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(1,169 words)
The term “fundamentalism” is said to derive from a series of tracts,
The Fundamentals (1910–15), though not everything in these writings was fully “fundamentalist.” As generally used, the term “fundamentalism” designates a form of conservative evangelical Protestantism (Evangelical Movement) that, along with other traditional doctrines such as the Trinity, incarnation, deity of Christ (Christology), original sin, human depravity, and justification by faith, lays an exceptional stress on the inerrancy and infa…
Biblical Theology
(6,752 words)
1. Concept and History 1.1.
Concept “Biblical theology” is not one single and simple concept, for it may be understood variously, depending on what is set in contrast with it:
1.1.1. Biblical theology may be contrasted with dogmatic theology. It lies on the level, and uses the methods, of biblical scholarship (Exegesis, Biblical), rather than the level and the methods of dogmatics. The difference has been stated thus: biblical theology, which is descriptive and historical, seeks to state the theology implied by the biblical b…
Scriptural Proof
(1,932 words)
“Scriptural proof” means a theological procedure by which scriptural passages are adduced or used in order to substantiate, verify, defend, or give authority to dogmatic or ethical assertions. 1. Judaism The basis for scriptural proof lies within Judaism: neither Greek culture nor the ancient Near East offers parallels. The dominant position of Scripture can be seen in a variety of Jewish traditions. Entire books could be rewritten in a way that brought them ¶ “up to date” (so Genesis and Exodus in
Jubilees, Chronicles within the OT itself), and biblical genres were imitated …