
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)" )' returned 231 results. Modify search

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(59 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Λισσήν; Lissḗn). Locality on Crete with uncertain geographical position primarily because of unclear information from the scholiasts ad Hom. Od. 3,293, probably modern Cape Lithinos. Affiliation with Phaestus in Str. 10,4,4 (only by conjecture) and Steph. Byz. s.v. Φαιστός. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography P. Faure, La Crète aux cents villes, in: Kretika Chronika 13, 1959, 190.

Ager Campanus

(267 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] Region around the town of  Capua that the Romans confiscated in the Second Punic War in 211 BC, because Capua had gone over to Hannibal (Liv. 23,7). Since then   ager publicus populi Romani (Liv. 26,16,8), covering a total area of about 500 km2 [1. 36-38]. Rome thus gained control over one of Italy's most fertile areas (Liv. 26,26,7). In 209 BC, it was leased out by the censors (Liv. 27,11,8). In order to refill the Roman public purse after the strains of war, parts of the AC were sold off in 205 and in 199 BC (from the fossa Graeca to  Cyme: Liv. 28,46,4, or rather the area at…


(101 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Ἴμβρασος; Ímbrasos). River on Samos (Plin. HN 5,135), in ancient times also referred to as Parthenius (Str. 10,2,17), near the temple of Hera, modern Imvrasos. Ancient tradition holds that Hera was born under the lygos tree (chaste-tree) on the shore of the I. (Paus. 7,4,4; Apoll. Rhod. 1,187), a legend which repeatedly gave rise to cultic activities in the water of the I. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography E. Buschor, I., in: MDAI(A) 68, 1953 (1956), 1-10 H. J. Kienast, Zum heiligen Baum der Hera auf Samos, in: MDAI(A) 106, 1991, 71-80 G. Shipley, A History …

Creta et Cyrenae

(155 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] After the conquest by Q. Caecilius Metellus (69-67 BC; Liv. per. 100; Plut. Pompey 29),  Crete was organized as a double province together with  Cyrenae (Roman province since 74 BC), ( C. et C.). A short-term separation between the two occurred as a result of M. Antonius' declaration of independence (43 BC). In 27 BC, Augustus re-established the old order (senatorial province). The seat of the government was  Gortyne. After the Diocletian reorganization, the double province was dissolved (Cyrenae went to Libya Pe…


(1,010 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
This item can be found on the following maps: Pergamum | Aegean Koine | Aegean Koine (Λέσβος; Lésbos, Lat. Lesbus; Hittite Lazba). [German version] A. Geography Island in the north-eastern Aegean, with an area extent of 1,630 km2 the third-largest Greek island after Crete and Euboea. Characteristic topographical features are two bays that extend deep into the interior of the island: in the south the Gulf of Hiero (modern Yera), in the west the Gulf of Pyrrha (modern Kalloni). The highest elevations are Lepetymnos (838 m) in the nor…

Aqua Ferentina

(88 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] Spring (also ad caput Ferentinum, Liv. 2,38,1) in  Latium, probably on the southern slopes of   Mons Albanus , in the lucus Ferentinae (Liv. 1,50,1). Until the middle of the 4th cent. BC a place of assembly of the  Latini (Liv. 1,50,1; 2,38,1; 7,25,5; Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 3,45; 51; 4,45; 5,61). According to Roman annalists (Liv. 1,51,9), Turnus Herdonius was drowned here at the instigation of Tarquinius Superbus. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography Nissen 2, 558 A. Alföldi, Das frühe Rom und die Latiner, 1977, 34-36.


(213 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] Island off the coast of Campania in the southern part of the Gulf of Naples (today Capri). Verg. Aen. 7,735 provides a legendary link of an early Greek settlement with  Telon and the  Teleboae: Serv. Aen. 7,735; Tac. Ann. 4,67. The Greeks linked both settlement centres (modern Capri, Anacapri) by a flight of steps which, in parts, are still usable today (Scala Fenicia). In 29 BC, Augustus acquired C. from Neapolis in exchange for Aenaria ( Pithecussae; Suet. Aug. 92; Cass. Dio 52,…


(262 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Crete | Aegean Koine (Τυλισσός/ Tylissós). City in central Crete, 13 km to the southwest of Heracleum [1] at modern T.; settlement evidently of considerable size from the early Minoan period. From the late Minoan period, there are three richly furnished houses of at least two storeys which afford an impression of superior domestic comfort. There is also evidence of settlement continuity for the Mycenaean period. In the Archaic period, a sanctuary to…


(183 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Theatre (also Herdonia: Str. 6,3,7; Sil. Pun. 8,567; App. Hann. 48; Ptol. 3,1,72; Herdonea: Liv. 25,21,1; 27,1,6). City in Apulia ( regio II: Plin. HN 3,105; CIL IX 689f.; 1156; It. Ant. 116,2), modern Ordona, on the via Minucia (Str. 6,3,7; Plin. HN 2,244), starting-point of the roads to Beneventum, Aeclanum, and Ausculum. After the battle of Cannae (216 BC), H. switched allegiance to Hannibal, and until 210 BC, it was frequently involved in the disputes of the Second Punic War. H…


(357 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Achaemenids | Grain Trade, Grain Import | Hellenistic states | Crete | Macedonia, Macedones | Mycenaean culture and archaeology | Peloponnesian War | Persian Wars | Pompeius | Aegean Koine | Aegean Koine | Aegean Koine (Κυδωνία; Kydonía). Town in north-western Crete, now Chania, according to Str. 10,4,7 the third biggest town on the island (cf. Flor. 1,42,4). According to legend, its establishment can be traced back to  Minos and his son Cydon (Diod. Sic. 5,78,2; Paus. 8,53,4). Th…

Lyctus, Lyttus

(384 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Crete | Apollo (Λύκτος/ Lýktos, Λύττος/ Lýttos, Latin Lyctus). Important Doric city in eastern Crete with a wide territory, in the interior of the country on a ridge of the Lassithi Massif. The older form of the name is Lyctus (in this form already around 1380 BC on an Egyptian list of place names), whilst the more recent and more common form is Lyttus. Pol. 4,54,6 describes L. as the oldest city in Crete. In Homer (Hom. Il. 2,647; 17,611) L. is a participant in the Trojan War; with a close connection to Sp…


(126 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Ὤλερος; Ṓleros). Location in eastern Crete from which most of the population probably migrated to the newly founded Hierapytna in the 4th cent. BC. Afterwards O. was a cultic center for Athena Oleria [1]. It can be located at modern Meseleri. There are no ancient remains there. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography 1 A. Chaniotis, Die Verträge zwischen kretischen Poleis in der hellenistischen Zeit, 1996, no. 74,8. C. Bursian, Geographie von Griechenland, vol. 2, 1868, 579  H. van Effenterre, Die von den Grenzen der ostkretischen Poleis eingeschlosse…


(81 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (also Egnatia, Ignatia). Peucetic port town in Apulia between Barium and Brundisium (Str. 6,3,7; Ptol. 3,1,15; in Sallentino oppido G., Plin. HN 2,240) on the via Minucia (Tab. Peut. 6,5). Station on Horace's journey to Brundisium, who mocks alleged incense miracles in Sat. 1,5,97-100 (cf. Plin. loc. cit.). Ruins near modern Torre d'Egnazia (land wall, necropoleis, basilicas). Remains of Oriental cults (ILS 4178: Sacerdos Matris Magnae et Suriae deae et sacrorum Isidis). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography Nissen, 860.


