
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich" )' returned 31 results. Modify search

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(1,265 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
1. Anthropological Sense Play is a general phenomenon in both individual and social life. Yet no universally accepted definition of the term that would make it scientific has yet been found (H. Scheuerl). From the days of I. Kant (1724–1804; Kantianism), an essential feature of play has been the lack of any goals apart from itself (so W. Dilthey; Hermeneutics; Vitalism 2). As involvi…


(333 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[English Version] . I. Friedrich Wilhelm III. von Preußen bestimmte durch Kabinettsorder vom 17.11.1816 den letzten Sonntag des Kirchenjahres zum allg. Kirchenfest zur Erinnerung an die Verstorbenen (Totengedenken). Vorausgegangen war dem eine »Todtenfeier zum Gedächtniß der im Felde gefallenen Krieger« am 4.7.1816. Neben dem Gedenken an die in den Befreiungskriegen Gefallenen spielte bei der Festlegung auch die Trauer um die 1810 verstorbene und fast wie eine Märtyrerin verehrte Königin Luise eine Rolle. Stimmunge…


(250 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[English Version] . In Erinnerung an den Thesenanschlag Luthers am Vorabend des Allerheiligenfestes 1517 begehen die kontinentalen Reformationskirchen und die luth. Kirchen in den USA den 31.10. (bzw. den folgenden Sonntag) als »Gedenktag der Reformation« (so die offizielle Bez.). Die Festlegung auf diesen Termin geht auf die Jubelfeiern anläßlich der 150. Wiederkehr des Thesenanschlags i.J. 1667 und eine entsprechende Anordnung Johann Georgs II. von Sachsen zurück. Zuvor hatte man das Reformation…


(187 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[English Version] . Vermutlich unter ostkirchl. Einfluß (längere Fastenzeit aufgrund anderer Fastenpraxis [Fasten/Fastentage: III.]) stellte man in Rom seit der Mitte des 6.Jh. der Fastenzeit (Quadragesima) eine V. (mit den Sonntagen Septuagesima, Sexagesima und Estomihi bzw. Quinquagesima) voran. Auch gallischer Einfluß, eine verstärkte Bußgesinnung angesichts von Goten- und Langobardeneinfällen mit Bittprozessionen zu den Kirchen der röm. Stadtpatrone Laurentius, Paulus und Petrus mögen dabei ei…

Ash Wednesday

(110 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[German Version] is the beginning of the pre-Easter penitential season (Lent). Ash Wednesday owes its name to the institution of public penitence: the penitent receives penitential clothing and is sprinkled with ashes. According to the missal of 1970, blessing and application of the ashes – in the form of a cross on the forehead – are performed following the Gospel and the homily. In Protestant congregations, Ash Wednesday is considered the beginning of the passion season; it is recommended that it be performed in a penitential service or the celebration of congregational confession. Ka…

Reformation Day

(308 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[German Version] To commemorate Luther’s posting of his theses on the eve of All Saints’ Day in 1517, the continental churches of the Reformation and the Lutheran churches in the United States observe Oct 31 (or the following Sunday) as Reformation Day (officially Gedenktag der Reformation

Apostles, Feasts of the

(214 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[German Version] Initially liturgical commemoration of the apostles, like that of the martyrs, was only local. The earliest commemorations at Rome were on Jun 29 (Peter and Paul) and Feb 22 (death of Peter?). Because these feasts were biblical, the Lutheran churches continued to observe most of them; when one fell on a workday, it was often observed as a “semi-holiday.” The new Roman

All Souls' Day

(130 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[German Version] The annual remembrance of the deceased, has its roots in ancient commemoration of the dead. Originally related to the Easter celebration, the 2nd day of November (earliest witness, between 1015 and 1033) finally prevailed over other dates. First widespread in Gaul and England, All Souls' Day became customary in the 14th century in Rome and in …

