
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Lohmann, Hans" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Lohmann, Hans" )' returned 445 results. Modify search

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(59 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Σκολοπόεις). Küstenplatz am Gaison zw. Priene und Thebai am Südfuß der Mykale mit Heiligtum der eleusinischen Demeter (wohl beim h. Domatia [1. 17]), wo 479 v. Chr. die Griechen über die Perser siegten (Hdt. 9,97; Perserkriege [1]). Grenze zu Thebai: IPriene 361. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography 1 Th. Wiegand, Priene. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Unt. in den J. 1895-1898, 1904.


(421 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] T. dient weltweit in Siedlungsräumen mit stark bewegtem Oberflächenrelief der Erweiterung landwirtschaftlicher Nutzflächen zur Ertragssteigerung und prägt bis heute das Bild vieler griech. Landschaften. Indem man steile Hänge in weniger geneigte oder in ebene Stufen umgestaltet, wird die Wasserhaltung verbessert, die Wurzelbildung gefördert, die Bodenerosion gebremst und die Bearbeitung erleichtert. Die meisten T. im Mittelmeerraum dürften aus dem 18./19. Jh. stammen, doch gelang…


(181 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Achaioi, Achaia | Sparta (Σελ(λ)ασία). Polis (Diod. 15,64,1) spartanischer períoikoi im Tal des Oinus [1] ca. 10 km nördl. von Sparta bzw. 5 km östl. des h. Ortes S., beherrschte den nördl. Zugang in die Lakonike. Eine befestigte Siedlung auf dem Paleogulas mit Funden des 5.-2. Jh. v. Chr. ist nachgewiesen, ferner ein phrúrion (“Festung”) auf dem Hagios Konstantinos in 831 m H [1; 3]. S. wurde 389/8 v. Chr. von Chabrias, nach der Schlacht von Leuktra 371/0 v. Chr. von Epameinondas zerst…


(111 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Ὑβάνδα). Ehemalige Insel im Ikarischen Meer (Plin. nat. 2,91), h. Özbaşı 13,5 km südl. von Söke, die sich ca. 70 m über das Maiandru pedion erhebt. Der Maiandros [2], 1 km südöstl. von Özbaşı, folgt h. der alten Küstenlinie. Die Ausdehnung der Hybandis, der chṓra von H., ist unklar. Im Osten reichte sie bis an den Fluß Hybandos (h. Kargın Çayı), den ein Friedensvertrag von 185/80 v. Chr. als Grenze zw. Miletos [2] und Magnesia [2] festlegte [1; 2]. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography 1 P. Herrmann, Neue Urkunden zur Gesch. von Milet im 2. Jh. v. Chr., in: MDAI(Ist…


(74 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Attika (Τρινέμεια). Att. Mesogeia-Demos, Phyle Kekropis, zwei buleutaí, an der Quelle des Kephissos [2] (Strab. 9,1,24) nö vom h. Kifissia im Tal vom h. Kokkinaras. Ein Ephebe ( ephēbeía ) aus T. (IG II2 1028 col. III Z. 143) ist Addendum zur Liste der Kekropis, bezeugt aber kein zweites T. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography Traill, Attica 51, 69, 85, 112 Nr. 140, 122, Tab. 7.


(88 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Λευκόφρυς). Polis in Ionia mit Heiligtum der Artemis Leukophryene und einem Süßwassersee (Xen. hell. 3,2,19; 4,8,17). Wohl nicht identisch mit der Neugründung Magnesia [2] beim h. Ortaklar (anders [1]). Um 400 v. Chr. verlegte Thibron [1] die alte Siedlung Magnesia [2] am Maiandros [2] auf den Thorax (h. Gümüş Dağı; Diod. 14,36). [2] identifizierte eine befestigte ant. Siedlung mit orthogonalem Straßenraster auf dessen östl. Vorhöhen mit L. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography 1 L. Bürchner, s. v. L., RE 12, 2288 2 A. Philippson, Milet III/5: Das südl. Ionien, 1…


(80 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Τείθρας, Τίθρας/ Títhras). Attischer Paralia(?)-Demos, Phyle Aigeis, vier buleutaí . Dekrete der Teithrasioi sichern T. beim h. Pikermi (SEG 21, 520; 542; 24, 151-153). Bezeugt sind Kulte für Athena, Zeus, Kore (SEG 24, 542), Herakles [1] und den Heros Datylos (SEG 24, 151). Ein Heros T. (schol. Aristoph. Ran. 477) und Feigen von T. (Athen. 14,652f) werden erwähnt. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography Traill, Attica 5, 41 mit Anm. 13, 68, 112 Nr. 133, Tab. 2  Whitehead, Index s. v. T.


(134 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Τετράπολις, “Vierstadt”). Kultverband der attischen dḗmoi Marathon (Hauptort), Oinoe [5], Probalinthos und Trikory(n)thos (Strab. 8,7,1) an der att. Ostküste, von Xuthos gegr. (Strab. 8,7,1); prähistor. Siedlungen beim h. Nea Makri (Probalinthos), Plasi (vgl. Marathon) und Kato Suli (vgl. Trikorynthos), mh und frühmyk. Nekropole einer lokalen Dyn. in Vrana [1] erh. Als (vorgriech.) Hyttenia zählte die T. zur att. Dōdekápolis (“Zwölfstadt”, Strab. 9,1,20) und schickte Festgesandtschaften vom Delion in Marathon nach Delos und vom Pythion…


(295 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Ägäische Koine | Attika | Attika | Bildung | Laureion, Laurion | Mykenische Kultur und Archäologie | Theater (Θορικός). Paralia-Demos mit kleinstädtischem Charakter an der SO-Küste Attikas, Phyle Akamantis, fünf (sechs) buleutaí. Siedlungstätigkeit seit dem Spätchalkolithikum (E. 4. Jt. v. Chr.). In frühmyk. Zeit Fürstensitz mit bedeutender myk. Nekropole [1], der im SH IIIA von Athen aufgesogen wurde ( synoikismós des Theseus; Thuk. 2,15,1), mit eigener Mythen-Trad. (Kephal…


(83 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Ἀναία). Küstenort in Ionia nördl. der Mykale in und bei der h. Kadıkale genannten byz. Festung (12./13. Jh. n. Chr.; [3. 65-74]), wo [2] Keramik des 10.-3. Jh. v. Chr. fand. Als die Athener 365 v. Chr. Samos eroberten, diente A. als Teil der Peraia von Samos [3] den Samioi als Zufluchtsort [1. 44 f.]. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography 1 Ch. Habicht, Athen, 1995 2 Z. Mercangöz, Kuşadası, Kadıkalesi Kazısı, in: 24. Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, 2002, (im Druck) 3 W. Müller- Wiener, Ma. Befestigungen im südl. Ionien, in: MDAI(Ist) 11, 1961, 5-122.