(197 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Crete (Ἐλευθέρνα; Eleuthérna). City in central Crete on the northern slopes of the Ida range, settled from the late Minoan period. Some vestiges have survived near the mod. village of Prinès (cisterns, town walls, bridge, Byzantine tower). In around 260 BC, E. joined the isopoliteia of Miletus with Cnossus, Gortyn, Phaestus and their allies [2. 482]. In c. 225 BC, the city entered into an alliance with the Macedonian king Antigonus [2] Gonatas [1. 20; 2. 501]. In 220 BC, as a consequence of disputes…


(53 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Χάλκη; Chálkē). Island off the north coast of Rhodes (29 km2). The polis of C. (remains of acropolis, temple to Apollo, necropolis) belonged to Rhodian Camirus. During the 5th cent. BC a member of the Delian League. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography P. M. Fraser, G. E. Bean, The Rhodian Peraea and Islands, 1954, 144f.

Aequum Faliscum

(58 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] According to Str. 5,2,9 a settlement on the   via Flaminia between Oriculi (modern Otricoli) and Rome, possibly identical with  Falerii (Str. loc. cit.). On the Tab. Peut. 5,4 ( Aequo Falsico) east of the Tiberis [1. 320]. Uncertain connection with the Aequi Falisci (Verg. Aen. 7,695; Sil. 8,490). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography 1 Miller 2 Nissen, 2, 364.

Malia, Mallia

(276 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Linear B | Aegean Koine Minoan palace on Crete, on the northern coast c. 40 km east of Heraklion, with two harbour bays. The relatively low level of ancient building on top of the site and of later reconstruction makes genuine insight into Minoan palace architecture possible. Like the palaces of Knossos, Phaestus and Zakros, the buildings are grouped around a large central court. The history of the palace with its individual building phases also corresponds…


(344 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Μύκονος; Mýkonos). Island in the  Cyclades (Plin. HN 4,66) with an area of 88 km2, barren, rocky, poor in water, hilly, but without very high mountains (the highest elevation amounts to just 390 m). The earliest settlement was in the late Neolithic (beginning of the 3rd millennium BC; Bay of Panormos in the north). An early Cycladic settlement (after 2600 BC) was on the peninsula of Anavolousa in the southwest. There were two urban centres on M. (Skyl. 58; cf. Syll.3 1024): near Palaiokastro to the southeast of the Bay of Panormos (from the middle of the B…


(146 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Crete (Ῥαῦκος; Rhaûkos). Town in central Crete, c. 15 km southwest of Heracleum [1], present-day Agios Myron (named after a 3rd cent. bishop of R.), with Minoan remains in the surrounding area. The acropolis had been inhabited since the Late Mycenaean Period. At the beginning of the 2nd cent. BC, R. formed an alliance with Gortyn (Pol. 22,15,1) and in 166 BC it was the object of a combined military operation by Gortyn and Knossos (Pol. 31,1) [1. no. 4…


(228 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Dark Ages | Crete | Apollo (Δρῆρος; Drêros). Town in north-east Crete in a mountainous position, with a double acropolis, from which there is a view of the Gulf of Mirabello, modern Hagios Antonios near Neapolis. Already populated in the Minoan period, D. reached its peak between the 8th and 6th cents. BC. The Temple of Apollo Delphinios from the mid 8th cent. BC, combining Minoan and Doric elements (with cult images of Apollo, Leto and Artemis) [1], …


(468 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Byzantium | Peloponnesian War | Persian Wars | Delian League | Athenian League (Second) (Μήθυμνα; Mḗthymna). City on the north coast of the island of Lesbos, formerly Molivos, today again officially M., on a hill jutting into the sea. M. was one of the five póleis of Lesbos (Hdt. 1,151; Strab. 13,2,2) with a considerable amount of territory after the subjugation of Arisbe ( c. 600 BC). The ancient history of M. was dominated by continual rivalry with Mytilene. M. was involved in the founding of Assus in Asia Minor (Strab.…


(64 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Πεδιῆς; Pediês). Deme of Lindos on Rhodes, possibly on the coastal plain to the north of Lindos [1. 747]. It had its own tribute payment in the Delian League (between 2000 drachmas and 1 talent: ATL 1, 370f.). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography 1 F.Hiller von Gärtringen, s.v. Rhodos, RE Suppl. 5, 731-840. Id., Die Demen der rhodischen Städte, in: MDAI(A) 42, 1917, 171-184.


(45 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Καίρατος; Kaíratos). River on Crete. On its western bank lies  Cnossus, occasionally also referred to as C. (Str. 10,4,8; Callim. H. 3,44; Eust. in Dionys. Per. 498). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography M. S. F. Hood, D. Smyth, Archaeological Survey of the Knossos Area, 21981.

Ager Teuranus

(67 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] Area in Bruttium. The only reference was found on an epigraphical copy of the Senatus Consultum deBacchanalibus from 186 BC, containing instructions for the local administration (CIL I2 581,30 in agro Teurano; cf. ILLRP 2, 511). Judging by where the bronze tablet was found (Tiriolo), the Ager Teuranus should be localized in the vicinity thereof.  Bacchanalia Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography Nissen 2, 945.


(372 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Dark Ages | Mycenaean culture and archaeology | Persian Wars | Delian League (Ἰάλυσος; Iálysos). City on the north coast of the island of Rhodes; with  Lindus and  Camirus one of the three ancient cities of Rhodes. Situated c. 15 km south-west of Rhodes city, on the western slope of the 267 m-high mountain Filerimos (ancient name Achaía, Diod. Sic. 5,57,6; Ath. 8,360e), which functions as the acropolis of I. Settlement and necropolis from the Mycenaean period at the present-day village of Trianda. …


(88 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Μάταλον; Mátalon). Town on the Southern coast of Crete (Strab. 10,4,11; Stadiasmus maris magni 323), originally the harbour for Phaestus (Pol. 4,55,6), later for Gortyn; now called Matala. According to one myth, this is where Zeus made landfall after abducting Europa. Only a few classical remains from the Roman period. Some early Christian cliff graves on the northern side of the bay, now partly below sea-level. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography H. Buhmann, s.v. Matala, in: Lauffer, Griechenland, 410 I. F. Sanders, Roman Crete, 1982, 161.


(64 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] City in the area of the  Hernici (Plin. HN 3,63), today Alatri. Like Ferentinum and Verulae, A. did not participate in 307-306 BC in the war of the Hernici against Rome (Liv. 9,42,11) and was therefore rewarded like them with autonomy and   conubium (Liv. 9,43,23). A few structural ruins, i.a. an aqueduct and wall. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography Nissen 2, 654.

