
Your search for 'dc_creator:( Noll, AND Mark AND A ) OR dc_contributor:( Noll, AND Mark AND A )' returned 78 results. Modify search

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Northern America

(6,395 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[ Note: In current U.N. usage “Northern America” comprises the United States and Ca…


(176 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Plymouth-Kolonie, eine Siedlung engl. Puritaner im Südosten von Massachusetts. Diese wanderten unter der Führung von Pfarrer J. Robinson nach ihrer Trennung von der engl. Staatskirche zunächst von Scooby, Nottinghamshire, nach Holland aus. Obwohl sie dort Glaubensfreiheit fanden, machte ihnen die Erziehung ihrer Kinder Sorge. …

Society for Ethical Culture

(171 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Society for Ethical Culture, 1876 in New York von F. Adler gegründet. Der Reformjude (Reformjudentum) Adler lehnte den traditionellen Monotheismus ab, betrachtete aber weiter die HB und die Person Jesu als Quellen der Inspiration. Unter dem Motto »deed, not creed« (Tat, nicht Glaubensbekenntnis) warb er für das Bemühen des einzelnen anstatt für Institutionen und ritualisierte Traditionen. Die S. mit ihren sonntäglichen Gottesdiensten und humanistischen Ansprachen Adlers wurde zum…


(153 words)

Author(s): A. Noll, Mark
[English Version] Weld, Theodore Dwight (23.11.1803 Hampton, CT – 3.2.1895 Hyde Park, MA), einer der bedeutendsten Gegner der Sklaverei (Abolition); bekehrte sich 1826 unter dem Einfluß der Predigten von Ch.G. Finney. 1834 verließ er mit einer Gruppe von Studenten Lane Sem…


(182 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Tindley, Charles Albert (7.7.1856 Berlin, MD – 29.7.1933 Philadelphia, PA), berühmter Prediger und Vf. von Gospel-Liedern (Gospel-Musik), wurde als Sohn ehem. Sklaven geboren; schon in jungen …


(158 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Spencer, Herbert (27.4.1820 Derby, England – 8.12.1903 Brighton, ebd.), Sozialwissenschaftler und Schriftsteller, arbeitete zunächst als Eisenbahningenieur und polit. Journalist. Mit seinem »System of Synthetic Philosophy« (1862–1896) begründete er seinen Ruf als früher Sozialwissenschaftler und umfassender Denker bzgl. Gesellschaft, Erziehung, Ethik und Politik. Auf all diesen Gebieten brachte er allg. Evolutionsideen zur Anwendung. Evolution erkläre auch die Religionsgesch., die…


(162 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Southcott, Joanna (April 1750 [getauft 6.6.] Devonshire – 27.12.1814 London), selbsternannte Prophetin, die im frühen 19.Jh. eine beträchtliche Anhängerschaft um sich sammelte. Aus einer Bauernfamilie stammend, trat sie 1792 den Methodisten bei, brach mit ihnen aber zwei Jahre später, nachdem sie begonnen hatte, Prophezeiungen zu verkünden. Ihr erster Traktat »The Strange Effects of Faith« (1801) schildert ihre Erwartung des baldigen Weltendes und ihre eigene Rolle im Endgeschehen…


(166 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Robinson, Edward (10.4.1794 Southington, CT – 27.1.1863 New York City), seinerzeit einer der einflußreichsten amer. Bibelwissenschaftler. Nach seinem Abschluß 1816 am Hamilton College wa…


(165 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Sheen, Fulton John (8.5.1895 El Paso, IL – 1.12.1979 New York), im 20.Jh. lange die führende öfftl. Stimme des röm. Katholizismus in Amerika; 1919 Ordination zum Priester, danach Promotionsstudium in Louvain, Rom und Washington, DC. Sh. lehrte 1926–1950 Philos. an der Catholic University of America und war 1966–1969 Bischof von Rochester, NY. Seine öfftl. Berühmtheit begann 1930 mit seiner Tätigkeit als Radiosprecher in »Catholic Hour Broadcasts« bei Radio NBC. 1940 stand er einem …

Nordamerika, Theologie in

(2,060 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] In keinem Bereich ist der Status Amerikas als intellektuelle Kolonie Europas so offensichtlich wie in seiner offiziellen christl. Theol. Mit nur wenigen Ausnahmen waren die röm.-kath. Theologen in Amerika zufrieden damit, der Führung von Europäern zu folgen, was sich in der amer. Förderung des Neothomismus von etwa 1870 bis 1960 als wichtigstem Beispiel zeigt. Eine ähnliche Situation zeigt sic…


(116 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.