(199 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Δωδεκάπολις, “Zwölfstadt”). Name mehrerer, nicht immer histor. verifizierbarer griech. Städtebünde. 1. Als Mitglieder der achaischen D., die die Achaioi von den vertriebenen Iones übernommen haben sollen, nennt Hdt. 1,145: Aigai [2], Aigeira, Aigion, Bura, Dyme, Helike [1], Olenos, Patrai, Pharaia und Tritaia [2]. 2. Zur aiolischen D. vgl. Aioleis [2]. 3. Die ionische D. bestand nach Hdt. 1,142 im 6. Jh. v. Chr. aus Chios, Ephesos, Erythrai, Klazomenai, Kolophon, Lebedos, Miletos, Myus, Phokaia, Priene, Samos und Teos, die als …


(136 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Ἐτεοβουτάδαι, “alte/echte Butadai”). Att. génos, das sich auf den Heros Butes [1] zurückführte und verm. als Kultgenossenschaft im Gebiet von Butadai entstanden ist. Da die E. bereits für archa. Zeit bezeugt sind, können sich ihre Mitglieder - anders als es der Name vermuten läßt - nicht erst nach der Konstituierung des kleisthenischen Demos Butadai als E. bezeichnet haben. Sie stellten die Priesterin der Athena Polias (Aischin. leg. 147) und die Priester des Poseidon Erechtheus (Plut. Lykurgos 47 f.). Lykurgos [9] gehörte dem génos der E. an. …


(98 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Σφηττός). Attischer Mesogeia-Demos der Phyle Akamantis, mit fünf (sieben) buleutaí, zur att. Dodekapolis gezählt (Strab. 9,1,20), durch Ehreninschr. der Sphettioi für Demetrios [4] (SEG 25, 206) im NW von Koropi lokalisiert; dort liegt die brz. Burg Kastro tu Christu [1]. Die Sphēttía hodós (“S.-Straße”) verband S. mit Athenai [2]. Die Sphettioi galten als witzig (Aristoph. Plut. 720). Lohmann, Hans Bibliography 1 R. Hope Simpson, Mycenaean Greece, 1981, 50 B 33 2 Ch. Korres, Σφηττία Οδός, in: Ders. (Hrsg.), Δρόμοι της Κλασσικής Ελλάδος (im Druck). Traill, …


(80 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Ξυπέτη). Att. Asty-Demos der Phyle Kekropis, von 307/6 bis 201 v. Chr. der Demetrias [2], sieben buleutaí; bildete mit Peiraieus, Phaleron und Thymaitadai den Kultverband der tetrákōmoi mit gemeinsamem Herakleion im Peiraieus. Seine Lage zw. diesem und Phaleron beim h. Kallithea-Moschato ist gesichert. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography E. Meyer, s. v. X., RE 9 A, 2178-2182  Traill, Attica, 11, 50, 67, 112 Nr. 142, Tab. 7, 12  J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 5, 13, 14, 24, 115, 134  Whitehead, Index s. v. X.


(94 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Διακρία), auch Hyperakria und Epakria. Bezeichnung für den bergigen NO von Attika [2], ferner wohl auch die att. Ostküste bis Brauron, dem Stammsitz der Peisistratidai (Plat. Hipparch. 228b; Plut. Solon 10,3; [4. 224]). Gestützt auf die Gruppe der Hyperakrioi (Hdt. 1,59) bzw. Diakrioi (Aristot. Ath. Pol. 13,4; [1; 2; 3. 184-188]), errichtete Peisistratos [4] 561 v. Chr. in Athenai die Tyrannis. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography 1 K. H. Kinzl, Regionalism in Classical Athens?, in: Ancient History Bull. 3, 1989, 5-9 2 R. J. Hopper, 'Plain', 'Shore' and 'Hill'…


(153 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Ναύλοχον). Hafenort der frühhell. Neugründung Priene (Plin. nat. 5,113: oppidum Naulochum), für den Skyl. 98 zwei Häfen bezeugt, davon einen als λιμὴν κλειστός/ limḗn kleistós (“geschlossener Hafen”). Da die Deltafront des Maiandros [2] Priene um 350 v. Chr. fast erreicht hatte [1], lag N. offenbar westl. von Priene. Eine Weihinschr. am sog. Quellentor von Priene gilt dem Heros Naolochos (IPriene 196), daher ging dort wohl die Straße nach N. ab. [2] vermutete N. bei Ak Boğaz (h. Atburgaz), doch existie…


(68 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Attika (Θυμαιτάδαι). Att. Asty-Demos, Phyle Hippothontis, zwei buleutaí, wohl nw des Peiraieus (h. Piräus) an der Bucht von Keratsini, h. Hormos Herakleus. Th. bildete mit Peiraieus, Phaleron und Xypete den Kultverband der tetrákōmoi (Poll. 4,105; IG II2 3102 f.) mit zentralem Herakles-Heiligtum (Steph. Byz. s. v. Ἐχελίδαι). Lohmann, Hans Bibliography Traill, Attica 21, 52, 69, 112 Nr. 138, Tab. 8.


(51 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Συπαληττός). Attischer Mesogeia-Demos der Phyle Kekropis, mit zwei buleutaí. Der FO der lex sacra IG I3 245 (470/460 v. Chr.) lokalisiert S. bei Nea Ionia (ehemals Kukuvaones) nördl. von Athenai. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography Traill, Attica, 10 f., 51, 68, 85, 112 Nr. 132, 121, Tab. 7  Whitehead, Index s. v. S.


(56 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Θυργωνίδαι). Kṓmē im Gebiet des “konstitutionellen” att. Demos Aphidna, wechselte mit diesem 224/3 v. Chr. von der Phyle Aiantis [1] in die Ptolemaïs [10] (IG II2 2362, Z. 49; Harpokr. s. v. Θ.). Eigener Demos erst in röm. Zeit. Hesych. s. v. Θ.; Etym. m. s. v. Τιτακίδαι/ Titakídai. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography Traill, Attica 30, 88, 121 Nr. 41.


(39 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Θράσυμος). Bedeutendes Bergbaurevier des attischen Demos Sunion im Laureion, mit anderen Revieren durch Straßen verbunden, durch den FO von IG II2 2638 im Botsari-Tal lokalisiert. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography H. Lohmann, Atene, 1993, Index s. v. Th., Abb. 12.


(157 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Attika (Τρικόρυ(ν)θος). Att. Paralia-Demos, Phyle Aiantis, ab 126/7 n. Chr. Hadrianis, drei (sechs) buleutaí, am sumpfigen Nordrand der Ebene von Marathon beim h. Kato Souli; Demotikon Τρικορύσιος. T. bildete mit Marathon, Oinoe [5] und Probalinthos den Kultverband der Tetrapolis (Strab. 8,7,1), deren Kultkalender (IG II2 1358 Z. 55) Hera-Kult für T. bezeugt. Nach Diod. 4,57,4; 58,4 siedelten die Herakleidai in T., hier war das Haupt des Eurystheus bestattet (Strab. 8,6,19). Ein R…


(89 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Attika (Θοραί). Att. Paralia-Demos, Phyle Antiochis, 307/6 - 200 v. Chr. Demetrias, vier buleutaí. Nach Strab. 9,1,21 an der att. SW-Küste zw. Aigilia (h. Finikia?) und Lamptrai, also wohl zw. Lagonisi und Hagios Dimitrios ([2. 243 Anm. 10; 3], anders [1]). Lohmann, Hans Bibliography 1 C. W. J. Eliot, Coastal Demes of Attika, 1962, 65-68 2 H. Lauter, Ein ländliches Heiligtum hell. Zeit in Trapuria (Attika), in: AA 1980, 242-255 3 J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 140. Traill, Attica 14, 54, 68, 112 N…


(75 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Σημαχίδαι). Att. Asty(?)-Demos, Phyle Antiochis, mit einem buleutḗs . Nach Philochoros bei Steph. Byz. s. v. Σ. in der Epakria, dem bergigen Norden von Attika, gelegen (beim h. Vredu [2]?). Ein zweites S., das E. 2./Anf. 3. Jh. n. Chr. bezeugt ist, war kein regulärer att. Demos [1. 13, 94 f., 121 Nr. 37]. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography 1 Traill, Attica, 13, 54, 69, 94 f., 112 Nr. 126, 121, Nr. 37, Tab. 10 2 J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 139, 149.


