Brill’s Digital Library of World War I
Your search for 'tei_subject:"Literature"' returned 49 results. Modify search
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Introduction: Popular Culture and the First World War
(7,463 words)
Women Readers of Henri Barbusse: The Evidence of Letters to the Author
(5,284 words)
‘If It Had Happened Otherwise’—First World War Exceptionalism in Counterfactual History
(8,232 words)
Propaganda and Politics: Germany and Spanish Opinion in World War I
(13,554 words)
The First World War in Contemporary British Popular Culture
(11,010 words)
The Impact of the East Africa Campaign, 1914–1918 On South Africa and Beyond
(6,645 words)
The Corrosiveness of Comparison: Reverberations of Indian Wartime Experiences in German Prison Camps (1915–1919)
(16,260 words)
The Old Front Line: Returning to the Battlefields in the Writings of Ex-Servicemen
(8,979 words)
New Light on the East African Theater of the Great War: A Review Essay of English-Language Sources
(7,917 words)
Ambiguities of the Modern: The Great War in the Memoirs and Poetry of the Iraqis
(12,053 words)
The Disappearing Surplus: The Spinster in the Post-War Debate in Weimar Germany, 1918–1920
(9,212 words)
1914–18: The Death Throes of Civilization. The Elites of Latin-America Face the Great War
(99 words)
Propaganda, Imperial Subjecthood and National Identity in Jamaica during the First World War
(9,614 words)
Political and Public Aspects of the Activity of the Lithuanian Women’s Movement, 1918–1923
(7,896 words)
“The Crusade of Youth”: Pacifism and the Militarization of Youth Culture in Marc Sangnier’s Peace Congresses, 1923–1932
(12,184 words)
Why are We still Interested in This Old War?
(6,828 words)
Ardour and Anxiety: Politics and Literature in the Indian Homefront
(10,932 words)
Information, Censorship or Propaganda? The Illustrated French Press in the First World War
(10,282 words)
The Last War: The Legacy of the First World War in 1940s British Fiction
(10,056 words)
‘The Germans Have Landed!’: Invasion Fears in the South-East of England, August to December 1914
(9,095 words)