(77 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Stoddard, Solomon (1.10.1643 Boston, MA – 11.2.1729 N…


(250 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] . Bewegung in den USA, die das Verbot alkoholischer Getränke inklusive Bier und Wein propagierte. Sie nahm ihren Anfang im frühen 19.Jh. mit Bestrebungen zu Enthaltsamkeitsreformen im Zusammenhang mit dem Second Great Awakening (Erweckung/Erweckungsbewegung: II.). Neal Dow, Triebfeder des ersten bundesstaatl. Prohibitionsgesetzes (Maine, 1846), bez. Abstinenz (Askese) als das »Werk Christi«, für das »jeder wahre Soldat des Kreuzes« kämpfen solle. Zur Zeit der Industrialisierung im späten 19.Jh. sank der Pro-Kopf-…


(263 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] . Der O. (engl. Orange Order) ist eine prot. Bruderschaft, die im September 1795 in Nordirland im Gedenken an den Sieg des engl. prot. Königs Wilhelm von Oranien über den röm.-kath. James II. in der Schlacht am Boyne (Juli 1690) gegründet wurde (Irland: II.). Der O. entstand zu einer Zeit starker Spannungen in der Grafschaft Armagh, als kath. Agitation und aufklärerisches Denken die soziale und polit. Vorherrschaft des Protestantismus bedrohten. Er entwickelte sich durch die Errichtung von Logen, die Bildung von Hierarchien, die Abhaltung von Aufmärschen und insbes. die Verteidigung der prot. Herkunft. Zunächst loyalistisch und unionsfeindlich, da das brit. Parlament kurze Zeit die kath. Emanzipation befürwortet hatte, wurde der O. jedoch bald ein Bollwerk zur Verteidigung des brit. Unionismus und…


(93 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] , John (Februar 1617 Manchester – beigesetzt 30.11.1671 Hackney), 1632 M.A. Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Von 1650 bis 1660 Lehrer am Jesus College in Cambridge, wurde aber mit der Restauration der Monarchie entlassen. Seine freiheitliche christl. Gesinnung ließ ihn ein Gott wohlgefälliges praktisches Leben betonen. Er gab die Schriften des Cambridge Platonist J. Mede heraus, besorgte die erste engl. Übers. von Thomas' von Kempen »Imitatio Christi« und schrieb eine Reihe von Büchern, darunter »The Great Duty of Self-Resignation to the Divine Will« (1675). Mar…

Union Theological Seminary

(142 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] (UTS), Amerikas erstes interkonfessionelles theol. Seminar, wurde 1836 von »New School«- Presbyterianern gegründet. Von 1870–1892 diente es der Northern Presbyterian Church, wurde jedoch wieder unabhängig, als Ch.A. Briggs, Prof. für bibl. Wiss., von der Glaubensgemeinschaft ausgeschlossen wurde, weil er kritischere Betrachtungen der Bibel unterstützte. Namhafte Dozenten im 19.Jh. waren u.a. …


(98 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Scougal, Henry (Juni 1650 Leuchars, Schottland – 13.6.1678 Aberdeen, ebd.), seit 1673 Prof. der Theol. am King's College, Aberdeen. S. vf. »The Life of God in the Soul of Man or the Nature and Excellency of the Christian Religion« (1677), die die Notwendigkeit einer »wahren Christlichkeit« im Gegensatz zu kirchl. Formalismus betont. S. übte auf die Gebrüder Ch. und J. Wesley und andere führende Persönlichkeiten der evangelikalen Bewegung des 18.Jh. großen Einfluß aus.…