(148 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] [2] Halbinsel bzw. Ortschaft an der Ostküste von Attika (Κορώνεια). Halbinsel bzw. Ortschaft an der Ostküste von Attika (Steph. Byz. s. v. Κ.) in der Bucht von Porto Raphti, h. Koroni. Nach [2] entstand Anf. des 3. Jh. v. Chr. aus den Demoi ( dēmos [2]) Prasia und Steiria auf K. eine Zivilsiedlung, die 286 v. Chr. als Ersatz für den Peiraieus befestigt wurde [2]. Anders [1. 149 f.; 3]: Erst der ptolem. Stratege Patroklos [2] habe im Chremonideïschen Krieg 267/262 v. Chr. die ausgedehnte Festung mit gesondert ummauerter …

Diolkos, Diholkos

(352 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Δίολκος). Gepflasterte Geleisestraße für den Transport von Gütern und Schiffen zw. dem saronischen (Saronikos Kolpos) und dem Korinthischen Golf über den Isthmos von Korinthos an seiner schmalsten Stelle. Der D. beschreibt zw. den Anlegestellen an seinen Enden eine leichte Südkurve. Seine Länge beträgt ca. 8 km, die Steigung max. 6 %, die Spurweite 1,5 m. Indem er die Häfen Kenchreai [2] und Lechaion verband, stärkte er die Infrastruktur von Korinthos; doch beleuchten die ant. Q…


(135 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Στειριά, Στειρία, Στιρία, Στηριά). Attischer Paralia-Demos, Phyle Pandionis, drei (vier) buleutaí, an der Ostküste von Attika zw. Prasiai und Brauron an der Bucht von Porto Raphti (Strab. 9,1,22; h. Limen Mesogeias) nördl. der Halbinsel Punta [1. 68-70]. Die Steiriakḗ hodós (“S.-Straße”) verband S. mit Athenai (Plat. Hipparch. 229a). Steirieis waren an der Kolonisation von Euboia [1] beteiligt (Strab. 10,1,6). Die Phegaieis in IG II2 2362 bildeten wohl eine kṓmē (“Landgemeinde”) von S. [2. 55, 57-60]. Gegen 286 v. Chr. wurden…


(72 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Συβρίδαι). Attischer Paralia(?)-Demos der Phyle Erechtheis, vor 307/6 v. Chr. mit einem buleutḗs im Wechsel mit Pambotadai, in dessen Nähe S. evtl. lag. Spekulativ der Zusammenhang mit dem Fluß Syverus (Siberus) bei Plin. nat. 37,114. Der Bildhauer Kephisodotos [5] stammte aus S. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography E. Meyer, s. v. S., RE Suppl. 10, 925-927  Traill, Attica, 6, 14, 59, 62, 69, 112 Nr. 131, Tab. 1  J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 126.


(200 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Σαμικόν). Größte Festung von Triphylia (westl. Peloponnesos) auf dem Westausläufer des Kaiaphas-Gebirges zw. der h. Lagune von Agulinitsa im Norden und dem Kaiaphas-See (dort Grotte der Anigriades [4], Quellnymphen des ehemaligen Flusses Anigros, vgl. [2], mit Schwefelquellen: Strab. 8,3,19; Paus. 5,5,11; schol. Hom. Il. 11,721) im Süden. Belege: Paus. 5,6,1-3; Pol. 4,77,9; 80,12; Strab. 8,3,13; 19 f.; 27. Die Namensform Sámos findet sich nur bei Strab. 8,3,20 und schol. Hom. Il. 13,13. S. wurde wohl im 4. Jh. v. Chr. durch die Eleioi e…


(227 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Attika (Θρία). Großer att. Paralia-Demos, Hauptort der Küsten-Trittys, Phyle Oineis, ab 126/7 n. Chr. der Hadrianis, sieben (acht) buleutaí, in der nach Th. benannten Ebene ( Thriásion pedíon) von Eleusis [1] beim h. Aspropirgos (ehem. Kalyvia) 5 km nö von Eleusis (vgl. [3]) gelegen; vom Parnes führte eine Wasserleitung nach Th. IG II2 2500 (FO Eleusis) betrifft eine Agora, zu der Thriasioi und Eleusinioi Zugang hatten. Aus Th. selbst liegen keine Urkunden vor. Die große Bucht der Ebene …


(68 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Attika (Θημακός). Attischer Mesogeia(?)-Demos, Phyle Erechtheis, ab 224/3 v. Chr. der Ptolemaïs, ein buleutḗs; Lage unbekannt. IG II2 1212 (FO: in vico Kara, h. Iliupolis) ist wohl kein Dekret von Th., vgl. [1]. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography 1 Whitehead, 392 Nr. 135. Traill, Attica 15, 38, 62, 69, 75, 112 Nr. 134, Tab. 1, 13  J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 126.


(77 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Σκαμβωνίδαι). Attischer Asty-Demos der Phyle Leontis, ab 126/7 n. Chr. der Hadrianis, mit drei (vier) buleutaí, im NW von Athenai. Die lex sacra IG I3 244 des Demos S. bezeugt einen dḗmarchos [3], einen eúthynos ( eúthynai ), métoikoi , eine Agora sowie Beteiligung am Fest der synoíkia in Athenai, evtl. auch einen tamías . Lohmann, Hans Bibliography Traill, Attica, 18, 44, 59, 62, 68, 112 Nr. 127, Tab. 4, 15  Whitehead, Index s. v. S.


(77 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Τιτακίδαι). Kṓmē im Gebiet des “konstitutionellen” att. Demos Aphidna, wechselte mit diesem 224/3 v. Chr. von der Phyle Aiantis [1] (Harpokr. s. v. Τ.; Etym. m. s. v. Τ.; Steph. Byz. s. v. Τ.: Antiochis) in die Ptolemaïs [10] (IG II2 2050 Z. 74; 2067 Z. 63; [1. 50 Nr. 18]). Ein eigener Demos war T. erst in röm. Zeit. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography 1 J. H. Oliver, Greek Inscriptions, in: Hesperia 11, 1942, 29-103. Traill, Attica, 30, 88, 122 Nr. 42  Whitehead, 24 Anm. 83; 329.


(431 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Attika | Attika | Laureion, Laurion (Σούνιον). Kap im SO von Attika, att. Paralia-Demos (Strab. 9,1,22), Phyle Leontis, ab 201/0 v. Chr. Attalis, vier (sechs) buleutaí. Das Gebiet von S. (ca. 28 km2) grenzte im Westen an Amphitrope (Grenzinschr. auf dem Spitharopussi [1. 11 f. Taf. 3]), im Norden an Thorikos und umfaßte mit Nape und Thrasymos zwei bed. Bergbaureviere des Laureion. Die Kulte des Poseidon und der Athena Sunias am Kap reichen in spätgeom. Zeit zurück. Um…


(95 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] (Τειχιοῦσσα). Befestigte Siedlung in der Milesia (von teichióeis “mit hohen Mauern”: Hom. Il. 2,559; 646), 18 km sö von Miletos [2] am Basilikos Kolpos (h. Akbük Limanı) auf der Halbinsel Saplı Adası, bezeugt vom 6. bis 3. Jh. v. Chr. (IDidyma 6; Archestratos fr. 55; Stratonikos bei Athen. 8,351a und b; Thuk. 8,26; 28), das Demotikon T(e)ichiesseís bis in die Kaiserzeit. T. war im 5. Jh. Mitglied des Attisch-Delischen Seebundes (ATL 1, 553 f.). Funde vom 8. bis 3. Jh. v. Chr. belegt, danach wurde T. verlassen. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography H. Lohmann, Wo lag da…

Kares, Karia

(157 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] IV. Archäologie Arch. sind die K. für die Brz. noch kaum, für die Eisenzeit v. a. in den archa. Siedlungen und Bauten der Halbinsel von Halikarnassos [5], bei Iasos [5] (vgl. [2]), bei Mylasa [6] und in der südöstlichen Milesia bei Akbük zu fassen [7], die eine eigenständig karische Architektur belegen. Zu kar. Ringwällen am Bafa Gölü und im Latmos [1] vgl. [4]; zu kar. Keramik [1; 3]. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography 1 R. M. Cook, A List of Carian Orientalizing Pottery, in: Oxford Journ. of Archaeology 18, 1999, 79-93 2 E. La Rocca, Sinus Iasius, 1. Il teritorio di Ia…


(66 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Attika (Τυρμεῖδαι). Kleiner att. Mesogeia(?)-Demos der Oineis, ab 200/199 v. Chr. der Attalis (Attalos [4] I.), ein (zwei) buleutaí. 360/59 und 335/4 v. Chr. stellte T. kein Ratsmitglied. Seine genaue Lage ist unbekannt. Lohmann, Hans Bibliography Traill, Attica 9, 19, 49, 70, 78, 112 Nr. 141 Tab. 6, 14  J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 15, 134, 143 f., 149.