Ager Falernus

(55 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] Region in northern  Campania (Plin. HN 14,62) between Mons Masicus and Volturnus, known particularly for its wines (Plin. HN 23,24). From 340 BC under Roman control (land distribution to Roman settlers: Liv. 8,11,13 f. 12,12). Pillaged by Carthaginians in the war against Hannibal (Liv. 22,13,9). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography Nissen 2, 689 f.


(364 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (from Arabic ṣaḥrā, 'desert'; cf. Hdt. 2,32: τὰ ἐρῆμα τῆς Λιβύης/ tà erêma tês Libýēs, 'the desert region of Libya'; Mela 1,50: deserta Africae). The indigenous people today call only individual parts of the S. by their own name. The largest desert on earth, situated in North Africa, with an expanse from the Atlantic in the west to the Red Sea in the east ( c. 6000 km; c. 8 million km2). The S. underwent several cyclical climatic changes (Climate) in prehistoric times that shaped the vegetation and the natural profile; the last of these changes in…


(55 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] Main settlement of the Illyrian Iapodes, now Cakovac near Ogulin (in modern Croatia). It was destroyed in 35 BC by the future Augustus (App. Ill. 19-21; Cass. Dio 49,35,2-4). In the Roman period, M. had the status of a municipium (CIL III 10060). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography J. J. Wilkes, Dalmatia, 1969.

Landscape (Scenery)

(670 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] From a historio-geographical perspective, the term landscape carries several basic implications and connotations. Generally speaking, it can designate a space where historically relevant events have taken place. It is then attributed the quality of a historical source, to be interpreted in a variety of ways. Of further interest is the reciprocal relationship between man and landscape in terms such as: how did man perceive, design, and change the landscape? And how, on the other ha…


(223 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Dark Ages | Crete (Ὀλοῦς; Oloûs). Dorian port on the northern coast of Crete, on the western part of the bay of Mirabello on the isthmus of the Spinalonga peninsula, modern Elounda. But for a basilica with splendid mosaics from the 5th cent. AD, the remains of O. are under water. In the Hellenistic period, a considerable prosperity developed in O., due not least to its double harbour, with correspondingly growing political significance. The history …


(133 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Greek: Σαμ(μ)ώνιον/ Sam(m)ṓnion). Promontory on the northeastern tip of Crete, modern Kavo Sidero. Strong winds often prevented seafarers from rounding the cape. S. served ancient authors as a fixed point of reference for geographical information and the communication of distances between the islands of the Aegean Sea (cf. Str. 2,4,3; 10,3,20; 10,4,2 f.; 10,4,5; 10,4,12; 10,5,18; Dionys. Per. 110; Mela 2,112; Plin. HN 4,58; 60 f.; 71: promunturium Samonium; Ptol. 3,17,5; Stadiasmus maris magni 318 f.; 355; Acts 27:7: Σαλμώνη/ Salmṓnē in connection with the…


(108 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Delian League | Athenian League (Second) (Ἄντισσα; Ántissa). Harbour town in the north-west of  Lesbos, c. 9 km north-east of the modern Antissa, settled from the 14th cent. BC. A. was a member of the  Delian League, and participated in the secession of Lesbian towns on the initiative of  Mytilene (Thuc. 3,18. 28). It was a member of the Second Athenian Confederacy. In 167 BC, it was destroyed by the Romans, and its population resettled in  Methymna (Liv. 45,31,14; Plin. HN 5,139). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography R. …


(71 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] River, also known as Eurotas (Pol. 8,35,8), 40 stades (Pol. loc. cit.) or 5 miles (Liv. 25,11,8) from Tarentum. In 212 BC, Hannibal built a camp on its banks. Mentioned in Virgil (Georg. 4,12,6), Horace (Carm. 2,6,10), and Propertius (2,34,67). Its water is praised as particularly suited for the washing of wool (Mart. 2,43,3; 4,28,3; 5,37,2; 8,28,3; 12,63,6; Stat. Silv. 3,3,93). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography Nissen 2, 870.

Aptara, Aptera

(165 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Crete | Education / Culture (Ἀπτάρα, Ἀπτέρα; Aptára, Aptéra). Port in the north-west of  Crete on a 230 m high plateau, today Aptara; on coins and in inscriptions Aptara, in literature Aptera (ancient explanation of the name: Steph. Byz. s. v. A.; Paus. 10,5,10). Signs of settlement from the 2nd millennium BC. Frequently involved in interstate politics in early Hellenistic times. In 220 BC under pressure from  Polyrrhenia A. terminated its alliance with  Knossos (Pol. 4,55,4). There is evidence of a   symmachia


(45 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] Roman castellum in Dalmatia on the Salona - Narona road (Plin. HN 3,142: N.; Nerate: other MS traditions; Geogr. Rav. 4,16: Netrate; 5,14: Nerente), modern Jesenice east of Split/Croatia. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography A. Mayer, Die Sprache der alten Illyrier, 1957, 240f.


(258 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Social Wars | Socii (Roman confederation) | Theatre | Tribus | | Coloniae | Coloniae | Italy, languages | Latini, Latium | Oracles | Regio, regiones Harbour town in southern Latium, modern Anzio. According to first treaty between Rome and Carthage, dated by Polybius back to 508/507 BC [1], this town, rich in tradition (Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 1,32), was at that time under Roman control (Pol. 3,22,11). Soon after, A. came under the influence of the  Volsci, and was thus inv…

Ager Pomptinus

(558 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] Region in  Latium between   mons Albanus and the coast of the mare Tyrrhenum. Its name is derived from the town of Pometia (Cic. Rep. 2,44; Liv. 2,16,8; 17,5 f.; 25,6; Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 4,50; 6,29), which it has not been possible to localize. Probably towards the end of the 6th cent. BC, the ager Pomptinus (AP) came into the possession of the neighbouring  Volsci. Rome's reaction to this was -- supposedly as early as 492 BC -- the foundation of the colony of  Norba (Liv. 2,34,6; Dion. Hal. …


(92 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Ῥύτιον/ Rhýtion). City in southern central Crete (Plin. HN 4,59), today's Rhotasi. Traces of settlements from late Minoan to Venetian periods. First literary mention at Hom. Il. 2,648 (reference to its being well populated). Rhytium was important beyond its borders as a cultic site for Zeus Skylios [1. 141]. Politically, R. was dependant on Gortyn  (Str. 10,4,14). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography 1 H. Verbruggen, Le Zeus crétois, 1981. H. Beister, s. v. Pyrgos, in: Lauffer, Griechenland, 580  M. Guarducci, Inscriptiones Creticae 1, 1935, 303 f.  I. F.…


(78 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Μαραθήσιον; Marathḗsion). Town on the west coast of Asia Minor (ruins at the Ambar Tepe [1]); after an exchange with Samos, it belonged to the territory of Ephesus (Scyl. 98; Steph. Byz. s.v. Μ.; Plin. HN. 5,114). From 478/7 BC it was a member of the Delian League (ATL 1,336f.; 515; 2,80; 3,204; 307). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography R. Meriç et al (Ed.) IK 17,1, 1981, 111 (with inscriptions 3112-3114), 100 (map). Magie 2, 886.


