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Genera dicendi

(903 words)

Author(s): Andres, Jan
The system of three  genera dicendi (Lat. also  elocutionis genera, “types of linguistic expression”) is also called the  Dreistillehre or three-style system. The term comes from classical rhetoric and governs the distinction between the stylistic levels of texts based on historically variable criteria. The term denotes the stylistic levels that identify each text. Alternative stylistic definitions were always possible, but the three-style system was the best known.Greco-Roman rhetoric called the three different levels of discourse  genus subtile/humile (“low styl…
Date: 2019-10-14


(3,348 words)

Author(s): Andres, Jan | Leppin, Volker
1. DefinitionMemory (Latin  memoria, “faculty of recollection”) is generally understood as a reservoir (in the sense both of content and container) of knowledge of the past, available for recollection or refreshment through the process of “calling to mind” (Greek anamnēsis). Almost all theories of memory seek to link the thesaurus model with the actual act of remembering. Memory and recollection have since Aristotle been a subject of rhetoric under the heading of the  ars memorativa (“mnemotechnics”). Mnemonics belongs to rhetoric because it is an essential techni…
Date: 2019-10-14