
Your search for 'dc_creator:( "Christophersen, Alf" ) OR dc_contributor:( "Christophersen, Alf" )' returned 80 results. Modify search

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(754 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
Mit R. bezeichnet man seit dem letzten Drittel des 19. Jh.s das Ziel relig.-polit. Anstrengungen, dem Rückgang des gelebten und des öffentlich präsenten Christentums, d. h. der Säkularisierung und Dechristianisierung Europas und Nordamerikas, sowie auch der Religionskritik zu begegnen [1]; [3]. Allerdings war die relig. Entwicklung schon bald nach der Reformation von religiösen Reformbewegungen geprägt, denen die kirchenkritische Diagnose zugrunde lag, dass das Christentum weithin nur als Namenschristentum oder rechte Lehre exi…
Date: 2019-11-19


(604 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
Der Begriff M. (von lat. modo, »soeben«, »jetzt«; vgl. Moderne) weist eine enorme Bedeutungsbreite und eine spezifische histor. Tiefendimension auf. Seit Mitte des 19. Jh.s steht er für Positionen in Literatur, Kunst, Musik und Architektur, doch dominiert der kirchliche Kontext seiner Verwendung.In Fortführung der schon antiken Opposition des »Alten« gegen das (wirklich oder vermeintlich) »Neue« begann sich seit dem frühen MA die Prägung modernus als Kennzeichnung einer Gegenwart durchzusetzen, die dem Vergangenen überlegen sein will (vgl. Moderne). Seit dem 10. Jh. bi…
Date: 2019-11-19


(1,878 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
1. BegriffeDer Begriff T. (von lat. transcendere, »überschreiten«; »hinüberschreiten«) ist stets mit dem Gegenbegriff I. verbunden (von lat. immanere, »darinbleiben«, zuerst als mlat. immanentia belegt). T. bezeichnet das Hinausgehen über eine Grenze, I. das Gegenteil – zwei anthropologische Konstanten. Der Mensch vermag sich selbst und seine Umwelt intentional zu transzendieren, ebenso wie er bei sich und in seiner Welt bleiben wollen kann. T. ist ein Ausdruck für die wie auch immer begründete Annahme, dass etwas über den Me…
Date: 2019-11-19


(766 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
Der Versuch, Massenerscheinungen zahlenmäßig, d. h. statistisch, zu erfassen, lässt sich in den Hochkulturen bis in das 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. zurückverfolgen. In der Nz. entwickelte sich die Statistik auf verschiedenen Gebieten (z. B. im 17. Jh. die Universitätsstatistik, dann die politische Arithmetik). Grundlegend war das Bemühen, gesetzmäßige Strukturen zu erfassen – ein Anliegen, das im theologischen Bereich, aufklärerischem Duktus folgend, in einen Gottesbeweis münden konnte [3].Bereits die ma. Verwaltungen kommunalen und kirchlichen Zuschnitts lief…
Date: 2019-11-19


(1,513 words)

Author(s): Walther, Gerrit | Christophersen, Alf
1. Allgemein 1.1. BegriffUnter S. (von lat. subiectum, »das Daruntergelegte«; als Terminus der klassischen Rhetorik: »das [einer Aussage] Zugrundeliegende«) versteht man seit dem Ende des 18. Jh.s eine philosophische Einstellung oder Haltung, die Welt und Wirklichkeit nicht als etwas objektiv Gegebenes ansieht, sondern als eine Vorstellung bzw. Schöpfung des sie wahrnehmenden Subjekts. Dieser Akzent auf der Wahrnehmung unterschied S. von Anfang an von ähnlichen Kategorien wie dem Charakter (als Wesensart und sittliche Beschaffenheit eines Subjekts; Tugend) oder der Indiv…
Date: 2019-11-19