(231 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Aegean Koine (Λεβήνα; Lebḗna). City on the southern coast of Crete (Str. 10,4,12; Plin. HN 4,59) near the modern village of Lendas. Older form of the name: Λεβήν/ Lebḗn. There is evidence that it was already settled in the Minoan period. Initially important as the harbour for Gortyn, L. became a religious centre from the 4th cent. BC onwards because of its sanctuary of Asclepius founded at a healing spring (the visible remains of the temple as well as the stoa and nympha…


(152 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Crete (Ἔλυρος; Élyros). Extensive urban settlement in south-western Crete (Steph. Byz. s.v. E.) near Rodovani east of Kandans. Archaeological data: some Roman ruins (town walls, theatre, aqueduct). Syia was Elyrus' port (Steph. Byz. s.v.). It is possible that E. belonged to the koinon of the western Cretan Oreioi, who probably entered an alliance with Magas of Cyrene between 280 and 250 BC [1. 1; 2. 468]; from 183 BC, it was part of the alliance of thirty-one Cretan cities with Eumenes…


(77 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Κεραία; Κεραῖαι; Keraía, Keraîai). Town on Crete in the north-west of the island, of undetermined location between Lappa and Polyrrhenia (Steph. Byz. s.v. Βήνη). In the Lyttian War (220 v.Chr.), C. -- together with other Cretan towns -- seceded from Cnossus and Gortyn (Pol. 4,53,6). In 183 BC, it was one of the Cretan towns to enter an alliance with Eumenes II of Pergamum [1. 179]. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography 1 M. Guarducci (ed.), Inscriptiones Creticae IV, 1950.

Leuka (Ore)

(76 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Λευκὰ ὄρη; Leukà órē). The ‘white mountains’ in western Crete, up to 2,482 m high (Str. 10,4,4). Uncultivated and inaccessible with a remarkable stand of cypress trees (Plin. HN 16,142; cf. Theophr. Hist. pl. 4,1,3), in Plin. HN 31,43 also mentioned in connection with the search for sources. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography J. Bowman, Kreta, 1965, 271ff. P. Faure, Noms de montagnes crétoises, in: L'Association G. Budé. Lettres d'humanités 24, 1965, 426-446.


(294 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] Linguistically, a forest in Latin (Serv. Aen. 1,310) is differentiated according to the degree of human cultivation ( silva, nemus,   saltus ) and the associated religious sphere ( lucus,  ‘Grove’). On one hand, forests caused fear and discomfort (Cic. Nat. D. 2,6; Plin. HN 12,3), on the other hand they were valued as places of (even productive) rest and recuperation (Plin. Ep. 1,6,2; 9,10,2; Tac. Dial. 9,6; 12,1). Forests received an extremely negative connotation among Romans in the context of the military …


(55 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Ἅληξ; Hálēx). River in southern Bruttium, modern Alice. According to Timaeus (FGrH 566 F 43b) and Strabo (6,1,9) the border river between Rhegium and Locri (Paus. 6,6,4, however, says Caecinus). In the Peloponnesian War (426 BC) scene of an Athenian expedition against Locri (Thuc. 3,99). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography Nissen 2, 955.

Lisus, Lissus

(156 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Crete (Λισος; Lisos in inscriptions, Λισ(σ)ός; Lis(s)ós in literature; cf. Λίσσα; Líssa, Scyl. 47; Ptol. 3,15,3; Tab. Peut. 8,5). City on the south-western coast of Crete, to the west of modern Sougia, in a position protected by mountains and only open to the sea. From the late 4th cent. BC, L. with Elyrus, Hyrtacina and Tarrha formed the koinón of the oreíoi (‘mountain dwellers’). The city was occupied from the Classical to the Byzantine periods. Of supraregional importance was the Asclepium with the me…


(106 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Δίκτη; Díktē). Mountain in Crete, not identifiable with certainty. In particular Str. 10,4,12 indicates that in antiquity, D. was not in the Lassithi Hills as today, but rather designated the Modi ridge (539 m) on the eastern tip of Crete and that this was the birthplace of Zeus (cf. Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 2,61; Diod. Sic. 5,70,6; Ath. 9,375f.). At the Minoan town of Palaikastro there was a sanctuary of Zeus Diktaios. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography P. Faure, Nouvelles recherches de spéléologie et de topographie crétoises, in: BCH 84, 1960, 189-220 E. Meyer,…


(40 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] Town of the Histri, probably modern Medulin (Croatia) in southern Histria. Like Faveria, it was conquered by the Romans in 177 BC (Liv. 41,11,8). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography V.Vedaldi Iasbez, La Venetia Orientale e l'Histria, 1994, 354f.


(1,215 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
This item can be found on the following maps: Byzantium | Peloponnesian War | Persian Wars | Delian League | Athenian League (Second) | Education / Culture (Μυτιλήνη; Mytilḗnē). [German version] A. Geography City in the southeast of the island of Lesbos, of great political, economic and cultural signficance throughout antiquity. M. owed its prominent position not least to its favourable topographical situation. The earliest settlement, founded by Aeolians in about 1200 BC, was on the modern Kastro Hill and was separated by an a…


(1,590 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
This item can be found on the following maps: Writing | Theatre | Ionic | Natural catastrophes | Peloponnesian War | Pergamum | Persian Wars | Phoenicians, Poeni | Delian League | Athenian League (Second) | Aegean Koine | Aegean Koine | Aegean Koine | Education / Culture (ἡ Σάμος/ hē Sámos, Lat. also Samus). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) [German version] I. Geography Island in the southeastern Aegean Sea, only c. 2 km from the mainland of Asia Minor (at Mycale); connected in prehistoric times; total area 476 km2. The island is crossed by a chain of mountains (Ampelus according to …


(1,288 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
(Πάρος; Páros). Island in the Cyclades (195 km2, 22 km long, 16 km wide), west of Naxos [1], south-west of it is the island Antiparos. [German version] I. Geography and early settlement history The landscape is shaped by Mt.Marpessa [2] (modern Prophitis Ilias) - heavily forested in Antiquity, today largely bare - with a height of up to 771 m. The foothills of the mountain stretch to the fertile coasts. Already settled in the Neolithic, P. developed into a significant site of the Cycladic culture. Important find spots are Na…


(174 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Mycenaean culture and archaeology | Aegean Koine (Ἀμνισός; Amnisós). Harbour settlement, belonging to  Knosos during the Minoan period (Epineion: Str. 10,4,7), situated on the northern coast of  Crete, 8 km east of  Heracleum on the river A. (modern Karteros); remains of the Minoan town structure (i. a. ‘Villa of the Lilies’); its name is listed on the place name register of Amenophis III [1. 67 ff.] and in the clay tablet archives of Cnossus; it was f…