(110 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] …


(166 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Otterbein, Philipp Wilhelm (2.6.1726 Dillenburg, Preußen – 17.11.1813 Baltimore, MD, USA), dt. ref. Theologe und Mitbegründer der Kirche der Vereinigten Brüder in den USA. O. ging 1752 auf Einladung des ref. Pietisten Michael Schlatter (1718–1790) in die USA. O. hatte die calvinistische und pietistische Lehre an der Ref. Universität von Herborn (Reformierte Hohe Schulen in Deutschland) studiert. In Amerika engagierte er sich mit der Organisation von Gebetsversammlungen, rekrutierte…


(87 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Rowland(s), Daniel (1713 Pantybeudy, Wales – 1…


(119 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Wieman, Henry Nelson (19.8.1884 Rich Hill, MO – 19.6.1975 Grinell, IA), einer der frühen Prozeßtheologen (Prozeßtheologie) des liberalen amer. Protestantismus. Nach der Ausbildung für den Dienst in der presbyterianischen Kirche und dem Studium in Deutschland wurde W. stark von W.E. Hocking und Ralph Barton Perry in Harvard beeinflußt, wo er 1917 zum Ph.D. promoviert wurde. Als Dozent am Occidental College und an der University of Chicago vertrat er einen naturalistischen Theismus, …


(146 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Slessor,  Mary (2.12.1848 Aberdeen, Schottland – 13.1.1915 Use, Nigeria), schottische Wegbereiterin der Mission in Westafrika. Aus der Arbeiterschicht stammend, nahm sie seit frühester Jugend an der Kirchen- und Jugendarbeit teil. Nach mehrjährigen Bemühungen wurde ihr schließlich vom United Presbyterian Church Mission Commitee eine Stelle als Lehrerin in Calabar, Nigeria, zu…

Yale, Universität

(303 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Yale, Universität, 1701 als »Collegiate School of CT« gegr. 1717 wurde sie dauerhaft nach New Haven verlegt, 1718 erhielt sie ihren Namen von Elihu Yale, einem brit. Philanthropen. Einer der ersten Absolventen (1720) und späterer Tutor war J. Edwards. Unter dem gemäßigten E. Stiles (Präsident von 1778–1795) und dem energischen T. Dwight (1795–1817) wurde Y. ein führendes Zentrum für weite Kreise der ev. Christenheit in den USA. 1822 wurde unter N.W. Taylor ein theol. Seminar (Y. …


(112 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Stone, Barton Warren (24.12.1772 nahe Port Tobacco, MD – 9.11.1844 Hannibal, MO), führende Gestalt des amer. Restoration Movement, presbyterianischer Geistlicher, der schon früh die eigene Tradition kritisierte. 1801 war S. di…


(125 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Sr., John Davison (8.7.1839 New York – 23.5.1937 Ormond Beach, FL), Industriebaron und Philanthrop, etablierte sich in den 70er Jahren des 19.Jh. als führende Gestalt der neu entstandenen Ölindustrie. Durch seine Standard Oil Company gewann er immensen Reichtum. Durch seine Mutter Eliza Davison erhielt R. eine strenge, baptistisch geprägte Erziehung. Sein ganzes Leben lang unterstützte er viele Kirchen, Hilfsorganisationen und Stiftungen. Obwohl führende Persönlichkeiten des Social…


(253 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] Reconstructionism, christlich. R., auch als Theonomie oder Herrschaftst…

Lightfoot, John

(155 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Mar 29, 1602, Stoke-upon-Trent, England – Dec 6, 1675, Ely) was a noted Hebraist, educated at Cambridge. He later became influenced by Sir Rowland Cotton, a lay student of Hebrew, and began studying Semitic languages. From 1629 onwards he published a series of works using his extensive knowledge of the Talmud to elucidate the Christian scriptures. From 1643 until his death he served both as rector of Much Munden, Hertfordshire, and as master of Catherine Hall, Cambridge. During the English Civi…