(178 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Attica (Τρικόρυ(ν)θος; Trikóry(n)thos). Attic paralia deme, Aeantis phyle, from AD 126/7 Hadrianis, three (six) bouleutaí, on the marshy northern edge of the Plain of Marathon near modern Kato Souli; demoticon Τρικορύσιος/ Trikorýsios. With Marathon, Oenoe [5] and Probalinthus, T. formed the Tetrapolis cult association (Str. 8,7,1), whose cultic calendar (IG II2 1358 Z. 55) is evidence of a Hera cult in T. According to Sic. 4,57,4; 58,4, the Heraclidae settled in T., and the head of Eurystheu…


(96 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ὀτρύνη/ Otrýnē). Attic asty deme of the phyle of Aegeis, with one bouleutḗs. Location uncertain - the connection with fish in Ath. 7,309e is topographically irrelevant [1]. For a case of illegitimate acquisition of citizenship in O., cf. Dem. Or. 44,37 [2. 297]. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 D. Schaps, Antiphanes Frg. 206 and the Location of the Deme O., in: CPh 77, 1982, 327f. 2 Whitehead, Index s.v. O. W.E. Thompson, Kleisthenes and Aigeis, in: Mnemosyne 22, 1969, 137-152  Traill, Attica, 16f., 40, 69, 111 nr. 97, table 2  J.S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1…


(345 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Laurium | Mycenaean culture and archaeology | Attica | Attica | Aegean Koine | Education / Culture (Θορικός/ Thorikós). Paralia deme with the character of a small town on the southeastern coast of Attica, Acamantis phyle, five (six) bouleutaí. Settlement activity from the late Chalcolithic (end of the 4th millennium BC). In the early Mycenaean period a princely seat with a significant Mycenaean necropolis [1], which was absorbed by Athens in the Late Helladic IIIA ( synoikismós of Theseus; T…


(86 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ἀγγελή; Angelḗ). Attic   paralia deme of the phyle Pandionis with two (three), later four bouleutai; its location north-east of the modern Markopulo is verified by the modern place name of Angelisi, by the finding place of IG II/III 5230, and by a   horos from the grove of Angelus, the eponymous hero of A. [1. 9, no. 7]. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 J. Kirchner, S. Dow, Inschr. vom att. Lande, in: MDAI(A) 62, 1937, 1-12 2 Traill, Attica, 17 f., 42, 59, 62, 68, 109 no. 13, table 3.


(122 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ἁδριανίς; Hadrianís). Last of the five post-Cleisthenian  phyles of Attica, set up in AD 127/8 in honour of emperor Hadrian. Each of the 12 phyles at the time (10 Cleisthenian, Ptolemais, Attalis) gave the H. a deme. To this the new deme  Antinoeis was added in AD 130 after the death of  Antinous [2]. The trittyes played no part in the formation of the post-Cleisthenian phyles. The proportional representation of the demes in the phyles had been abandoned in 201/200 BC. The imperial lists of bouleutai for the individual demes therefore show an inhomogenous picture. …


(116 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Αἰθαλίδαι; Aithalídai). Attic mesogeia deme of the phyle  Leontis (IG II2 1742), later of the Antigonis. Two bouleutai. Of uncertain location, possible connection with  Eupyridae,  Cropidae, and  Peleces [2; 3. 45, map 1]. For the inscription on the grave of an Aethalides near the modern Marathon, see [4. 319, n. 2]. With 94 recorded names, it is mentioned surprisingly frequently [1. 59]. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 A. W. Gomme, The Population of Athens, 1933 2 A. Milchhoefer, s. v. A., RE 1, 1092 f. 3 Traill, Attica, 8, 45, 68, 109 (no. 6), 13…


(82 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Κειριάδαι; Keiriádai). Attic asty deme of the phyle Hippothontis, two   bouleutaí . Its location outside the wall of Athens west of the Hill of the Nymphs and the Pnyx [2. 51] (today Ano Petralona) is verified by the Βάραθρον ( Bárathron), a gorge in C., into which those condemned to death were thrown (Anecd. Bekk. 1,219,10) [1].  Athens Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 Th. Thalheim, s.v. Βάραθρον, RE 2, 2853 2 Traill, Attica, 51; 69; 110 no. 62, table 8 3 Whitehead, 26, 83.


(78 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Attica (Τυρμεῖδαι; Tyrmeîdai). Small Attic mesogeia(?) deme of the Oineis, from 200/199 BC of the Attalis (Attalus [4] I), one (two) bouleutaí. In 360/59 and 335/4 BC T. did not send a council member. Its precise location is not known. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography Traill, Attica 9, 19, 49, 70, 78, 112 no. 141 tab. 6, 14  J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 15, 134, 143 f., 149.


(272 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
(Ἰκάριον/ Ikárion; Ἰκαρία/ Ikária only Steph. Byz. s.v. Ἰ.). [German version] [1] Att. mesogeia deme of the phyle Aegeis Attic mesogeia deme of the phyle Aegeis, from 307/6 to 201 of Antigonis, after 200 BC of Attalis, on the north-east slope of mount  Pentelicon (modern Dioniso). Only one deme named I. is recorded [7. 115 no. 16]. With five (six) bouleutaí, medium-sized, but (through cult business?) prosperous [9. 160 n. 77, 163]. In 1888/9, the Dionysus sanctuary [9. 221] with one of the oldest theatres in Attica [2; 3; 8] and archaic cult image of Dionysus (IG I3 254, IG II2 2851 [5; 9. …


(319 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Φάληρον; Phálēron). Shallow bay to the east of Piraeus before the latter's expansion as the chief port of Athens (Hdt. 5,63; 5,85; 6,116; 8,66f.; 8,91ff.; 9,32; Paus. 1,1,2), modern Kallithea/Moschato/Palaia Phaliro. Also a large Attic asty-deme of the Aeantis phyle with 9 (13) bouleutaí. The location of the ancient centre of the deme is disputed [1; 2. 25ff.; 3; 5], the question of the ancient coastline [5; 8. 340] can be clarified only with geoscientific methods. In the 5th cent. BC the 'Phaleric Wall' connected Athens …


(227 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Δωδεκάπολις; Dōdekápolis, ‘Twelve Town’). Name of several, not always historically verifiable, Greek leagues of towns 1. Hdt. 1,145 mentions  Aegae [2],  Aegira,  Aegium,  Bura,  Dyme,  Helice [1],  Olenus,  Patrae,  Pharaea and  Tritaea [2] as members of the Achaean dodekapolis, which the Achaeans are said to have taken from the Iones when they drove them out. 2. On the Aeolian dodekapolis cf. Aeoles [2]. 3. According to Hdt. 1,142, in the 6th cent. BC the Ionian dodekapolis consisted of  Chios,  Ephesus,  Erythrae,  Clazomenae,  Colophon,  Lebedus,  M…


(1,257 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
(Λαύρειον, Λαύριον; Laúreion, Laúrion). [German version] A. General L. refers to the Attic mining district in south-east Attica as a whole as well as to a specific mining complex within that district. As L. can be etymologically linked with λαύρα/ laúra (Hom. Od. 22,128; 22,137) from the Mycenaean ra-u-ra-ta, it seems that from very early on the region owed its name to the mine. The most important mining district of Greek antiquity, L. with its mines, ore-washeries, furnaces, settlements, graves and sanctuaries is a cultural monument of global importance. Se…