Alba Longa

(155 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] City in  Latium on the   mons Albanus near modern Castel Gandolfo. According to legendary documents making every effort to ensure the connection of Rome with Troy, founded by  Aeneas' [1] son  Ascanius (in the Roman version also Iulus, Verg. Aen. 1,267, or Iullus, Cato HRR fr. 9). An early position of supremacy in Latium is probable. Most likely already in the 7th cent. BC, Alba Longa (AL) was incorporated by Etruscan-dominated Rome. Tradition has ascribed this to King Tullus Hostilius (Liv. 1,29; Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 3,31,3-6). The population was relocated to Rome, the mon…


(372 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Crete (Λατώ; Latṓ). City in the east of Crete, situated in an isolated mountain area at a height of c. 400 m, with a good view of the coast, 15 km away from modern Agios Nikolaos. Already settled in the Minoan period but then deserted by the inhabitants. In the 8th cent. BC, Doric re-establishment and then in the ancient and classical period one of the most prominent towns on the island. Numerous inscriptions document the engagement of L. in international politic…


(49 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] Name of two road stations in Italy: one on the Via Aemilia Scauri near Populonia (Tab. Peut. 4,2; Geogr. Rav. 4,32; It. Ant. 292,4) and the other on the road from Siena to Chiusi (Tab. Peut. 4,4; Geogr. Rav. 4,36; Ptol. 3,1,49). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)


(372 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Crete (Πραισός/ Praisós). City in eastern Crete (Scyl. 47) on the peninsula of Sitia, near the modern village of Nea Praisos (Vaveli) between three acropoleis. The location was already settled in the Neolithic Period (cult site in a cave to the north west of the town). Numerous remains from the Minoan and Mycenaean periods survive (megalithic building in the south; tholos tombs in the necropolis north of the town, in use from the 15th-2nd cents. …


(360 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] There is no Greek or Latin term to be found in ancient literature corresponding to the modern 'volcano'; nevertheless, individual volcanic phenomena are identified, such as lava-flow: Greek ῥύαξ/ rhýax (< ῥέω/ rhéō, 'to flow'; cf. also Theophrastus's Perì rhýakos toû en Sikelíai mentioned in Diog. Laert. 5,49), Lat. Vulcanius amnis ('Vulcanic stream', Claud. Rapt. Pros. 172; from Latin Vulcanius, 'pertaining to Vulcan and his works'), saxa liquefacta 'liquified rocks' (Verg. Aen. 3,576) or massa ardens 'blazing mass' (Iuv. 10,130). For the Roman god see Volcanus. I…


(144 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] Town in Liburnia (Tab. Peut. 5,4; ILS 1989), modern-day Nadin/Croatia, on the road from Iader to  Burnum. The Roman town was built in the time of Augustus on an earlier indigenous settlement. As a Roman colonia and as municipium to the tribus Claudia, N. was part of the regio X of Italy (Plin. HN. 3,130).There is documentary evidence for the following officials: II viri, aediles and an officialis Naeditarum (CIL III 2860-2876). The town's aristocracy came from the indigenous families. The preservation of social structures and cultic observances i…


(286 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] In Roman tradition the name given to the earliest inhabitants of  Latium (Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 1,10; Lydus, Mag. 1,10). The etymology of the name is uncertain: Lycoph. 1253 hints at a derivation from Βορείγονοι ( Boreígonoi;  Aeneas [1] was prophesied that he would settle ἐν τόποις Βορειγόνων; en tópois Boreigónōn); others -- on the presumption that the A. pursued a nomadic way of life -- formulate an onomastic development from Aberrigenes ( aberrare) to A. (Paul. Fest. 19; Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 1,10; Auctor de origine gentis Romanae 4,2). The origin of the A. is equa…


(123 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] (Μόχλος). Small island  situated on the north-east coast of Crete and south-east of the Gulf of Mirabello. In Antiquity the island was probably connected to the mainland by an isthmus. Costly finds from the Minoan necropolis indicate considerable prosperity. Mochlos was also important in Roman (remains of walls and towers) and Byzantine times. Roman containers for holding fish lie beneath the surface of the water close to the mainland. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography H. Beister, s.v. M., in: Lauffer, Griechenland, 439  J.W. Myers et al., Aerial Atlas …


(357 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Persian Wars | Delian League | Athenian League (Second) | Education / Culture (Ἔρεσος; Éresos). City on the west coast of Lesbos (Str. 13,2,4; Plin. HN 5,139; Ptol. 5,2,29; Mela 2,101), 4 km south of today's town of Eresos near Skala Eresou. Few archaeological remains: ring wall of the acropolis, port facilities from the 5th/4th cents. BC, relics of the Hellenistic city wall, Roman cisterns; early Christian churches from the 5th cent., i.a. a basilica of St.…


(290 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[German version] This item can be found on the following maps: Crete (Πολυρρηνία/ Polyrrhēnía). City in north-western Crete (Ptol. 3,17,10; Str. 10,4,13; Scyl. 47: Πολύρρηνα/ Polýrrhēna; Plin. HN 4,59: Polyrhenum) south of the Bay of Kissamos in an exposed position on a steep hill on the site of a village still called P. today. P. is one of the oldest Doric settlements in Crete (the place name is pre-Greek with its own dialect [1]). At the beginning of the 3rd cent. BC, P., through the mediation of Sparta, entered into an a…

Ager Teuranus

(63 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Gebiet in Bruttium. Einzige Erwähnung auf einer inschr. Kopie des Senatus Consultum de Bacchanalibus von 186 v. Chr. mit Anweisungen an die Lokalbehörde (CIL I2 581,30 in agro Teurano; vgl. ILLRP 2, 511). Nach dem FO der Bronzetafel (Tiriolo) ist die Landschaft A. T. in der Umgebung dieses Ortes zu lokalisieren. Bacchanalia Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography Nissen 2, 945.


(44 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] (Χάλκη). Insel vor der Nordküste von Rhodos (29 km2). Die Polis Ch. (Reste von Akropolis, Apollontempel, Nekropole) gehörte zum rhodischen Kamiros. Im 5. Jh.v.Chr. Mitglied des Attisch-Delischen Seebundes. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography P.M.Fraser, G.E. Bean, The Rhodian Peraea and Islands, 1954, 144f.