(1,762 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
1. Begriff»B.« bildet, wie die eng verwandte »Bibelwissenschaft«, den Oberbegriff für die methodengeleitete, kritische Exegese (die Auslegung alt- und neutestamentlicher kanonisch-biblischer Texte sowie auch apokrypher und deuterokanonischer (i. e. dem nur in der Septuaginta überlieferten Kanon angehörender) Schriften. Im Rückgriff auf Prinzipien der antiken Philologie bildete sich in der Nz. ein festes historisch-kritisches Methodeninstrumentarium heraus (Textkritik; Historische Methode). Seine Auslegungsgrun…
Date: 2019-11-19

Ecclesiastical statistics

(864 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
Attempts to record mass phenomena in numbers, that is, statistically, go all the way back to the high cultures of the 3rd millennium BCE. In the modern period statistics developed in various areas (e.g. in university statistics in the 17th century, then political arithmetic). Basic to this were efforts to record legal structures - a concern which, under Enlightenment influence, was to lead in the theological field to proofs of the existence of God [3].The medieval administrations of a communal and ecclesiastical character provide comprehensive material for historic…
Date: 2019-10-14


(2,138 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
1. ConceptsThe term “transcendence” (from the Latin  transcendere, “to surmount”; “to rise above”) is invariably associated with its antithesis, immanence (from the Latin  immanere, “to dwell [with]in,” first attested as Middle Latin immanentia). Transcendence means the escaping beyond a boundary, and immanence the opposite. These are thus two anthropological constants. Individuals are capable of intentionally transcending themselves and their environment, and equally of remaining within themselves and their world. Transcend…
Date: 2022-11-07


(1,567 words)

Author(s): Walther, Gerrit | Christophersen, Alf
1. Overview 1.1. ConceptSince the late 18th century, the term  subjectivity (from Latin subiectum, “something placed underneath”; as a term of classical rhetoric: “basis [of a statement]”) has been understood as a philosophical mindset or attitude that views the world and reality not as something objectively given but as an idea or a creation of the subject perceiving it. From the outset, this emphasis on perception distinguished subjectivity from similar categories like character (the nature and moral qual…
Date: 2022-08-17

Modernism (church)

(671 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
The term “modernism” (from the Latin  modo, “just now”, “presently”) covers a wide spectrum of meaning and a specific historical dimension of depth. It has denoted positions in literature, art, and architecture since the mid-19th century, but its dominant use has been in ecclesiastical contexts.Continuing the opposition of the “old” and the (truly or purportedly) “new” that began in antiquity, the neologism modernus began in the early Middle Ages to be used to refer to a present aspiring to be superior to the past (cf. Late modern period). From the 10th ce…
Date: 2020-04-06

Biblical criticism

(2,095 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
1. Concept “Biblical criticism”, like the related “biblical scholarship,” is the umbrella term for method-led critical exegesis, the interpretation of Old and New Testament canonical biblical texts as well as apocryphal and deuterocanonical writings (i.e. the canon transmitted only in the Septuagint). Using principles of ancient philology, a solid historical-critical set of methodological tools formed from this in the modern period (Textual criticism; Historical method). Its interpretative premise…
Date: 2019-10-14


(792 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
The term rechristianization denotes the goal of religio-political efforts beginning in the last third of the 19th century to counter the decline of lived and publicly present Christianity – that is, secularization and dechristianization of Europe and North America, together with criticism of religion (Religion, critique of) [1]; [3]. This religious development, however, was already shaped by religious reform movements beginning soon after the Reformation – which were based on the critical diagnosis that Christianity existed largely as …
Date: 2021-03-15

Schuler, Alfred

(183 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
[German Version] (Nov 22, 1865, Mainz – Apr 8, 1923, Munich), studied law, history, and archaeology in Munich, without completing a degree or any later professional activity. From 1897 to 1904, he and Karl Wolfkehl, L. Klages, and S. George (whose “cult of Maximin” he influenced) formed the core of the Kosmiker (“Cosmics”) in Schwabing. At the heart of his anti-Semitic elitist ideology, which combined the most diverse elements – from apocalypticism and light mysticism to J.J. Bachofen and F. Nietzsche – was a Neo-Pagan attempt at repristination …