Orange Order

(268 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] The Orange Order is a Protestant fraternal organization founded in 1795 in the north of Ireland and dedicated to the victory of the English Protestant king William (from Orange in Holland) over the ¶ Roman Catholic James I at the Battle of the Boyne in July 1690 (Ireland: II). The order arose at a time of particular tension in County Armagh when both Catholic agitation and Enlightenment thinking threaten…

Scougal, Henry

(94 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Jun 1650, Leuchars, Scotland – Jun 13, 1678, Aberdeen, Scotland), was appointed professor of divinity at King’s College, Aberdeen, in 1673. His The Life of God in the Soul of Man, or, The Nature and Excellency of the Christian Religion (1677) stressed the necessity for “true Christianity” in contrast to ecclesiastical formalism. He had great influence on the Wesley brothers and other leading figures of the 18th-century evangelical movement. Mark A. Noll Bibliography The Works of the Rev. Henry Scougal, 1818 D. Butler, Henry Scougal and the Oxford Methodists, 1899.

Sheen, Fulton John

(188 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (May 8, 1895, El Paso, IL – Dec 1…

Weld, Theodore Dwight

(140 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Nov 23, 1803, Hampton, CT – Feb 3, 1895, Hyde Park, MA) was a leading opponent of slavery (Abolitionism); he was converted in 1826 under the preaching of C.G. Finney. In 1834 he led a group of students out of Lane Seminary, Cincinnati, in order to found Oberlin College, the nation’s first institution of higher learning to welcome women. From …

Swift, Jonathan

(134 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Nov 30, 1667, Dublin – Oct 19, 1745, Dublin), Anglo-Irish satirist, poet, and patriot, studied at Trinity College (Dublin) before receiving his degree at Oxford (1692) and being ordained an Anglican clergyman (1695). From 1713 on, he served as dean of St. Patrick’s in Dublin. His graphic, forceful publications attacked Deism, dissenting Protestantism (Dissenters), scientific naturalism, and political corruption. His greatest satire, The Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver (2 vols., 1726), used fanciful descriptions of i…

Brown, George

(89 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Nov 29, 1818, Alloa, Scotland – May 9, 1880, Toronto), a Presbyterian journalist and politician. Brown emigrated from Scotland to New York (1837) and then to Toronto (1843). After the Disruption of 1843 divided the Presbyterian Church of Scotland (Presbyterians), Brown and his father Peter were energetic advocates of the Free Church. In various newspapers, especially the Toronto Globe, Brown ¶ supported Protestantism …

Common Sense Realism

(764 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] has two histories. The first concerns the effort by Thomas Reid (1710–1796) to refute the skeptical conclusions that D. Hume had drawn from the sensationalist epistemology of J. Locke. Reid's main argument w…

Union Theological Seminary

(153 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (UTS). America’s first interdenominational theological seminary was founded in 1836 by “New School” Presbyterians. From 1870 to 1892 it served the Northern Presbyterian Church, but became independent once again when C.A. Briggs was expelled from the denomination for promoting higher critical views of Scripture.…

Wieman, Henry Nelson

(111 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Aug 19, 1884, Rich Hill, MO – Jun 19, …

Douglass, Frederick

(171 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (c. 1818, Talbot County, MD – Feb 20, 1895, Washington DC), African-American abolitionist (Slavery), was born Frederick Bailey of a slave mother and an unknown white father. After a childhood of cruel neglect, he was taken to Baltimore, where he learned to read and write. On Sep 2, 1838 he escaped from slavery, soon changed his name to Dou…

Worthington, John

(108 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Feb, 1617, Manchester – buried Nov 30, 1671, Hackney), earned his M.A. from Emmanuel College, Cambridge, in 1632. From 1650 to 1660 he served as master of Jesus College, Cambridge, but then was replaced at the Restoration of the English monarchy. His liberal Christian spirit led him to stress the experience of practical godliness. He edited the works of the leading Cambridge Platonist, J. Mede, provided the first widely used English translation of Thomas à Kempis’s Imitation of Christ, and published several books, including The Great Duty of Self-resignation to …