(143 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Kreta (Ἔλυρος). Ausgedehnte Stadt im SW von Kreta (Steph. Byz. s.v. E.) bei Rodovani östl. von Kandans. Arch. Befund: Wenige Ruinen aus röm. Zeit (Stadtmauer, Theater, Aquädukt). Der Hafen von E. war Syia (Steph. Byz. s.v.). E. gehörte evtl. zum Koinon der westkret. Oreioi, die wohl zw. 280 und 250 v.Chr. einen Vertrag mit Magas von Kyrene schlossen [1. 1; 2. 468] und war 183 v.Chr. Partner im Bündnis der 31 kret. Städte mit Eumenes II. (Syll.3 627,7). Stiftung einer brn. Ziege in Delphoi (Paus. 10,16,5). E. wa…

Creta et Cyrenae

(139 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Nach Eroberung durch Q. Caecilius Metellus (69-67 v.Chr.; Liv. per. 100; Plut. Pompeius 29) wurde Kreta als Doppelprov. mit der Kyrenaika (seit 74 v.Chr. röm. Prov.) organisiert ( C. et C.). Kurzfristige Trennung aufgrund der Freiheitserklärung des M. Antonius (43 v.Chr.). 27 v.Chr. stellte Augustus den alten Zustand wieder her (senatorische Prov.). Sitz der Administration ist Gortyn. Durch die diokletianische Neuordnung Auflösung der Doppelprov. (Cyrenae zur Libya Pentapolis). Wichtiges Dokument für die rech…


(241 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Ägäische Koine | Linear B Eine der min. Palastanlagen auf Kreta, an der Nordküste ca. 40 km östl. von Heraklion, mit zwei Hafenbuchten. Der relativ geringe Grad ant. Überbauung und späterer Rekonstruktion ermöglicht einen authentischen Einblick in die min. Palastarchitektur. Wie bei den Palästen von Knosos, Phaistos und Zakros gruppieren sich die Gebäude um einen großen Mittelhof. Auch die Gesch. des Palastes mit den einzelnen Bauphasen entspr…

Ager Campanus

(237 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Gebiet der Stadt Capua, das die Römer im 2. Pun. Krieg 211 v. Chr. konfiszierten, weil Capua zu Hannibal übergegangen war (Liv. 23,7). Seitdem ager publicus populi Romani (Liv. 26,16,8) mit einer Ausdehnung von etwa 500 km2 [1. 36-38]. Rom gewann damit eine der fruchtbarsten Landschaften It. (Liv. 26,26,7). 209 v. Chr. Verpachtung durch die Censoren (Liv. 27,11,8). Zur Sanierung der durch Kriege strapazierten röm. Staatskasse 205 und 199 v. Chr. Verkauf von Teilen des A. (von der fossa Graeca bis nach Kyme: Liv. 28,46,4, bzw. die Region am Fuß des östl. vo…


(589 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Achaimenidai | Ägäische Koine | Ägäische Koine | Ägäische Koine | Apollon | Bildung | Bodenschätze | Christentum | Coloniae | Dunkle Jahrhunderte | Getreidehandel, Getreideimport | Kreta | Linear B | Makedonia, Makedones | Mykenische Kultur und Archäologie | Naturkatastrophen | Schrift (Κνωσός; Schreibung Κνωσσός ist spätere Praxis; lat. üblicherweise Gnosos oder Gnosus). Stadt in Mittel-Kreta, etwa 5 km südöstl. von Herakleion am Westufer des Flusses Kairatos; Besiedlung schon in neolithis…


(55 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] (Λυκόρμας). Früherer Name des Flusses Euenos [3] in Aitolia (Strab. 7,7,8; 10,2,5). Der L. spielt eine Rolle in der Erzählung vom Raub der Marpessa [1], der Tochter des Euenos mit Alkippe (Hom. Il. 9,555ff.; Ov. met. 2,245; Bakchyl. 15,34). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography B. Snell, Bakchylides' Marpessa-Gedicht, in: Hermes 80, 1952, 156-163.


(104 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] (Δίκτη). Gebirge auf Kreta, nicht eindeutig zu identifizieren. Wie vor allem Strab. 10,4,12 zeigt, hielt man in der Ant. nicht das h. als D. bezeichnete Lassithi-Gebirge, sondern den Bergzug Modi (539 m) an der Ostspitze von Kreta für D. und somit für die Geburtsstätte des Zeus (vgl. Dion. Hal. ant. 2,61; Diod. 5,70,6; Athen. 9,375f.). Bei der min. Stadt Palaikastro befand sich eine Kultstätte des Zeus von D. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography P. Faure, Nouvelles recherches de spéléologie et de topographie crétoises, in: BCH 84, 1960, 189-220  E. Meyer, s.v…


(281 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] (Μύκονος). Insel der Kyklades (Plin. nat. 4,66) mit einer Fläche von 88 km2, karg, felsig, wasserarm, hügelig, jedoch ohne größere Berge (die höchste Erhebung beträgt knapp 390 m). Erste Besiedlung erfolgte in spätneolithischer Zeit (Anf. 3. Jt.v.Chr.; Panormos-Bucht im Norden). Eine frühkykladische Siedlung (nach 2600 v.Chr.) befindet sich auf der Halbinsel Anavolousa im SW. Auf M. gab es zwei städtische Zentren (Skyl. 58; vgl. Syll.3 1024): bei Palaiokastro südöstl. der Panormos-Bucht (seit der mittleren Brz.) und an der Stelle der h. In…


(76 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Coloniae Stadt in Apulia an der via Traiana (Tab. Peut. 6,3), h. Troia. Im 2. Pun. Krieg zeitweilig auf Seiten Hannibals, 214 v. Chr. von Rom zurückgewonnen (Liv. 24,20,5). In der späteren Kaiserzeit colonia Augusta Apula Aecae. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography Nissen 2, 844  L. Vendola, Su alcune iscrizioni latine di Aecae (Troia), in: Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Bari 27/28, 1984/85, 23-39.

Ager Pomptinus

(473 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Landschaft in Latium zw. dem mons Albanus und der Küste des mare Tyrrhenum. Der Name ist abgeleitet von der Stadt Pometia (Cic. rep. 2,44; Liv. 2,16,8; 17,5 f.; 25,6; Dion. Hal. ant. 4,50; 6,29), deren Lokalisierung nicht möglich ist. Wohl gegen E. des 6. Jhs. v. Chr. kam der A. in den Besitz der benachbarten Volsci. Rom reagierte darauf mit der angeblich bereits 492 v. Chr. erfolgten Gründung der Kolonie Norba (Liv. 2,34,6; Dion. Hal. ant. 7,13) am Hang der Monti Lepini [1]. Mit Zurückdräng…


(45 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] (Καίρατος). Fluß auf Kreta. An seinem westl. Ufer liegt Knosos, gelegentlich auch mit dem Namen K. versehen (Strab. 10,4,8; Kall. h. 3,44; Eust. in Dion. Per. 498). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography M.S.F. Hood, D. Smyth, Archaeological Survey of the Knossos Area, 21981.