Kolias akra

(120 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Κωλιὰς ἄκρα; Kōlías ákra). Cape at the western coast of Attica [1] in the deme Halimus, modern Hagios Cosmas, with an Early Helladic settlement [3; 4]. This is where wreckage from the naval battle of Salamis (480 BC) was washed ashore (Hdt. 8,96). A sanctuary of Demeter Thesmophoros is attested by Plutarch (Solon 8,4), Pausanias (1,31,1), and Hesychius (s.v. Κ.) [2. 100]. The cult of Aphrodite Colias is localized by Str. 9,1,21 incorrectly in Anaphlystus. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 J. Day, Cape Colias, Phalerum and the Phaleric Wall, in: AJA 36, 1932, 1-11 2 G. …


(98 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Βατή; Batḗ). Attic asty(?)-demos (  asty ) of the phyle Aegeis; one (two) bouleutes/ai. Location unknown (near Ambelokipi?); the decree of the mesogeioi IG II2 1245, found near the Acharnaean Gate, i.e. at the street corner of Sophokleous and Aiolou, does not aid the localization of B. In IG II2 2776 Z. 53, an σχαστηρία is pawned in B. [1. 81] (further documentary evidence for σχαστηρίαι [1. 8123]). Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 S. G. Miller, A Roman Monument in the Athenian Agora, in: Hesperia, 41, 1972, 50-95. Traill, Attica, 5, 7, 15f., 39, 69, 109 (n…


(75 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ἀνακαία; Anakaía). Attic deme of the phyle  Hippothontis (IG II2 2377), with its geographical centre around  Eleusis and in Thriasia. Three bouleutai. Trittys and location uncertain, possibly near Mygdaleza [2. 137] or in the Kundura valley with a deme centre at Hagios Giorgios [1. 61 ff.]. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 H. Lohmann, Das Kastro von H. Giorgios (‘Ereneia’), in: MarbWPr 1988, 34-66 2 J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986 3 Id., Attica, 52, 68, 109 (no. 11), table 8.


(91 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ξυπέτη; Xypétē). Attic asty deme of the Cecropis phyle, from 307/6 until 201 BC of the Demetrias [2] phyle, seven bouleutaí; with Peiraeus, Phalerum and Thymaetadae, X. formed the cult federation of the tetrákōmoi with a common Herakleion at Peiraeus. Its location between this sanctuary and Phalerum at modern Kallithea-Moschato is certain. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography E. Meyer, s. v. X., RE 9 A, 2178-2182  Traill, Attica, 11, 50, 67, 112 No. 142, Table 7, 12  J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 5, 13, 14, 24, 115, 134  Whitehead, Index s. v. X.


(75 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Κοθωκίδαι; Kothōkídai). Attic paralia deme of the Oeneis phyle, from 307/6 to 200 BC of the Demetrias, with two bouleutaí. Probably c. 6 km north-east of Eleusis near Hagios Ioannis in Goritsa north of Aspropyrgos, the provenance of tomb inscription IG II2 6481 [1; 2. 49].  Aeschines [2] was from C. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 E. Honigmann, s.v. K., RE 11, 1516 2 Traill, Attica 9, 19, 49, 62, 68, 111 no. 76, table 6, 12.


(104 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Κορυδαλλός, Korydallós). Attic asty deme of the Hippothontis phyle, from 200 BC of Attalis, the mountains of the same name (Str. 9,14; 23; Diod. Sic. 4,59,5; Ath. from 9,390ab; Ael. NA 3,25 [2]); one (?) bouleutḗs. The deme centre suspected [2] near Palaiokastro/Palaiochora. The so-called ‘heroa’ [1; 2. 10ff.] are farmsteads, not the sanctuary of the Kore Soteira attested by Ammonius ( Perì diapheroýsōn léxeōn 84, s.v. Κόρυδος valckenaer). Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 E. Honigmann, s.v. Korydallos, RE 10, 1447 2 A. Milchhoefer, Erläuternder Text, …


(62 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Lycii, Lycia (Πίσιλις/ Písilis). Fortified settlement in southeastern Caria between Calynda and Caunus on Baba Dağ near Sarıgerme. The ruins on the bay below belong to the Byzantine town of Prepia. Only mention: Str. 14,2,2. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography H. Lohmann, Zw. Kaunos und Telmessos, in: Orbis Terrarum 5, 1999, 43-83.


(274 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ἄφιδνα, Ἀφίδναι; Áphidna, Aphídnai). Large Attic deme, sole component of the mesogeia trittys of the  Aeantis [1] phyle, then of the  Ptolemais; from AD 126/27 of the Hadrianis. 16   bouleutai . The settlement site on the Great Kotroni, already important in the mid-Helladic era (assigned by Str. 9,1,20 to the Attic dodecapolis [2. 330 ff., especially 338 no. 6]), with its own mythic tradition ( Aphidnus), is virtually unresearched. The territory of the A. deme comprised a number of settlements known to us by na…


(121 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Χολαργός; Cholargós). Attic asty deme ( Asty) of the Acamantis phyle; four (six) bouleutai. Its exact location is uncertain, presumably to the west or north-west of Athens, towards Phyle (Men. Dys. 33), the presumed location of the estate of Pericles, who hailed from C. (Thuc. 2,13; Plut. Pericles 3). Epitaphs for inhabitants of C. originate from Chaïdari (IG II2 7768). C. is one of those six or seven demes where the holding of  Thesmophoria is verified (IG II2 1184; LSCG no. 124); it also boasted a Pythion (ibid. l. 23), as well as a circular temenos of Heracles (IG II2 1248…


(201 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Κολλυτός, also Κολυττός; Kollytōs, Kollyttós). Attic asty deme belonging to the Aegeis phyle in the centre of Athens south of the  Areopagus and west and south of the Acropolis, the dense urban development of which apparently blended into Melite (Eratosth. in Str. 1,4,7; [1. 169; 2. 16; 3. 55; 4. 276; 6. 27f.]); provided three (four) bouleutaí. The main street, the ‘narrow’ (στενωπός) C., was used as a marketplace (Phot. 375B; [1. 180]). Reference on the decree on demes IG II2 1195 l. 6ff., see [6. 128, 140, 187, 382]. There is evidence of rural (!)  D…


(93 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ἀγκυλή; Ankylḗ). Attic   asty deme (Upper and Lower A.) of the phyle  Aigeis, later of  Antigonis with two (1/1) bouleutai, located in the east or south-east of Athens (Alci. 3,43: ‘Proasteion’). A. bordered on  Agryle either in the north [1. 170] or south (IG II2 2776 Z. 57-59 [2. 70]). Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 W. Judeich, Top. von Athen, 21931 2 S. G. Miller, A Roman Monument in the Athenian Agora, in: Hesperia 41, 1972,50-95. Traill, Attica, 7, 29, 39, 68, 69, 109 f. (no. 14, 15), 126 f. table 3, 11 Id., Demos and Trittys, 1986, 127.


(136 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Γαργηττός; Gargēttós). Attic Mesogea deme in the Aegeis phyle, after 307/6 BC in the Antigonis. It provided four (already in IG I3 1040), later seven   bouleutaí . Name pre-Greek [1. 1336]. A decree on the demes of Hagios Giorgios near Ieraka locates it in the marching order between Hymettus and Pentelicum east of Pallene and attests a Dionysus sanctuary as the mustering ground [2. 41; 3. 127]. G. was with Acharnae, Paeania and Pallene a member of the cultic federation of Athena Pallenis (Ath. 234f-235c; [4. 18546]), the hero G. was considered the father of Ion…


(85 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Κονθύλη; Konthýlē). Attic mesogeia deme of the phyle Pandionis, from 224/3 BC of Ptolemaïs; one   bouleutḗs ; the location is uncertain (Mazareïka? [2; 3. 43]). According to [1. 601ff.], C. formed the cultural association of Tricomi together with Erchia and Cytherus. Sources: Aristoph. Vesp. 233; Phot. s.v. Κοθύλη. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 P. J. Bicknell, Clisthène et Kytherros, in: REG 89, 1976, 599-603 2 M. Petropolakou, E. Pentazos, Ancient Greek Cities 21. Attiki, 1973, 157 no. 25 3 Traill, Attica 43, 62, 69, 111 no. 73, table 3, 13.


