Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
Your search for 'tei_propername:"Nationalité"' returned 10 results. Modify search
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Conséquences de la différence de nationalité ou de domicile des époux sur les effets et la dissolution du mariage (Volume 105)
(33,482 words)
Valladão, Haroldo
Keywords: Marriage | Nationality | Family law | Private international law | Divorce and judicial separation | Habitual residence |
Mots clefs: Nationalité | ABSTRACT Haroldo Valladao’s object is to determine, in countries that follow the classic principles of national law or the law of the domicile to regulate the effects and the dissolution of marriage, the choice of law applied, when the spouses do not have the same nationality or domicile, and the choice of respective national or domiciliary laws in c…
L’option de nationalité (Volume 31)
(21,628 words)
L. Kunz, Joseph
Keywords: Nationality |
Mots clefs: Nationalité | ABSTRACT Joseph Kunz points out in the introduction to his course that millions of people were affected by a change of nationality and the nationality option, which took place under the treaties that, ended the 1914-1918 war. The nationality option is therefore a problem of great practical significance in 1930, as well as a very interesting theoretical problem. The author approaches the issue by distinguishing the general theory of the natio…
La nationalité, la double nationalité et la supranationalité (Volume 102)
(41,108 words)
De Castro, F.
Keywords: Nationality | Dual nationality |
Mots clefs: Nationalité | ABSTRACT Federico de Castro understands by dual nationality, the two nationalities that two States decide by mutual agreement to attribute to their own nationals. In a part devoted on nationality, the author examines whether there is a crisis of nationality, studies the history of nationality and its modern significance, and distinguishes in practice between actual nationality and formal nationality. He then discusses the issue…
Nationality or Domicile? The Present State of Affairs (Volume 128)
(55,087 words)
I. De Winter, L.
Keywords: Nationality |
Mots clefs: Nationalité | ABSTRACT Louis De Winter devotes his course on a controversy between the principle of domicile and the principle of nationality in private international law. After a presentation of the origin of the controversy concerning these two principles, Louis de Winter presents the difficulties related to the principle of nationality, the concept of domicile, and the emergence of the notion of habitual residence as a connecting factor. He then examin…
Le droit international de la nationalité (Volume 198)
(24,988 words)
Francisco Rezek, José
Keywords: Nationality | International law |
Mots clefs: Nationalité | Droit international | ABSTRACT This course aims to analyze the role and position of law of nationality law in international law. It begins by describing the concept of nationality, addressing issues such as the relationship between the individual and the State, the distinction between nationals of origin and those who have acquired the nationality, as well as the associated concepts of diplomatic protection and functional…
Les conflits de nationalités (Volume 64)
(19,999 words)
Louis-Lucas, Pierre
Keywords: Nationality | Private international law |
Mots clefs: Nationalité | Droit international privé | ABSTRACT Nationality is the legal relationship which unites an individual to his State, notes Pierre Louis-Lucas. Nationality conflict is an abnormal fact or its relationship is multiple or this relationship is nonexistent. After the briefing of a few general considerations, the author studies the national solution for nationality conflicts. He then focuses on the international solution fo…
De la nationalité (Volume 5)
(18,367 words)
Isay, Ernst
Keywords: Nationality |
Mots clefs: Nationalité | ABSTRACT After an introduction to the State and the personal and territorial elements of its definition, Ernst Isay focuses on the concept of nationality. The author then examines the issues of acquisition and loss of nationality, followed by the effects of nationality: the rights of nationals, the obligations of nationals, and the effects of nationality in private, criminal, and administrative international law. Après une introduction consacrée à l’État et à l'élément personnel et territorial de sa défi…
La nationalité des sociétés commerciales (Volume 33)
(36,448 words)
Travers, Maurice
Keywords: Commercial companies | Nationality |
Mots clefs: Sociétés commerciales | Nationalité | ABSTRACT Maurice Travers explains that the issue of the Nationality of Commercial Corporate Bodies is dominated by three ideas: the idea of economic expansion, the idea of economic defense, and the idea of security. The recognition of a nationality for commercial companies is one of the surest ways for a State to facilitate its economic expansion. To address this issue, the author begins this course…
Règles générales du droit de la nationalité (Volume 74)
(33,777 words)
Makarov, A.N.
Keywords: Nationality |
Mots clefs: Nationalité | ABSTRACT A.N. Makarov begins his course with a study of the concept of nationality and the different types of its regulation. He then focuses on the question of the sources of the law of nationality, its legal nature, the law applicable to the determination of the law of nationality, its application, the positive and negative conflicts of the law of nationality, and finally focuses on the proof of nationality. A.N. Makarov commence son cours par une étude de la notion de nationalité et des diverses espèces de…
Citoyenneté de l’Union européenne, nationalité et condition des étrangers (Volume 261)
(69,265 words)
Pérez Vera, Elisa
Keywords: European Union | Citizenship | Aliens | Nationality |
Mots clefs: European Union | Citizenship | Etrangers | Nationalité | ABSTRACT In this course, Elisa Pérez Vera, Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia in Madrid, proposes to examine the various situations a person might face with regard to a political organization - or several organizations - (political party or not, member or non-member, national or foreigner) and that entail legal consequences on the international…