(205 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Dunkle Jahrhunderte | Kreta (Ὀλοῦς). Dor. Hafenstadt an der Nordküste von Kreta, am westl. Teil des Golfes von Mirabello auf dem Isthmos der Halbinsel Spinalonga, h. Elunda. Bis auf eine Basilika mit prächtigen Mosaiken aus dem 5. Jh. n.Chr. liegen die Reste von O. unter Wasser. In hell. Zeit entwickelte sich in O. nicht zuletzt dank seines Doppelhafens ein beachtlicher Wohlstand, der mit wachsender polit. Bed. korrespondierte. Die Gesch. von…


(319 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Achaimenidai | Ägäische Koine | Ägäische Koine | Ägäische Koine | Getreidehandel, Getreideimport | Hellenistische Staatenwelt | Kreta | Makedonia, Makedones | Mykenische Kultur und Archäologie | Peloponnesischer Krieg | Perserkriege | Pompeius (Κυδωνία). Stadt im NW von Kreta, h. Chania, nach Strab. 10,4,7 die drittgrößte Stadt der Insel (vgl. Flor. 1,42,4). Ihre Gründung wird legendär zurückgeführt auf Minos und seinen Sohn Kydon (Diod. 5,78,2; Paus. 8,53,4). Die Stadt …


(44 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Name zweier Straßenstationen in It.: an der Via Aemilia Scauri nahe Populonia (Tab. Peut. 4,2; Geogr. Rav. 4,32; Itin. Anton. 292,4) und an der Straße von Siena nach Chiusi (Tab. Peut. 4,4; Geogr. Rav. 4,36; Ptol. 3,1,49). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)


(177 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Theater (auch Herdonia: Strab. 6,3,7; Sil. 8,567; App. Hann. 48; Ptol. 3,1,72; Herdonea: Liv. 25,21,1; 27,1,6). Stadt in Apulia ( regio II: Plin. nat. 3,105; CIL IX 689f.; 1156; Itin. Anton. 116,2), h. Ordona, an der via Minucia (Strab. 6,3,7; Plin. nat. 2,244), Ausgangspunkt der Straßen nach Beneventum, Aeclanum und Ausculum. Nach der Schlacht bei Cannae (216 v.Chr.) Übertritt auf die Seite Hannibals und bis 210 v.Chr. häufig in die Auseinandersetzungen des 2. Pun. Krieges …


(68 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] (Μετεών). Ortschaft der illyr. Labeates in der Landschaft Labeatis (Pol. 29,3; Liv. 44,23,3; 32,3), in der Nähe des h. Podgorica (Montenegro). Polit. Bed. erlangte M. 168 v.Chr. als Treffpunkt des Pantauchos, eines Gesandten des maked. Königs Perseus, und des Illyrierfürsten Genthios (Pol. l.c.; Liv. l.c.). Erh. sind Türme der Stadtmauer des 3. Jh.v.Chr.; keine systematischen Ausgrabungen. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography J.J. Wilkes, Dalmatia, 1969, 26f., 166.

Alba Longa

(142 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Stadt in Latium am mons Albanus beim h. Castelgandolfo. Nach legendärer, um Verbindung Roms mit Troia bemühte Überlieferung gegr. von Aineias' [1] Sohn Ascanius (in der röm. Version auch Ilus, Verg. Aen. 1,267, bzw. Iullus, Cato HRR fr. 9). Eine frühe Vormachtstellung in Latium ist wahrscheinlich. Wohl bereits im 7. Jh. v. Chr. wurde A. L. vom etr. dominierten Rom eingemeindet. Die Tradition hat dies dem König Tullus Hostilius zugeschrieben (Liv. 1,29; Dion. Hal. ant. 3,31,3-6). Die Bevölkerung wurde nach Rom umgesiedelt, der mons Caelius (Roma) in das röm. Stad…


(114 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] (Ὤλερος). Ort in Ostkreta, von wo aus wohl im 4. Jh.v.Chr. der Großteil der Bevölkerung in die Neugründung Hierapytna übersiedelte. Danach war O. Kultzentrum der Athena Oleria [1]. Zu lokalisieren beim h. Meseleri. Keine ant. Reste. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography 1 A. Chaniotis, Die Verträge zw. kret. Poleis in der hell. Zeit, 1996, Nr. 74,8. C. Bursian, Geogr. von Griechenland, Bd. 2, 1868, 579  H. van Effenterre, Die von den Grenzen der ostkret. Poleis eingeschlossenen Flächen als Ernährungsspielraum, in: E. Olshausen, H. Sonnabend (Hrsg.), Stu…

Aqua Ferentina

(79 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Quelle (auch ad caput Ferentinum, Liv. 2,38,1) in Latium, vermutlich an der Südseite des mons Albanus , im lucus Ferentinae (Liv. 1,50,1). Bis Mitte des 4. Jhs. v. Chr. Versammlungsort der Latini (Liv. 1,50,1; 2,38,1; 7,25,5; Dion. Hal. ant. 3,45; 51; 4,45; 5,61). Laut röm. Annalistik (Liv. 1,51,9) wurde hier, auf Veranlassung des Tarquinius Superbus, Turnus Herdonius ertränkt. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography Nissen 2, 558  A. Alföldi, Das frühe Rom und die Latiner, 1977, 34-36.


(167 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] (Ὄαξος, Ἄξος). Bergstadt im nördl. Mittelkreta, an das Gebiet von Tylissos grenzend, ca. 30 km südl. von Heraklion, in jüngeren Quellen Axos (Steph. Byz. s.v. Ἄ.) genannt. O. lag an den nördl. Ausläufern des Ida-Gebirges, an einer steilen Akropolis mit wenigen arch. Überresten (Mauer). Bereits in spätminoischer Zeit besiedelt, entwickelte sich O. seit dem 8./7. Jh. v.Chr. zu einer bed., in ihrer Bausubstanz h. jedoch nur noch rudimentär erh. Stadt. Aus O. stammte Phronime, die Mu…


(94 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] (Ἴμβρασος). Fluß auf Samos (Plin. nat. 5,135), ant. auch als Parthenios (Strab. 10,2,17) bezeichnet, in der Nähe des Hera-Tempels, h. Imvrasos. Unter dem Lygosbaum (Keuschlammbaum) am Ufer des I. soll gemäß ant. Trad. Hera geboren worden sein (Paus. 7,4,4; Apoll. Rhod. 1,187), was Anlaß zu periodisch wiederkehrenden kult. Handlungen im Wasser des I. gab. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography E. Buschor, I., in: MDAI(A) 68, 1953 (1956), 1-10  H.J. Kienast, Zum heiligen Baum der Hera auf Samos, in: MDAI(A) 106, 1991, 71-80  G. Shipley, A History of Samos 80…


(38 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Ort der Histri, wohl das h. Medulin/Kroatien im Süden von Histria. 177 v.Chr., wie auch Faveria, von den Römern erobert (Liv. 41,11,8). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography V.Vedaldi Iasbez, La Venetia Orientale e l'Histria, 1994, 354f.