(316 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Attica (Πάνακτον, Πάνακτος; Pánakton, Pánaktos). Attic border fortress on the southern edge of the Plain of Scurta near modern Prasino (once Kavasala) [2; 3; 4; 5. 224f.; 6], sometimes incorrectly identified with the Gyphtokastro (Eleutherai) in the Kaza Pass. Built before the  Peloponnesian War, in 422 BC P. fell to the Boeotians through treachery (Thuc. 5,3,5), who, in violation of a treaty, demolished it before returning it (Thuc. 5,18,7; 39,2f.;…


(179 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Κύθηρος; Kýthēros). Attic paralia(?) deme of the Pandionis phyle, from 307/6 to 201 BC of the Antigonis; supplied two bouleutaí. According to Str. 9,1,20, one of the locations belonging to the Attic dodecapolis. Its localisation near Poussi Kalojerou by Traill [3] is methodologically unsustainable; Dem. Or. 42 suggests a site near a city, in a wooded area. In IG II2 2496 three houses belonging to the deme of C. in Piraeus are leased by otherwise unattested Meritai [4. 383 no. 72]. A cult association between Trikomoi, Erchia and C. can scarcely be deduced from IG II2 1213…


(319 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre | Ionic | Oracles | Attica | Athenian League (Second) | Education / Culture | Boeotia, Boeotians (Ὀρωπός/ Orōpós). Coastal town in northwest Attica opposite Eretria, present-day Skala Oropou (for classical remains [1; 5; 6. 304 fig. 378, 379]) and suburb of Oropia, which was a disputed territory between Athens and Boeotia. The principal shrine of Amphiaraus, and site of his oracle, is situated 6 km to the southeast in a narrow wooded valley. Excavations s…


(98 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ἀναία; Anaía). Coastal town in Ionia to the north of the Mycale mountains at and near the Byzantine fortress (12th/13th century AD; [3. 65-74]), now called Kadıkale, where [2] found pottery from the 10th-3rd cent. BC. When the Athenians conquered Samos in 365 BC, A., as part of the peraia of Samos [3], was used by the Samians as a place of refuge [1. 44 f.]. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 Ch. Habicht, Athen, 1995 2 Z. Mercangöz, Kuşadası, Kadıkalesi Kazısı, in: 24. Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, 2003 3 W. Müller- Wiener, Mittelalterliche Befest…


(274 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (ἡ/ὁ Πάρνης; hē/ho Párnēs). A mountain range, rich in forests and springs, on the border between Attica and Boeotia, stretching west of the Aegaleos, with the name Pastra, as far as Cithaeron; the modern Parnitha (elevation 1413 m). A number of demes were located at the foot of the P., including Acharnae, Aphidna, Decelea, Paeonidae, Peleces and Phyle. Several fortresses secured the passes to Boeotia in the area of the P.: Decelea with the fort at Katsimidi Pass, Phyle, and Panactum,…


(96 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Δαιδαλίδαι; Daidalídai). Attic asty deme of the Cecropis phyle, from 307/6 to 201/0 BC of the Demetrias phyle, from AD 126/7 of the Hadrianis. One   bouleutes . With the Daedalion, mentioned only in the poletai inscription [1] and probably the sanctuary of the eponymous hero of D., it bordered to the south with the Alopece deme. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 J. Young, Greek Inscriptions, in: Hesperia 10, 1941, 14ff., esp. 20f. no. 1, l. 10f. Traill, Attica 10f., 50, 70, 109 no. 30, table 7, 12, 15 J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 14, 135.


(75 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Attica (Θημακός; Thēmakós). Attic mesogeia (?) deme, Erechtheis phyle, from 224/3 BC Ptolemaïs, one bouleutḗs; location unknown. IG II2 1212 (finding site: in vico Kara, modern Ilioupoli) is probably not a decree from T., cf. [1]. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 Whitehead, 392 No. 135. Traill, Attica 15, 38, 62, 69, 75, 112 No. 134, Tab. 1, 13  J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 126.


(52 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Κέρατα; Kérata). Peaks, named after their peculiar shape (‘horns’) (modern Trikeraton; Trikeri, 470 m), in the mountains on the border between Attica and Megaris east of Eleusis (Diod. Sic. 11,65,1; Plut. Themistocles 13,1; Str. 9,1,11). Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography F. Bölte, s.v. K., RE 11, 265f. Philippson/Kirsten, vol. 1, 760; 973.


(222 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Σαμικόν; Samikón). The biggest fort of Triphylia (western Peloponnese) on the western foothills of Mount Kaiapha, between the modern Agoulinitsa lagoon in the north and lake Kaiapha in the south. This is the location of a cave of the Anigriades [4], spring nymphs of the former river Anigrus ( cf. [2]) with sulphur springs (Str. 8,3,19; Paus. 5,5,11; Schol. Hom. Il. 11,721). Sources: Paus. 5,6,1-3; Pol. 4,77,9; 80,12; Str. 8,3,13; 19 f.; 27. The form Sámos is only attested in Str. 8,3,20 and Schol. Hom. Il. 13,13. S. was probably built by the Eleans in …


(96 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Attica (Θοραί; Thoraí). Attic paralia deme, phyle Antiochis, 307/6 - 200 BC Demetrias, four bouleutaí. According to Str. 9,1,21 on the Attic southwest coast between Aegilia (modern Finikia?) and Lamptrae, probably therefore between Lagonisi and Agios Dimitrios ([2. 243 note 10; 3], differently [1]). Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 C. W. J. Eliot, Coastal Demes of Attika, 1962, 65-68 2 H. Lauter, Ein ländliches Heiligtum hellenistischer Zeit in Trapuria (Attika), in: AA 1980, 242-255 3 J. S. Traill, Demos…


(100 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Διακρία; Diakría), also Hyperacria and Epacria. Term for the mountainous northeast of Attica [2], probably also the Attic east coast as far as Brauron, the ancestral home of the  Peisistratids (Pl. Hipparch. 228b; Plut. Solon 10,3; [4. 224]). Supported by a group of Hyperakrioi (Hdt. 1,59) or Diakrioi (Aristot. Ath. Pol. 13,4; [1; 2; 3. 184-188]), Peisistratus [4] established his tyrannis in Athens in 561 BC. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 K. H. Kinzl, Regionalism in Classical Athens?, in: Ancient History Bull. 3, 1989, 5-9 2 R. J. Hopper, 'Plain', 'S…


(65 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ἁλίπεδον, Ἁλαί; Halípedon, Halaí). Swampy plain (Hsch. s.v. Ἁ.) North of the main harbour of the Piraeus [1; 2], in 403 BC scene of a defeat of Thrasybulus by the Spartan king Pausanias (Xen. Hell. 2,4,30-34). Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 W. Judeich, Top. von Athen, 21931, 425, 426 n. 1 2 W. Kolbe, s.v. H., RE 7, 2268 3 Travlos, Athen 3, 164 fig. 213 (Neophaliron).


(82 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Κυδαντίδαι; Kydantídai). Attic mesogeia(?)-deme of the phyle Aegeis, from 224/3 BC of Ptolemaïs; placed one (two) bouleutaí. Location unknown; Vurva [1. 173; 4. 24ff.], Kato Charvati [2], Mendeli [3 have been suggested. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 P. Siewert, Die Trittyen Attikas und die Heeresreform des Kleisthenes, 1982 2 Traill, Attica 15f., 41, 62, 69, 111 no. 79, pl. 2, 13 3 J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 128 with n. 17 4 E. Vanderpool, The Location of the Attic Deme Erchia, in: BCH 89, 1965, 21-26.