Holiday Observance

(429 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[German Version] 1. In the early period of the church, participation in worship was an obvious sign of the Christian life (but see Heb 10:25). It is not attested, however, that the Lord's Day was understood in analogy to the Jewish Sabbath as a work-free day of rest. Tertullian seems to be the first to advise deferring business on Sunday and during …


(442 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[German Version] I. On Nov 17, 1816 Frederick William III of Prussia issued a cabinet order specifying that the last Sunday of the church year was to be set aside as a nationwide church feast in memory of the deceased (Memorials to the dead). This had been preceded, on Jul 4, 1816, by a “ceremony in memory of the soldiers who fell on the battlefield.” In addition to commemorating those who had lost their lives in the wars of liberation, the decision in favor of the new feast was influenced by mour…


(400 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[German Version] 1 As generally understood, holidays are characterized by the fact that they interrupt everyday (work) life and open up a space for self-determined activity or leisure beyond vocational and other duties. As a rule, they are implemented to mark special occasions or are celebrated in a regula…


(204 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[German Version] Probably under Eastern influence (longer Lent because of different fasting [III] practice), in the mid-6th century Lent (Quadragesima) came to be preceded in Rome by a season of Pre-Lent, with the Sundays of Septuagesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima (also called Estomihi). The development may also have been influenced Gallican practice and greater felt need for penitence in the face of invasions by the Goths and Lombards, with supplicatory processions to the churches of the Roma…

All Saints' Day

(104 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[German Version] unified feast for all saints of a specific region, originally grew out of the need to incorporate the remembrance of the martyrs in the annual Easter celebration. The custom of associating the remembrance of the saints with the beginning of the Celtic year on Nov 1 spread from Ireland in the 8th/9th centuries. Promoted by Gregory IV (828–844) and Louis I, the Pious (814–840), this date finally prevailed in the West and is often also adopted in the festival canon of Reformed church orders. Karl-Heinrich Bieritz Bibliography A. Adam, Das Kirchenjahr mitfeiern, 1979; ET: The Liturgical Year, 2005.

Feast Day Calendar

(458 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[German Version] The Christian calendar of feast days can be understood as a series of overlapping cycles of time. A first cycle consists of the Sundays recurring in the rhythm of the seven-day week. They provide the foundation stones for the Christian feast day calendar and determine its basic form. The second cycle begins with Easter, the oldest Christian annual feast (Feasts and festivals). Like the Passover (Pesach; Feasts and festivals) feast it is linked to the lunar cycle and today stretche…

Sacred Times

(1,513 words)

Author(s): Baudy, Dorothea | Metzger, Marcel | Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[German Version] I. Religious Studies Sacred times are ritually observed periods of time of varying duration that serve to modulate life within a community through reference to an exceptional shared experience. Someone who prays at an appointed hour knows that he or she is united with like-minded others even when alone. When people live close to nature, the necessary cooperation requires adaptation to the environment’s seasonal changes. There the ritual organization of temporal caesuras addresses bot…

Liturgical Studies

(4,045 words)

Author(s): Meyer-Blanck, Michael | Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich
[German Version] I. History – II. Liturgical Studies Today…


(12,466 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich | Roloff, Jürgen | Schnurr, Günther | Wainwright, Geoffrey
Overview The Eucharist (or Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper) has had from the very beginning a place of special importance in the life of Christianity. The eating and drinking of bread and wine in obedience to the command of Jesus at his Last Supper…

Liturgical Books

(2,777 words)

Author(s): Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich | Lathrop, Gordon W. | Marshall, Paul V.
1. Development and Types 1.1. The Bible is the oldest and most basic liturgical book for Christian worship. With the OT the first churches took over from the synagogue the liturgical reading of Scripture, a practice that is inseparably linked to the formation of the NT canon. Just as the Hebrew Scriptures and then the Greek translation of those Scriptures were the primary books to be read in the assembly, so the churches began to assemble lists of books and collections of books, later included in the f…
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