Brill’s Digital Library of World War I
Your search for 'tei_subject:"Society"' returned 89 results. Modify search
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Counting Unrest: Physical Manifestations of Unrest and Their Relationship to Admiralty Perception
(9,455 words)
The Science Room as an Archive: Taisho Japan and WWI
(8,904 words)
Who Provided Care for Wounded and Disabled Soldiers? Conceptualizing State-Civil Society Relationship in First World War Austria
(11,870 words)
“We Stand on the Threshold of a New Age”: Alice Masaryková, the Czechoslovak Red Cross, and the Building of a New Europe
(8,699 words)
Leave and Schizophrenia: Permissionnaires in Paris During the First World War
(102 words)
Encountering the ‘Enemy’: Prisoner of War Transport and the Development of War Cultures in 1914
(11,480 words)
La Dame Blanche: Gender and Espionage in Occupied Belgium
(93 words)
Schools, State-Building, and National Conflict in German-Occupied Poland, 1915–1918
(10,678 words)
Protest and Disability: A New Look at African American Soldiers during the First World War
(10,875 words)
‘War Profiteers’ and ‘War Profiters’: Representing Economic Gain in France during the First World War
(13,308 words)
The First World War in Contemporary British Popular Culture
(11,010 words)
Introduction: Untold War
(8,972 words)
Ambiguities of the Modern: The Great War in the Memoirs and Poetry of the Iraqis
(12,053 words)
The Disappearing Surplus: The Spinster in the Post-War Debate in Weimar Germany, 1918–1920
(9,212 words)
1914–18: The Death Throes of Civilization. The Elites of Latin-America Face the Great War
(99 words)
Political and Public Aspects of the Activity of the Lithuanian Women’s Movement, 1918–1923
(7,896 words)
War on Stage. Home Front Entertainment in European Metropolises 1914–1918
(6,871 words)
Sovereignty and Imperial Hygiene: Japan and the 1919 Cholera Epidemic in East Asia
(9,031 words)
“The Crusade of Youth”: Pacifism and the Militarization of Youth Culture in Marc Sangnier’s Peace Congresses, 1923–1932
(12,184 words)
A Different Kind of Home Front: War, Gender and Propaganda in Warsaw, 1914–1918
(10,415 words)