(176 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Μυρρινοῦς/ Murrhinoûs). Attic paralia deme of the phyle of Pandionis, six (eight) bouleutaí, near modern Merenda. Significant archaeological finds [1; 2; 4]; an incomplete ancient fortification on the Merenda [3]. Two decrees on demes from Myrrhinus (IG II2 1182, 1183) are significant for research on the internal organization of dḗmoi. Apart from a theatre (IG II2 1182, Z. 2-4), they attest to cults of Zeus (IG II2 1183, Z. 32-36), Artemis Colaenis (IG II2 1182 ,Z. 19-21; Paus. 1,31,4; schol. Aristoph. Av. 873) and rural Dionysia (IG II2 1183, l. 36-37). Aristion [2] Loh…


(79 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Συβρίδαι; Sybrídai). Attic Paralia(?) deme of the Erechtheis phyle, before 307/6 BC with one bouleutḗs in alternation with Pambotadae, near which S. may have been. There is speculation on a connexion with the River Syverus (Siberus) in Plin. HN 37,114. The sculptor Cephisodotus [5] was from S. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography E. Meyer, s.v. S., RE Suppl. 10, 925-927  Traill, Attica, 6, 14, 59, 62, 69, 112 No. 131, Table. 1  J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 126.


(98 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Κριώα). Attic asty (?) deme of the Antiochis phyle. With one bouleutaí, after 307/6 BC two bouleutaí. Location uncertain, but the genealogical links between the eponymous hero Crius (schol. Aristoph. Av. 645) and Pallas suggest proximity to Pallene [1; 2. 3732]. The funerary inscription IG II2 6108 of the wife of a Κριωεύς is from Kypseli. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 E. Honigmann, s.v. K., RE 11, 1866 2 P. J. Bicknell, Akamantid Eitea, in: Historia 27, 1978, 369-374. Traill, Attica 23, 54 with n. 27, 59, 69, 111 no. 77, tab. 10 J. S. Traill, Demos and Tritt…


(155 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Αἰγιλιά; Aigiliá). Attic   paralia (coastal) deme of the phyle Antiochis, later Ptolemais. Six   bouleutai [5. 23, 53, Table 10], located on the south-western coast of Attica (according to Str. 9,1,21 between Thorae and Anaphlystus), though not north-east of the Olympus [1. 69 ff.] near Hagios Panteleimon [5. 53; 3. 50 ff.], but to the west, probably near Phoinikia [2. 243 annotation 10; 4. 829]. Famous for its figs (Ath. 14,652E; Theoc. 1,147). A., together with a large part of the southern paralia, was probably depopulated quite early. ( Atene) [3]. Lohmann, …


(107 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ἀραφήν; Araphḗn). Attic   paralia deme of the  Aigeis phyle (IG II2 1747; two bouleutai), on the east coast west of Raphina, which has retained the name. Ancient remains (cf. [1. 39]) built over by modern development. A fortified proto-urban centre in Askitario (early Helladic II) [2; 3]. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 A. Milchhoefer, explanatory text, in: E. Curtius, J. A. Kaupert (ed.), Karten von Attika 3-6, 1889 2 D. Theocharis, Ανασκαφη εν Αραφηι, in: Praktika 1951, 77-92; 1952, 129-151; 1953, 105-118; 1954,104-113; 1955, 109-117 3 Id., Ασκητα…


(86 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Σημαχίδαι; Sēmachídai). Attic asty(?) deme of the Antiochis phyle, with one bouleutḗs . According to Philochorus in Steph. Byz. s. v. Σ., situated in Epacria, the mountainous north of Attica, (at modern Vredou [2]?). A second S., attested at the end of the 2nd/beginning of the 3rd cent. AD, was not a regular Attic deme [1. 13, 94 f., 121 no. 37]. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 Traill, Attica, 13, 54, 69, 94 f., 112 No. 126, 121, No. 37, Table 10 2 J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 139, 149.


(51 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ἀπολλωνιείς; Apollōnieís). Attic deme of the  Attalis phyle (IG II2 1794 ff.), created in 200 BC in honour of Apollonis, wife of  Attalos I [4]. Five bouleutai. Site unknown. 14 demotai attested by name. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography Traill, Attica, 30, 109 no.18, table 14 Whitehead, 20 note 66.


(82 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] Listed amongst the asty demes of the Leontis phyle epigraphically [2. 99f.], but not in IG II2 2362 (200 BC); with four (?) bouleutai. Location debatable, probably neighbouring Acharnae, see Aristoph. Ach. 406. Archedemus, who had decorated the grotto of the Nymphs near Vari ( Anagyrus), was naturalized in C. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 Traill, 18ff., 109 (no. 29), table 4 2 Id., Diakris, the inland trittys of Leontis, in: Hesperia 47, 1978, 89-109 3 Whitehead, 332 with fn. 35, 425.


(180 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
(Πανδιονίς; Pandionís). [German version] [1] See Procne see Procne Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) [German version] [2] Third of the ten phyles of Attica The third of the ten phyles of Attica from the time of the phyle reform of Cleisthenes [2] in 508/7 BC (IG II2 1138-1140; 1144; 1148; 1152; 1157; 1160; 1167; Attica, with map); eponymous hero Pandion [1] (Πανδίων/ Pandí ōn, Paus. 1,5,3). In the 4th cent. BC, P. comprised eleven dḗmoi, of which (at least) one was in the asty trittys of Cydathenaeon, four in the mesogeia trittys of Paeanea and five in the paralia trittys of Myrrhinus. Three dḗmoi (Cydath…


(181 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
(Ἐροιάδαι; Eroiádai). [German version] [1] Attic asty(?)-deme of the phyle Hippothontis Attic asty(?)-deme (IG II2, 1927) of the phyle Hippothontis, one bouleutes (after 307/6 BC: two). Only this E. (not E. [2]) is mentioned by Harpocr., Hsch. and Steph. Byz. s.v. E. Presumably located near Chaidari (there is the finding place of IG II2, 1867, 6090). Ὀρε(ι)άδαι; Ore(i)ádai (SEG 13,115; SEG 17, 98; IG II2, 2776 l. 52 [1. 82]) is possibly a variant of E. based on vowel metathesis [2. 171f.]. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 S. G. Miller, A Roman Monument in the Athenian Agora…


(275 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ἀνάφλυστος; Anáphlystos). Attic   paralia deme of the phyle  Antiochis (10 bouleutai) in the coastal region of Anavysso in south-western Attica between  Aegilia in the west,  Atene in the south-east, and  Amphitrope in the east; the astike hodos, the arterial highway from Athens to  Sounion, and respectively the Rhevma Maresas/Ari formed the border to  Phrearrhii in the north-west. Traces of habitation from the neolithic period onwards; the peninsula of Hagios Nikolaos (Astypalaea: Str. 9,1,21) housed an important m…


(283 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (τὸ Πεντελικὸν ὄρος; tò Pentelikòn óros). Mountain in the northeast of Athens (1108 m). The name P. (modern Penteli) is derived from the post-Cleisthenic deme of Pentele [1] at the southwest foot and in Antiquity attested only in Paus. 1,32,1f. (cf. Vitr. 2,8,49: mons Pentelensis), otherwise (pre-Greek) Brilettus (Brilessus, Βριληττός; brilēttos). P. was famous for its marble (Thuc. 2,23,1; Str. 9,1,23; Theophr. De signis 3,6,43; S. Emp. Adv. math. 1,257), which was increasingly quarried from the middle of the 6th cent. BC and i…


(69 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Περιθοῖδαι; Perithoîdai). Attic asty deme of the phyle Oineïs with three bouleutaí. On the basis of the site of the funeral inscription IG II2 7219 and mythological speculation P. is mostly located to the west of Athens in the Cephisus valley along the Sacred Road (present day Aigaleo)(Athenai II.7.). Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography Traill, Attica, 49, 68, 111 Nr. 107, Tab. 6  Whitehead, 84, 210, 371.


