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(1,076 words)
[German Version] I. History of Religion – II. Philosophy of Religion – III. Dogmatics
I. History of Religion Lat.
emanatio, “outflow,” translation of Gk ἀπορροή/ἀπόρροια (
apórrhoḗ/apórrhoia), a keyword and figure of thought in the doctrinal structure of Gnosis/Gnosticism (in Irenaeus's Lat. trans.
emissio: Haer. II 13.1–14.1 etc.). ¶ Probably inspired by Platonic thought, in the 3rd to 1st century bce Wis 7:25 calls wisdom an “emanation of the glory of the Almighty.” The image of the water that flows out of a spring …
Religion Past and Present
One, The
(1,680 words)
[German Version]
I.The One (εἷς, μία, ἕν/
heís, mía, hén; μονάς, ἑνάς, μόνωσις, ἑνότης/
monás, henás, mónōsis, henótēs, “unity”) is a term adopted by Plato and his successors to refer to what they also called “the Good,” and by later theologians to refer to God. Plato was taken to have shown in his dialogues such as
De re publica and
Parmenides that nothing can be said of that One without contradiction: it is not to be conceived as something that can be perceived or known as a reality distinct from anyone’s perception or knowledge of it, nor does it
exist, even as a unique example of an imagi…
Religion Past and Present