Coffin, Henry Sloane

(178 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Jan 5, 1877, New York – Nov 25, 1954, Lakeville, CT) was a leading Protestant educator and ecumenicist in the USA during the first half of the 20th century. After an education at Yale, Edinburgh, Marburg, and at Union …

Aberhart, William

(96 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Dec 30, 1878, Kippen, Ontario – May 23, 1943, Vancouver), fundamentalist minister, radio preacher, and politician. Having established a reputation in Calgary, Alberta, as a representative of Darbyite evangelical theology (Plymouth Brethren), he shifted to p…


(654 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] I. Judaism Reconstructionist Judaism is the most recent major school of modern Judaism (III) and the only one born ¶ in America. It was founded by the rabbi M.M. Kaplan, w…

Mountain, Jacob

(166 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Dec 1, 1749, Thwaite All Souls, Suffolk, England – Jun 16, 1825, Quebec, Canada), founder of the Anglican Church in what is now Quebec and Ontario, Canada. After education at Cambridge and service in several Anglican posts, Mountain was appointed on Jun 28, 1793, as the first Anglican bishop of Quebec. Alth…

Southcott, Johanna

(177 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (April 1750 [baptized Jun 6, 1750, Devonshire] – Dec 27, 1814, London), a self-described prophet, gathered a considerable following in the early 19th century. Coming from a farmin…

Wise, Isaac Mayer

(92 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Mar 29, 1819, Steingrub, Bohemia – Mar 26, 1900, Cincinnati, OH), early leader of American Reform Judaism, migrated to America after talmudic study in Bohemia and Austria. Wise eventually settled in Cincinnati where, after constant effort, he was instrumental in founding the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (1873), Hebrew Union College (1875), and the Central Conference of American Rabbis (1889). Wise’s adaptation of Judaism to American freedoms led to opposition from Orthodox Jewish leaders. Mark A. Noll Bibliography S.D. Temkin, Isaac Mayer Wise: Sha…

Burwash, Nathanael

(87 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Jul 25, 1839, St. Andrews, Canada – Mar 30, 1918, Toronto), Methodist minister, teacher and Canada's leading Methodist theologian in the second half of the 19th century. As the principal of Victoria College in Toronto he supported a typically Canadian form of “progressive” evangelical Protestantism. Although Burwash was an advocate of J. Wesley's theology and of a conservative moral theology he developed his own evolutionist theories and a moderate biblical criticism.…

Yale University

(292 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] was founded as the Collegiate School of Connecticut in 1701. It relocated permanently to New Haven in 1717 and, i…

Robinson, Edward

(180 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Apr 10, 1794, Southington, CT – Jan 27, 1863, New York City), was one of the most influential American biblical scholars of his …

Dorsey, Thomas Andrew

(168 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Jul 1, 1899, Villa Rica, GA – Jan 23, 1993, Chicago, IL) was the pioneer of African-American “gospel” music, raised by a Baptist minister father and a piano-playing mother. He began playing the blue…

Congregational Christian Churches

(521 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] When Congregationalists merged with the Evangelical and Reformed Church to form a new denomination, the United Church of Christ, in 1957, they were the major representatives in the USA of historic Anglo-American Congregationalism. These churches were descendents of separatist movements that had begun among English Protestants during the 2nd half of the 16th century. A pamphlet published in 1582 by R. Browne, A Treatise of Reformation without Tarrying for Any, proclaimed principles that would define the movement: Christ is the sole head of th…

Tindley, Charles Albert

(176 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] ( Jul 7, 1856, Berlin, MD – Jul 29, 1933, Philadelphia, PA), prominent preacher and author of gospel hymns (Gospel music), was born to former slave parents and began early to prepare for the Methodist ministry. In 1900 he became the pastor of Bainbridge Street Methodist Church in Philadelphia, which soon became a center of the city’s black religious life. In 1901 Tindley began publishing “Songs of Paradise,” gospel hymns marked by clear melodies, simply harmony, and the chorus-ref…