(76 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Μυρρινοῦττα/ Murrhinoûtta). Small Attic (paralia?) deme of the phyle of Aigeis, one bouleutḗs; tentatively located at Nea Makri [1] or Vourva [2. 24ff.]. Strab. 9.1.22 should be read as M., and not Myrrhinús [1]. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 J.S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 128, 146f. 2 E. Vanderpool, The Location of the Attic Deme Erchia, in: BCH 89, 1965, 21-26. Traill, Attica, 16f., 41, 69, 111 nr. 90, table 2  Whitehead, 23, 73, 84, 370.


(264 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ποταμός/ Potamós). Name borne by three Attic demes of the phyle Leontis: (1) and (2) were asty demes in the upper Ilissus valley, divided into Upper P. (Π. καθύπερθεν/ P. kathýperthen) at the Kaisariani monastery with two bouleutaí and Lower P. (Π. ὑπένερθεν/ P. hypénerthen) in modern Panepistemioupolis with one or two bouleutaí, from 307/6 to 201/200 BC in  Demetrias [2]. Boundary-rock inscriptions on  Alepovouni [1; 2] presumably marked the border between Upper and Lower P. [3. 117]. (3) P. Deiradiôtai (Π. Δειραδιῶται). Paralia deme, from 307/6 to 201/0 BC a…


(105 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Modern Greek Δέμα). Incomplete (?) towerless, polygonal wall, 4.3 km in length with numerous sally gates and two watchtowers that, at Ano Liosia, sealed the northern access between Parnes and Aigaleos from Thriasia into the Pedion. Constructed either in 404 BC after the banishment of the Thirty [2] or in 378/375 BC in the Boeotian War [1]. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 M. H. Munn, The Defense of Attica, 1993 2 A. Skias, Τὸ λεγόμενον Δέμα καὶ ἄλλα ἐρείπια [ Tò legómenon Déma kaì álla ereípia], in: ArchE 1919, 35-36. J. P. Adam, L'architecture militaire grec…


(91 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Περγασή/ Pergasḗ; Demoticon Περγασῆθεν/ Pergasêthen). Attic Mesogeia deme of the Erechtheis phyle, divided into upper and lower P. (Π. καθύπερθεν/ P. kathýperthen, Π. ὑπένερθεν/ P. hypénerthen) each with two bouleutaí, one part of which went over to the Antigonis phyle in 307/6 BC. According to Aristoph. Equ. 321, P. was on the road from Athens to Aphidna (near modern Chelidonou?). The burial inscription IG II2 7205 is from Varibopi near Tatoï. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography Traill, Attica, 6, 38, 59, 69, 111 Nr. 105f., 126, Tab. 1, 11  Whitehead, Index s.v. P.


(48 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ὑβάδαι; Hybádai). Attic mesogeia(?) deme of the phyle Leontis, with two (one)   bouleutaí . Location unknown. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography E. Meyer, s.v. H., RE Suppl. 10, 327 Traill, Attica, 6, 18, 46, 62, 69, 110 no. 57, table 4 Id., Demos and Trittys, 1986, 131.


(257 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ἀσσησός; Assēsós). Proto-Greek settlement with Carian name within the territory of the polis of  Miletus (Steph. Byz. s.v. A.), about 6.5 km south-east of the metropolis, home to the important extra-mural sanctuary of  Athena Assesia, which had been burned down by the Lydian king Alyattes in the 6th year of his reign (shortly before 600 BC), but later rebuilt by him at the behest of the Delphian oracle (Hdt. 1,19-22). Town and sanctuary were discovered in 1992 east of the Mengereb…


(129 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Κεφαλή; Kephalḗ). Attic paralia deme of the phyle Acamantis, nine (12)   bouleutaí , modern Keratea [4. 47]. C.'s eponymous hero, Cephalus [1], was the ancestral hero of the Cephalids, the kings of  Thoricus. Early Mycenaean princely residence at an elevation of 220 m [2], in classical times presumably several settlement centres. Important necropolis (from the geometric period into the 4th cent. BC) in Rudseri [1]. Numerous cults [1. 491; 3], i.a. of Aphrodite [3. 36] and the  Dioscuri (Paus. 1,31,1). Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 H. G. Buchholz, Ein …


(79 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Ἐρίκεια/ Eríkeia, from ἐρείκη/ Ereíkē, ‘brier’?). Attic asty(?)-deme of the Aegeis phyle, one bouleutes (after 307/6 BC two). Its location determined to be near Kypseli as the finding-place of a decree (IG II2, 1215, beginning of the 3rd cent. BC) in which an unknown deme honours a donor for the repairs to cultic installations. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography Traill, Attica 16, 39 with n. 10, 59, 70, 74 n. 10, 110 no. 42, table 2 Whitehead Index s.v. E.


(577 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Μαραθών; Marathṓn). Large Attic paralia deme of the Aeantis phyle, 10 (?) bouleutai , in a flat coastal area in the east of Attica, capital of the Attic Tetrapolis (M., Oenoe, Probalinthus, Tricorynthus), not identical with modern Marathonas. The name is pre-Greek. There are important prehistoric, ancient and early Christian remains at various sites on the plain (map [10. 223 fig. 271]): Neolithic and Early Helladic settlement near Nea Makri (Probalinthus?) [8; 9; 10. 219],…


(164 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Λεωντίς; Leōntís, epigraphically Λεοντίς; Leontís). Since the reform of phyles of Cleisthenes in 508/7 BC, the fourth of ten phyles of Attica (IG II2 417, 478, 1742, 1744, 1752, 1926, 2409, 2818); eponymous hero Leos (Λεώς; Leṓs) in Paus. 1,5,2. In the 4th cent. BC the L. comprised 20 demes, of which seven were in the asty-trittys Scambonidae, four in the paralia-trittys Phrearrhii and nine in the mesogaia-trittys Hecale(?). Five demes changed over from 307/6 to 201/20 BC to the Macedonian phyles of Antigonis and Demetrias. In 224/3 BC, Hecale w…


(94 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Attica (Τρινέμεια; Trinémeia). Attic mesogeia deme, of the Cecropis phyle, two bouleutaí, at the source of the Cephissus [2] (Str. 9,1,24) to the northeast of modern Kifissia in the valley of the modern Kokkinaras. An ephebe ( Ephēbeía ) from T. (IG II2 1028 col. III Z. 143) is an addendum to the list of the Cecropis phyle, but this does not attest to a second T. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography Traill, Attica 51, 69, 85, 112 No. 140, 122, Tab. 7.


(57 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Συπαληττός/ Sypalēttós). Attic mesogeia deme of the Cecropis phyle, with two bouleutaí. The site of the Lex sacra IG I3 245 (470/460 BC) locates S. at Nea Ionia (formerly Kukuvaones) to the north of Athens. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography Traill, Attica, 10 f., 51, 68, 85, 112 Nr. 132, 121, Tab. 7  Whitehead, Index s. v. S.


(75 words)

Author(s): Lohmann, Hans (Bochum)
[German version] (Κηττός; Kēttós). Attic asty [2] or mesogeia deme [3] of the phyle Leontis, three (four) bouleutaí. Inscriptions confirm neither the location near Daphni [2] nor the one in the region north-east of Menidi [3. 174f.]. Lohmann, Hans (Bochum) Bibliography 1 Traill, Attica, 18, 43, 62, 68, 110 no. 66, table 4 2 J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys, 1986, 81 fn. 7, 130 3 E. Vanderpool, The Acharnanian Aqueduct, in: Χαριστήριον εἰς Ἀναστάσιον Κ. Ὀρλάνδον 1, 1965, 166-175.
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