, Charles
Keywords: Europe | Peace | History |
Mots clefs: Europe | Paix | Histoire | ABSTRACT The author points out that, from the Roman Empire to the present day (1937), Europe first and then the world hovered between the international organization and the anarchy of sovereignties. First, the author focuses on the rudimentary projects of international organization, theoretical order, like that of Sully. He then presents a precise and complete project of the Abbot of Saint Peter to restore perpetual peace …
Les origines de l’arbitrage international. Antiquité et Moyen Age (Volume 42)
(37,642 words)
Baron Michel De Taube, Le
Keywords: International arbitration | History |
Mots clefs: Arbitrage international | Histoire | ABSTRACT Michel de Taube explains at the beginning of his course that, by studying in great detail the history of international relations, we have come to the conviction that the arbitration practice can boast of such interesting and numerous antecedents, especially in the medieval times and in antiquity. After a study of the first arbitrations between States in the ancient East and archaic ar…
Le droit des assemblées internationales (Volume 104)
(16,015 words)
Prélot, Marcel
Keywords: International organizations | Assembly | Parliaments | History |
Mots clefs: Organisations internationales | Assemblée | Parlements | Histoire | ABSTRACT Marcel Prelot notes, with reference to Georges Scelle, that there is a tendency for institutional conferences or international assemblies to move away from diplomatic conferences and to move closer to parliamentarism, both in terms of actual procedure and a legal spirit that drives them and the legislative and regulatory results to which they …