Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law


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The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and the Legal Treatment of Foreign Investment (Volume 203)

(84,055 words)

Author(s): F. I. Shihata, Ibrahim
F. I. Shihata, Ibrahim Keywords: Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency | Foreign direct investment | …

Protection of Investment in the Context of Petroleum Agreements (Volume 204)

(56,937 words)

Author(s): Z. El Chiati, A.
Z. El Chiati, A. Keywords: Oil | Concessions | Foreign direct investment | Protection | Mots clefs: Z. El Chiati, A.

La protection des mineurs en droit international privé (Volume 112)

(18,793 words)

Author(s): E. Von Steiger, Werner
E. Von Steiger, Werner Keywords: Children | Protection | Private international law | Mino | Mots clefs: Enfants | ProteE. Von Steiger, Werner

The Influence of Technical Progress on Development of Creativity and the Law of Intellectual Property (Volume 190)

(36,926 words)

Author(s): Kopff, A.
Kopff, A. Keywords: Intellectual property | Software | Protection | Mots clefs: Propriété intellectuelle | Software | Protection | ABSTRACT In his course on the influence of technical progress on the development of creativity and the law of intellectual property, Andrezej Kopff, Professor at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, intends to confine himself to the question of copyright (its object, subject, limitations, and the principle of remuneration of authors). To begin his study, Professor Kopff focuses on whe…

La protection des minorités (Volume 1)

(62,469 words)

Author(s): Mandelstam, André
Mandelstam, André Keywords: Minorities | Protection | Mots clefs: Minorités | Protection | ABSTRACT The first part of the course of Andre Mandelstam is devoted to the origins of minority rights: protection of human rights in the countries of Christianity, human intervention in Turkey and its repercussions in Europe, protection of human and national rights in the doctrine of international law, influence of social factors on the protection of minorities (socialism, pacifism, Jewish action), attitudes of allied …