Brébeuf, Jean de (Saint)

(169 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Mar 25, 1593, Condé-sur-Vire, France – Mar 16, 1649, Saint-Ignace, New France, Canada), Jesuit missionary. Brébeuf came to New France in 1625 and almost immediately …

Bourget, Ignace

(148 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Oct 30, 1799, Saint-Joseph, Canada – Jun 8, 1885, Sault-au-Récollet, Quebec), second Roman Catholic bishop of Montreal. When Bourget became bishop of Montreal in 1840, he had already established himself as an active diocesan administrator, tireless recruiter of nuns, brothers, and priests from Europe. As bishop he founded institutes of charit…

Slessor, Mary

(158 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Dec 2, 1848, Aberdeen, Scotland – Jan 13, 1915, Use, Nigeria), pioneer Scottish missionary to West Africa. Born into a working-class family, from an early age she participated in church work and youth outreach. After petitioning mission agencies, she was finally appointed a teacher to Calabar, Nigeria, by the United Presbyterian Church Mission Committee. In 1888 she was dispatched to live among the Okoyong, where she went…

Society for Ethical Culture

(166 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] was founded in New York in 1876 by F. Adler. Raised a Reform Jew (Reform Judaism), Adler came to reject traditional notions of monotheism, though he continued to look at the Hebrew Scriptures and the person of Jesus for inspiration. Adhering to the slogan, “deed not creed,” Adler encouraged the efforts of individuals rather than formal institutions and ritualized traditions. The Society for Ethical Culture with its regular Sunday services and Adler’s humanistic addresses became the vehicle for f…

Spencer, Herbert

(165 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Apr 27, 1820, Derby, England – Dec 8, 1903, Brighton, England), social scientist and popular writer, worked as a railway engineer and political journalist. His System of Synthetic Philosophy (1862–1896) established his reputation as a comprehensive thinker about society, education, ethics, and politics. To each of these domains he applied general evolutionary ideas. Evolution also explained the history of religions, which mirrored the social systems in which they existed, reinforced the practices of existin…

North America, Theology in

(2,153 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] Nowhere has America’s status as an intellectual colony of Europe been more evident than in its formal Christian theology. With only a few exceptions, Roman Catholic theologians in America have been mostly content to follow the guidance of Europeans. American promotion of Neo-Thomism from roughly 1870 to 1960 is the most important example of that dependence. Much the same situation has prevailed among the Orthodox, with the major difference that European influence has taken the sha…

Plymouth Colony

(158 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] was a settlement of English Puritans in the southeast corner of Massachusetts. Under the leade…

Rockefeller, John Davison Sr.

(128 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Jul 8, 1839, Richford, NY – May 23, 1937, Ormond Beach, FL), business magnate and philanthropist, established himself by the 1870s as a leader for the new oil industry. His Standard Oil Company became the source of great personal wealth. Through his mother, Eliza Davison, Rockefeller received a strong Baptist upbringing. Throughout his life he contributed regularly to many churches and voluntary societies. Although leaders of the Social Gospel like W. Gladden urged church groups …

Jefferson, Thomas

(199 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.

Davies, Robertson

(151 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.

Briand, Jean Olivier

(167 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Jan 23, 1715, Plévin – Jun 25, 1794, Quebec), seventh Roman Catholic bishop of Quebec. Briand arrived in Canada from France in 1741 and soon became an influential diocesan leader as well as an important diplomat. After the defeat of the French by the British on the Plains of Abraham outside Quebec City in 1759, Briand quickly accommodated himself …

Coughlin, Charles Edwards

(138 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Oct 25, 1891, Hamilton, Ontario – Oct 27, 1979, Bloomfield Hills, MI), pioneer radio broadcaster, was ordained a Catholic priest in 1916. In order t…

Rowlands, Daniel

(102 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (1713, Pantybeudy, Wales – Oct 16, 1790, Llangeitho, Wales), revival preacher. He was ordained a priest in the Church of Wales in 1735 but was then converted in 1736 under the influence of Griffith Jones on Llanddowror. Immediately Rowland’s pre…


(158 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] The Know-Nothing Party was a 19th-century political organization that emerged in the New England states and in New York, and was based on opposition to Roman Catholicism. It began as a secret society among Protestants, who feared the effects of rising immigration. They answered “we know nothing” when questioned about the existence of t…

Stiles, Ezra

(104 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.