(124 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Kreta (Ῥαῦκος). Stadt in Mittelkreta, ca. 15 km südwestl. von Herakleion [1], h. Agios Myron (benannt nach einem Bischof des 3. Jh. n. Chr. in Rh.), mit minoischen Überresten in der Umgebung. Die Akropolis war seit spätmyk. Zeit besiedelt. Zu Anf. des 2. Jh. v. Chr. mit Gortyn verbündet (Pol. 22,15,1), war Rh. 166 v. Chr. Objekt einer gemeinsamen kriegerischen Aktion von Gortyn und Knosos (Pol. 31,1) [1. Nr. 44]. Geringe Reste aus röm. Zeit dokumentieren Siedlungskontinuität. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliogr…

Lisos, Lissos

(129 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Kreta (Λισος inschr., Λισ(σ)ός lit.; vgl. Λίσσα, Skyl. 47; Ptol. 3,15,3; Tab. Peut. 8,5). Stadt an der SW-Küste von Kreta, westl. vom h. Sougia, in von Bergen geschützter, nur zum Meer hin geöffneter Lage. Seit dem späten 4. Jh.v.Chr. bildete L. mit Elyros, Hyrtakina und Tarrha das koinón der oreíoi (“Bergbewohner”). Von überregionaler Bed. der von klass. bis byz. Zeit besiedelten Stadt war das Asklepieion mit Heilquelle. Erh. sind Reste von öffentlichen (Theater, Thermen, Brunnen, ein…


(55 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Volksstamm in der nördl. Adria-Region (Dalmatia), bei Hekat. FGrH 1 F 62 Nachbarn, bei Plin. nat. 1,139 Teil der Liburni (wie die Himani, Enchelaeae, Peucetii). Später standen die M. unter der Herrschaft der Iapodes. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography G. Alföldy, Bevölkerung u. Ges. der röm. Prov. Dalmatia, 1965  J.J. Wilkes, Dalmatia, 1969.


(334 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Attisch-Delischer Seebund | Dunkle Jahrhunderte | Mykenische Kultur und Archäologie | Perserkriege (Ἰάλυσος). Stadt an der Nordküste der Insel Rhodos, gehört mit Lindos und Kamiros zu den drei alten Städten von Rhodos. Lage ca. 15 km südwestl. der Stadt Rhodos, auf dem Westabhang des 267 m hohen, als Akropolis von I. fungierenden Berges Filerimos (ant. Name Achaía, Diod. 5,57,6; Athen. 8,360e). Siedlung und Nekropole aus myk. Zeit beim h. Dorf Trianda. Als legendärer Stadtgründer wird der He…


(44 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Röm. castellum in Dalmatia an der Straße Salona - Narona (Plin. nat. 3,142: N.; Nerate: andere Hss.-Trad.; Geogr. Rav. 4,16: Netrate; 5,14: Nerente), h. Jesenice östl. von Split/Kroatien. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography A. Mayer, Die Sprache der alten Illyrier, 1957, 240f.


(183 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Ägäische Koine (Λεβήνα). Stadt an der Südküste von Kreta (Strab. 10,4,12; Plin. nat. 4,59) beim h. Dorf Lendas. Ältere Namensform: Λεβήν. Eine Besiedlung ist bereits für min. Zeit nachgewiesen. Zunächst von Bed. als Hafen von Gortyn, wurde L. seit dem 4. Jh.v.Chr. durch sein bei einer Heilquelle begründetes Asklepios-Heiligtum zu einem rel. Zentrum und bis in röm. Zeit (die sichtbaren Reste des Tempels wie Stoa und Nymphaion stammen aus dem…


(70 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] (Κεραία; Κεραῖαι). Stadt auf Kreta, im NW der Insel, in unbestimmter Lage zw. Lappa und Polyrrhenia (Steph. Byz. s.v. Βήνη). Im Lyttischen Krieg (220 v.Chr.) fiel K. zusammen mit anderen kret. Städten von Knosos und Gortyn ab (Pol. 4,53,6). 183 v.Chr. gehörte K. zu den kret. Städten, die ein Bündnis mit Eumenes II. von Pergamon abschlossen [1. 179]. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography 1 M. Guarducci (Hrsg.), Inscriptiones Creticae IV, 1950.


(178 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Kreta (Ἱεράπυτνα). Stadt auf Kreta, h. Ierapetra, an der schmalsten Stelle der Insel, zw. Zentral- und Ostkreta (Strab. 10,4,3). In hell. Zeit bedeutender polit. Faktor, wovon zahlreiche Verträge mit anderen kret. Städten (Praisos, Itanos, Gortyn, Lyttos, Lato), vornehmlich aus der 2. H. des 3. Jh. v.Chr., zeugen [1]. Verbindungen bestanden auch mit außerkret. Mächten (Makedonien, Rhodos, Pergamon: StV III 502; 551; Syll.3 627). Eine aggressive Territorialpolitik im O Kretas, v.a. auf Kosten von I…


(47 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Hauptort der illyr. Iapodes, h. Cakovac nahe Ogulin (im h. Kroatien). 35 v.Chr. durch den nachmaligen Augustus zerstört (App. Ill. 19-21; Cass. Dio 49,35,2-4). In röm. Zeit hatte M. den Status eines municipium (CIL III 10060). Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bibliography J.J. Wilkes, Dalmatia, 1969.


(113 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Apollon | Hellenistische Staatenwelt | Kreta (Ἴτανος). Hafenstadt im äußersten NO von Kreta, zw. zwei Akropoleis gelegen, h. Erimupolis. Siedlungsspuren bereits aus min. Zeit. Im 7. Jh. v.Chr. soll der Purpurfischer Korobios aus I. Kolonisten aus Thera nach Kyrene geführt haben (Hdt. 4,151). In hell. Zeit ägäischer Stützpunkt der Ptolemäer [1]. 112 v.Chr. werden Rivalitäten mit Hierapytna auf röm. Initiative hin geschlichtet [2. Nr. 57]. Wenige Reste, u.a. eine byz. Basilika. Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart) Bib…


(177 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
[English version] Dieser Ort ist auf folgenden Karten verzeichnet: Kreta (Ἐλευθέρνα). Stadt in Mittelkreta am Nordabhang des Idagebirges, seit spätmin. Zeit besiedelt. Wenige Reste beim h. Dorf Prinès sind erh. (Zisternen, Stadtmauer, Brücke, byz. Turm). Um 260 v.Chr. schloß sich E. dem Rechtshilfevertrag von Miletos mit Knossos, Gortyn, Phaistos und deren Bundesgenossen an [2. 482]. Um 225 v.Chr. ging die Stadt ein Bündnis mit dem maked. König Antigonos [2] Gonatas ein [1. 20; 2. 501]. Infolge innerkret.…


(1,146 words)

Author(s): Sonnabend, Holger (Stuttgart)
(Πάρος). Insel der Kykladen (195 km2, 22 km lang, 16 km breit), westl. von Naxos [1], südwestl. davon die Insel Antiparos. [English version] I. Geographie und frühe Siedlungsgeschichte Das Landschaftsbild wird geprägt von der in der Ant. dicht bewaldeten, h. weitgehend kahlen Marpessa [2] (h. Prophitis Ilias) mit einer Höhe von bis zu 771 m. Die Ausläufer des Gebirges reichen bis in die fruchtbaren Küstenstreifen. Bereits in neolithischer Zeit besiedelt, entwickelte sich P. zu einer bed. Stätte der Kykladen-Kultur. Wich…
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