Schweizer, Alexander

(191 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
[German Version] (Mar 14, 1808, Murten – Jul 3, 1888, Zürich). Following his examinations and ordination, Schweizer did an additional year of study in Berlin. Deeply impressed by F.D.E. Schleiermacher, Schweizer became one of his few students to carry on his work productively. He was appointed associate professor of practical theology in Zürich in 1835 and was promoted to full professor in 1840; after 1844 he also served as pastor of the Großmünster. From a consistent Reformed perspective, he advo…

Schubert, Gotthilf Heinrich von

(281 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
[German Version] (Apr 26, 1780, Hohenstein – Jun 20, 1860, Munich). After gymnasial studies in Weimar, where he was strongly influenced by J.G. Herder, and study of theology at Leipzig, Schubert changed his field and went to Jena, where he received his in 1803; he then began to practice in Altenburg. In 1805 he began studies at the mining academy in Freiberg. In 1809 he was appointed director of the technical college in Nuremberg, having delivered public lectures to great acclaim (along wi…

Olshausen, Hermann

(190 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
[German Version] (Aug 21, 1796, Oldesloe – Sep 4, 1839, Erlangen), Protestant theologian. From 1814 Olshausen studied in Kiel, then in 1816 in Berlin, where he became a tutor in 1818 and lecturer in 1820. He was influenced by F.D.E. Schleiermacher, and then especially by A. Neander. He became an associate professor in Königsberg in 1821, and in 1827 a full professor of New Testament studies. His Pietist devotion (Pietism) led him to become a member of the circle of Johann Wilhelm Ebel and Heinrich…

Nitzsch, Karl Immanuel

(340 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
[German Version] (Sep 21, 1787, Borna – Aug 21, 1868, Berlin). After studying at Wittenberg, he served as a pastor beginning in 1811; in addition to his pastoral duties, in 1817 he was appointed professor at the seminary in Wittenberg. From 1820 to 1822, he served as provost and superintendent in Kemberg. He received his Dr.theol. h.c. from Berlin in 1817. From 1822 to 1847, he taught at Bonn as professor of systematic and practical theology; he was also university preacher, and quickly became an influential figure within the faculty and in the church. His major work on systematics was his Syst…

Oettingen, Alexander Konstantin von

(155 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
[German Version] (Dec 12, 1827, Wissust, Livonia – Aug 20, 1906, Dorpat), Protestant theologian; 1856–1890 full professor of sys-¶ tematic theology in Dorpat. In addition to numerous shorter occasional writings ( Ueber akuten und chronischen Selbstmord, 1881) and a traditionally oriented outline of dogmatics ( Lutherische Dogmatik, 3 vols., 1897–1902), it is Oettingen’s lasting merit to have coined the term social ethics in his work Die Moralstatistik und die christliche Sittenlehre. Versuch einer Socialethik auf empirischer Grundlage (2 vols., 1868, 1873; 3rd ed. 1882 …

Schafft, Hermann

(204 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf
[German Version] (Dec 2, 1883, Langenstein, near Halberstadt – Jun 2, 1959, Kassel). Beginning in 1903, Schafft studied theology in Halle, Berlin, and Tübingen; after 1907 he took on various church functions and pastoral ministries, with an emphasis on social service. He was P. Tillich’s closest friend and supported Tillich’s concept of a religious socialism (Religious socialists) based on the elements of autonomy, heteronomy, and theonomy. He was a leading advocate of the Neuwerk movement; the focus of his journalistic work was the periodical Neuwerk, which he edited after 193…


(498 words)

Author(s): Christophersen, Alf | Steck, Friedemann
[German Version] 1. Johann Christian Friedrich (Oct 25 1779, Esslingen – Oct 24, 1837, Tübingen). In 1797 he began study of theology, philosophy, and Near Eastern languages in Tübingen. He also studied at Paris in 1808. In 1810 he was appointed deacon in Cannstatt and in 1812 in Tübingen, where he was appointed professor of biblical theology in 1815. In 1816 he was made senior of the faculty and superintendent of the Tübingen Stift, fighting for its continued existence. He lectured on the Old Testamen…
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