Seton, Elizabeth Ann Bailey (Saint)

(137 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Aug 28, 1774, New York – Jan 4, 1821, Emmitsburg, MD), founder of a religious community. Seton traveled to Italy in 1803, where she was introduced to the Roman Catholic Church. Following her husband’s death and her return to the United States in 1804, she continued to study the Catholic faith and on Mar 14, 1805, entered the church. After moving to Maryland in 1808, she opened a school for girls and then joined the Sisters of Charity of Saint Joseph, whose first American director…

Stone, Barton Warren

(131 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] (Dec 24, 1772, near Port Tobacco, MD – Nov 9, 1844, Hannibal, MO), leader of the American Restoration Movement, was ordained as Presbyterian, but early on began to doubt aspects of traditional Presbyterian practice. In 1801 he was the …

Mind-Cure Movements

(266 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] Mind-cure movements, which arose in several places in the United States throughout the 19th century, shared a common commitment to metaphysical idealism and a belief in the ability of the mind to overcome physical illness. They were anticipated by aspects of animal magnetism supported by F.A. Mesmer and the spiritual biblical hermeneutics of E. Swedenborg. An earlier proponent was W.F. Evans (1817–1887), author of The Primitive Mind Cure (1885). Even more important was P.P. Quimby (1802–1866), who viewed God as a personified First Cause and perso…

Evangelical Union, The

(143 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] The Evangelical Union was formed in Scotland in May 1843 by James Morison and several other theological Arminians who had been excluded from the United Secession Church for promoting a theology of universal atonement, human free will, Congregational polity, and the Bible alone without ¶ creeds. The Union was influenced in many of its views by the American revivalist Charles G. Finney. It enjoyed particular success in urban ministry, where it was known for a firm stand against t…

The Civil War as a Theological Crisis

(104 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A
Bibliographic entry in Chapter 27: Race,…


(1,942 words)

Author(s): Wißmann, Hans | A. Noll, Mark. | Noll, Mark A.
[English Version] I. Allgemein 1.Geographie Der nördliche Teil des amer. Doppelkontinents (Amerika) umfaßt das Gebiet der nordamer. Arktis einschließlich Grönlands (dänisch), den im Norden vorgelagerten kanadisch-arktischen Archipel, das Übersee-De´partement Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon (vor der Küste Kanadas, franz.), die brit. Bermuda-Inseln im Atlantik und das Festland mit den heutigen Staaten Kanada und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika bis zur Nordgrenze Mexikos im Süden. Das Gebiet N. erstreckt sich über 21,5 Mio. km 2 und wird von rund 274 Mio. Menschen besiedelt. Die klimatischen Bedingungen sind trotz des Einflusses von pazifischen Westwinden kontinental, da die meisten Niederschläge an der Meeresseite der Hochgebirge der westlichen USA und Kanadas mit über 2000 mm jährlich fallen. Nach Osten, in das Gebiet der Great Plains, nehmen sie stark ab (weniger als 500 mm jährlich), der Südosten wird von tropischen Luftmassen beherrscht, mit der Folge heißer Sommer, milder Winter und tropischen Niederschlägen. Di…

North America

(2,194 words)

Author(s): Wißmann, Hans | Noll, Mark A.
[German Version] I. General 1. Geography. The northern …


(4,477 words)

Author(s): Noll, Mark A. | Pfleiderer, Georg | Ward, W. Reginald | Wigger, John H. | Price, Lynne
[German Version] I. Confession – II. Church History – III. Methodist World Mission I. Confession
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